List of World War II aces from the United States
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This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from United States. For other countries see List of World War II aces by country
- Robert Wilson Abernathy (USAAF)
- Fred F. Ackerman
- Burnell W. Adams
- Charles E. Adams Jr.
- Fletcher E. Adams
- Robert H. Adams
- John M. Ainlay
- Donald Nathan Aldrich
- Richard L. Alexander
- John R. Alison[1]
- Calvin D. Allen Jr.
- David W. Allen
- William H. Allen
- Stuart C. Alley Jr.
- Ernest J. Ambort
- Robert H. Ammon
- Dudley Moore Amoss
- Benjamin C. Amsden
- Alexander L. Anderson
- Charles F. Anderson Jr.
- "Bud" Clarence E. Anderson
- Leslie E. Andersen
- Richard H. Anderson
- Robert H. Anderson
- William Y. Anderson
- Wyman D. Anderson
- Stephen W. Andrew
- Stanley O. Andrews
- Lester L. Arasmith
- Lee Archer
- David Barnes Archibald
- William E. Aron
- Robert W. Aschenbrener
- Abner M. Aust Jr.
- Eugene D. Axtell
- George C. Axtell
- Donald Arthur Baccus
- Jack Albrecht Bade
- Oscar Clark Bailey
- Robert Baird
- Douglas Baker
- Duane S. Baker (Maj.)[citation needed]
- Ellis Crain Jr. Baker
- Robert Morris Baker
- Fred Edward Bakutis
- Donald Luther Balch
- Frank Bernard Baldwin
- Henry William Balsinger
- Raymond Matt Bank
- Ernest Edward Bankey Jr.
- John Lawrence Banks
- William Mcgowan Banks
- Bruce Mcdonald Barackman
- Rex Theodore Barber
- Frederic Abshire Bardshar
- James Doyle Bare
- Robert Merrill Barkey
- Lloyd Glynn Barnard
- James Malcolm Barnes
- Truman Sheldon Barnes
- John Wilson Bartol
- Robert Lee Baseler
- Hugh Nash Batten
- Harold William Bauer
- Aaron Lendon Bearden
- Paul Hector Norman Beaudry
- Edward H. Jr. Beavers
- Paul Sarachon Bechtel
- Robert Herbert Becker
- Walter Carl Beckham
- Marshall Ulrich Beebe[2]
- Donald Merrill Beerbower
- Duane Willard Beeson
- Louis Benne
- Joseph Houston Bennett
- Walter Gottlieb Jr. Benz
- Jack Stanley Berkheimer
- Norman Rahn Berree
- Richard Lauren Bertelson
- William Rockafeller Beyer[3]
- Carl Gordon Bickel
- Edward F. Bickford
- Hipolitus Thomas Biel
- Henry Smythe Bille
- Walter D. Bishop
- John Thomas Blackburn, USN 11.0 kills
- Samuel Vernon Blair
- William Knox Blair
- Donald James Mathew Blakeslee
- Richard Buckner Blaydes
- Wayne K. Blickenstaff
- Laurence Elroy Blumer
- Robert Leslie Blyth
- Donald Harlow Bochkay
- Hampton Edward Boggs
- Alfred George Bolduc
- John Franklin Jr. Bolt
- John Wesley Bolyard
- Richard Ira Bong
- William Jerome Bonneau
- Stephen Jacob Jr. Bonner
- Robert John Booth
- Clarence Alvin Borley
- Ernest Olas Bostrom
- George Eugene Bostwick
- William Paul Boulet
- Gregory "Pappy" Boyington
- Gerald Francis Boyle
- Jack Tarlton Bradley
- John Lewis Bradley
- Arthur James Brassfield
- Richard Lane Braun
- Charles Walter Brewer
- Michael Brezas
- Johnie James Bridges
- John Gilpin Bright
- Mark Kenneth Bright
- Joseph Elmore Broadhead
- Samuel Joseph Jr. Brocato
- James Lynn Brooks
- Carl Allen Jr. Brown
- Gerald A. Brown
- Harley Lee Brown
- Harry Winston Brown
- Henry William Brown[4]
- Meade Marsh Brown
- Quince Lucien Brown
- Robert Harold Brown
- Samuel Jesse Brown
- William Perry Jr. Brown
- James William Browning
- Lowell Kermit Brueland
- Carland Edward Brunmier
- William Elmer Jr. Bryan
- Donald Septimus Bryan (USAAF, 13.3 kills credited)[5]
- James Arthur Bryce
- Robert Lester Buchanan
- George Thad Jr. Buck
- Paul Douglas Buie
- William Eugene Burckhalter
- Clinton Dewitt Burdick
- Franklin Norfolk Burley
- Robert Lee Iii Burnett
- Roy Otis Jr. Burnett
- Howard Mcclain Burriss
- Francis Xavier Bushner
- Robert Lee Buttke
- Robert Joseph Byrne
- Matthew Sylvester Jr. Byrnes
- Robert C. Byrnes
- James B. Cain
- Raymond H. Callaway
- John A. Campbell
- Richard A. Campbell
- Richard G. Candelaria
- John B. Carder
- Raymond C. Care
- Henn A. Carey Jr.
- Marion Eugene Carl[6]
- Kendall E. Carlson
- William A. Carlton
- Daniel A. Carmichael
- George Carpenter
- Bruce W. Carr
- George R. Carr
- Charles H. Carroll
- Walter J. Carroll
- Leonard Kyle Carson
- James R. Carter
- William Northrop Case
- Nial K. Castle
- Dean Caswell
- Charles J. Cesky
- George F. Ceuleers
- Henry K. Champion
- Frederic F. Champlin
- Creighton Chandler
- George T. Chandler
- Van E. Chandler
- Philip G. Chapman
- Levi Richard Chase
- Leonard J. Check
- Oscar I. Chenoweth
- Lewis W. Chick Jr.
- Arthur Chin
- Frederick Joseph Christensen
- James Averell Clark
- Lawrence A. Clark
- Robert A. Clark Jr.
- Walter E. Clark Jr.
- Arthur B. Cleaveland[7]
- Donald C. Clements
- Robert E. Clements
- Dallas A. Clinger Jr.
- Vivian A. Cloud
- Robert C. Coats Jr.[2]
- Paul R. Cochran
- Oscar H. Coen
- Robert L. Coffey
- Thaddeus T. Coleman
- Wilson M. Coleman
- Frank J. Collins
- William M. Collins
- J.D. Collinsworth
- Philip E. Colman Jr.
- Gordon B. Compton
- Harold E. "Bunny" Comstock
- Arthur Roger Conant
- Edwin Stanley Conants
- Henry L. Ii Condon
- Jack E. Conger
- Paul A. Conger
- Thomas J. Conroy
- Philip J. Conserva Jr.
- Walter V. Cook
- Merle M. Coons
- William E. Copeland
- Paul Cordray
- Richard L. Cormier
- Leland B. Cornell
- Richard D. Cowger
- Ralph L. Cox
- Bryan D. Cozart
- Melvin Cozzens
- Edward "Porky" Cragg
- Clement M. Craig
- Daftell S. Cramer
- Niven K. Cranfill
- Ray Crawford
- Claude J. Crenshaw
- Harry C. Crim
- William Crombie[citation needed]
- Donald F. Cronin
- John T. Crosby
- William E. Crowe
- Arthur W. Cruikshank
- William J. Cullerton
- Donald M. Cummings
- Arthur C. Cundy
- Daniel G. Cunningham
- James N. Cupp
- Louis E. Curdes
- John Harvey Curry
- Robert C. Curtis
- Warren D. Curton
- Frank A. Cutler
- Edward J. Czarnecki
- Perry J. Dahl
- Kenneth H. Dahlberg
- Kenneth J. Dahms
- William C. Daley
- James B. Dalglish
- Fernley H. Damstrom
- William A. Daniel
- Jack S. Daniell
- Merl W. Davenport
- George H. Davidson
- C. E. Davies
- Barrie S. Davis
- Clayton E. Davis
- George A. Davis Jr.
- Glendon V. Davis
- Leonard K. Davis
- Ralph H. Davis
- Robert H. Davis
- George E. Dawkins Jr.
- William C. Day Jr.
- Gregory A. Daymond
- Richard S. Deakins
- Cecil O. Dean
- William A. Dean Jr.
- Zach W. Dean
- John W. Dear Jr.
- Jefferson J. DeBlanc
- Leslie Decew
- Edwin L. Degraffenreid
- Robert M. Dehaven
- George Della
- Philip Cunliffe De Long
- Anthony J. Denman
- Reuben H. Denoff
- Elliott E. Dent Jr.
- Richard O. Devine
- Lawrence A. Dewing
- Robert A. M. Dibb
- Frederick E. Dick
- Michael Dikovitsky
- Joseph V. Dillard
- William J. Dillard
- Eugene Dillow
- John Francis Dobbin
- George A. Doersch
- Archie Glenn Donahue
- I. B. Jack Donaldson
- Landis E. Doner
- Harry W. Dorris
- Jefferson D. Dorroh
- Frederick J. Dorsch Jr.
- Paul P. Douglas Jr.
- Cecil J. Doyle
- Charles W. Drake
- Irwin H. Dregne
- Urban L. Drew
- William C. Drier
- Daniel B. Driscoll
- Frank C. Drury
- Paul E. Drury
- Francis E. Dubisher
- Charles H. Dubois
- Alex S. Duerre
- James E. Duffy Jr.
- Richard E. Duffy
- Walter F. Duke
- John S. Dunaway
- George C. Duncan
- Glenn Emile Duncan
- Robert W. Duncan
- Fred L. Dungan
- William D. Dunham
- Richard W. Dunkin
- Bernard Dunn
- "Poppy" William Robert Dunn
- Parker Dupouy
- Dewey F. Durnford
- Glenn T. Eagleston
- Hoyt A. Eason
- Clyde B. East
- David B. Eastham
- Richard T. Eastmond
- Byron A. Eberts
- William G. Eccles
- Herbert Eckard
- Billy C. Edens
- Willard E. Eder[2]
- Selden R. Edner
- Edward B. Edwards Jr.
- William C. Edwards Jr.
- Joseph L. Egan Jr.
- John L. Eider
- Robert A. Elder
- Ralph E. Elliott
- Vincent T. Elliott
- Hugh McJ. Elwood
- Warren S. Emerson
- Wallace N. Emmer
- Benjamin H. Emmert Jr.
- Eugene H. Emmons
- James W. Empey
- James J. England
- John Brooks England
- Herman E. Ernst
- Andrew J. Evans
- Roy W. Evans
- Eric A. Evenson
- Lee R. Everhart
- Loran D. Everton
- John W. Fair
- "Foob" David Charles Fairbanks[8]
- Grover E. Fanning
- Charles D. Farmer
- Robert A. Farnsworth
- William Farrell
- Robert P. Fash
- Richard D. Faxon
- Alfred J. Fecke
- Edward L. Feightner
- Sylvan Feld
- Marion C. Felts
- James E. Fenex Jr.
- Ernest C. Fiebelkorn
- Arthur C. Fiedler Jr.
- William F. Fiedler Jr.
- Virgil C. Fields Jr.
- Howard J. Finn
- Charles R. Fischette
- Don Horns Fisher
- Edwin O. Fisher
- Rodney W. Fisher
- Harry E. Fisk
- Jack A. Fisk
- Nelson D. Flack Jr.
- James H. Flatley
- Richard H. Fleischer
- Francis M. Fleming
- Patrick Dawson Fleming
- Kenneth A. Flinn
- Frank E. Foltz
- Ralph E. Foltz
- Paul John Fontana
- Kenneth M. Ford
- George Formanek Jr.
- Samuel W. Forrer
- Joseph M. Forster
- Norman J. Bud Fortier
- Joseph J. Foss[9]
- Carl C. Foster
- William B. Foulis Jr.
- James M. Fowle
- Richard E. Fowler Jr.
- Robert William Foy
- Ben G. Franger
- Marvin J. Franger
- Dwaine R. Franklin
- John M. Franks
- Carl M. Frantz
- Robert B. Fraser
- Kenneth D. Frazier
- Doris C. Freeman
- James B. French
- Alfred L. Frendberg
- Alfred C. Froning
- Earl R. Fryer
- Harold N. Funk
- "Gabby" Francis Stanley Gabreski[10]
- Franklin T. Gabriel
- Frank L. Gailer Jr.
- Robert E. Galer
- Charles S. Gallup
- Kenneth W. Gallup
- Dwight B. Galt
- John R. Galvin
- Warner F. Gardner
- William A. Gardner
- Vermont Garrison
- Frank L. Gaunt
- Noel Gayler
- "Don" Dominic Salvatore Gentile
- Francis R. Gerard
- Steven Gerick
- Grover D. Gholson
- Robert D. Gibb
- Clement D. Gile
- Roy F. Gillespie
- Edward Lester Gimbel
- William K. Giroux
- Cyrus R. Gladen
- Michael Gladych
- George W. Gleason
- Maxwell H. Glenn
- Fred W. Glover
- John Trevor Godfrey[11]
- Lindley W. Godson
- Robert J. Goebel
- Walter J. Goehausen Jr.
- Robert E. Goodnight
- James A. Goodson[12]
- Donald "Flash" Gordon
- Edmund R. Goss
- Norman D. Gould
- Gordon M. Graham
- Lindol F. Graham
- Robert F. Graham
- Vernon E. Graham
- Marvin E. Grant
- James S. Gray
- John Floyd Gray
- Rockford V. Gray
- "Herky" Herschel Harper Green
- Lee O. Gregg
- Hayden A. Gregory
- Billy M. Gresham
- Walter V. Gresham
- Joseph Henry Griffin
- Richard J. Griffin
- James W. Griffis
- Robert C. Griffith
- Clayton K. Gross
- LeRoy V. Grosshuesch
- William Grosvenor Grosvenor Jr.
- Charles F. Gumm
- Cheatham W. Gupton
- Harlan I. Gustafson
- Fred E. Gutt
- Walter A. Haas
- Roger A. Haberman
- Albert C. Hacking Jr.
- Mayo A. Hadden Jr.
- James P. Hagerstrom
- George F. Hall
- Sheldon O. Hall
- William T. Halton
- Louis R. Hamblin
- Henry B. Hamilton
- Robert M. Hamilton
- Samuel E. Hammer
- John F. Hampshire
- William F. Hanes Jr.
- Eugene R. Hanks
- Harry T. Hanna
- Chris J. Hanseman
- Herman Hansen Jr.
- Robert "Bob" Murray Hanson
- Willis E. Hardy
- Everett C. Hargreaves
- Walter R. Harman
- Raymond F. Harmeyer
- A. A. Harrington
- Bill Harris
- Cecil E. Harris
- Ernest A. Harris
- Frederick A. Harris
- Leroy E. Harris
- Thomas L. Harris
- Thomas S. Harris
- Cameron M. Hart
- Kenneth F. Hart
- Raymond E. Hartley Jr.
- Paul R. Hatala
- Herbert B. Hatch
- Charles D. Hauver
- Charles H. Haverland Jr.
- Fred R. Haviland Jr.
- Arthur R. Hawkins
- Russell C. Haworth
- Frank R. Hayde
- Thomas L. Hayes Jr.
- Thomas C. Haywood
- Cotesworth B. Head Jr.
- Frank C. Hearrell
- Frank C. Heath
- Robert Hedman
- Roger R. Hedrick, USN 12.0 kills
- Lloyd P. Heinzen
- Edwin L. Heller
- Paul M. Henderson Jr.
- Randall W. Hendricks
- William J. Hennon
- William E. Henry
- John C. "Pappy" Herbst
- Edwin James Hernan Jr.
- Samuel B. Hibbard
- Allen E. Hill
- "Tex" David Lee Hill (USAAF)
- Frank A. Hill
- Harry E. Hill
- James E. Hill
- Donald E. Hillman
- Hollis Harry Hills
- Kenneth G. Hippe
- Edwin W. Hiro
- Howard D. Hively
- Myron M. Hnatio
- John B. Hoag
- John J. Hockery
- William R. Hodges
- John H. Hoefker
- Ronald W. Hoel
- Ralph Kidd Hofer
- Cullen J. Hoffman
- James E. Hoffman Jr.
- Roy B. Hogg
- Bruce K. Holloway[13]
- James D. Holloway
- George L. Hollowell
- Besby F. Holmes
- Cyril F. Homer
- William L. Hood
- Wallace E. Hopkins
- Francis W. Horne
- William J. Hovde
- James H. Howard
- Robert L. Howard
- Roy W. Howard
- David W. Howe
- Bernard H. Howes
- David M. Howler
- Edward R. Hoyt
- Mark E. Hubbard
- Howard R. Hudson
- Charles W. Huffman
- Robert J. Humphrey
- John C. Hundley
- Alvaro J. Hunter
- George L. Hollowell
- Herbert N. Houck
- Edward E. Hunt
- Richard F. Hurd
- Frank D. Hurlbut
- Robert Hurst
- Joe W. Icard
- Jack M. Ilfrey
- James C. Ince
- Michael J. Ingelido
- Julius W. Ireland
- Clayton M. Isaacson
- James Jabara
- Michael Joseph Jackson
- Willie Otto Jackson Jr.
- Gilbert L.Jamison
- Bruce Donald Jaques
- Clarence Murl Jasper
- Arthur Ferdinand Jeffrey
- Otto DeVilbis Jenkins
- Robert H. Jennings Jr.[2]
- Alvin Julius Jensen
- Hayden Martin Jensen
- Verl Erwin Jett
- Arthur George Johnson Jr.
- Byron Milton Johnson
- Clarence Oscar Johnson
- Evan Malbone Johnson 5th
- Gerald Richard Johnson 22-set shooting down
- Gerald Walter Johnson POW 27/Mar/1944
- James Kenneth Johnson
- Robert Samuel Johnson[14]
- Wallace Robert Johnson
- John Mitchell Johnston
- Robert Donald Johnston
- Charles David Jones
- Curran Littleton Jones
- Cyril William Jones Jr.
- Frank Cazenove Jones
- James Murell Jones
- John Lewis Jones
- Lynn Frank Jones
- Ripley Ogden Jones
- Warren Leslie Jones
- Wallace Robert Jordan
- Alwin Max Jucheim
- William H.Julian
- Tom S. Kalaj
- William R. Kane
- Dale E. Karger
- Robert A. Karr
- Neel E. Kearby
- Robert J. Keen
- LeRoy W. Keith
- William T. Kemp
- Charles Kendrick
- Daniel Kennedy
- Ira C. Kepford, USN 16.0 kills[15]
- Leslie H. Kerr Jr.
- Robert Riffle Kidwell
- Donald David Kienholz
- John R. Kincaid
- Robert Alexander Kincaid
- Benjamin H. King
- Charles W. King
- David L. King
- William B. King
- William J. Kingston Jr.
- Claiborne H. Kinnard Jr.
- Claude R. Kinsey
- Marion F. Kirby
- George N. Kirk
- Lenton F. Kirkland Jr.
- Floyd C. Kirkpatrick
- Phillip L. Kirkwood
- John A. Kirla
- George E. Kiser
- Frank W. Klibbe
- Robert H. Knapp
- William M. Knight
- Carroll S. Knott
- Charles W. Koenig
- Edward H. Kopsel
- Walter J. Koraleski Jr.
- William A. Kostick
- William J. Kostick
- Joseph J. Kruzel
- Henry B. Kucheman Jr.
- Ward A. Kuentzel
- Charles Murphy Kunz
- Kenneth G. Ladd
- Dean S. Laird
- Wayne W. Laird
- Kenneth B. Lake
- George M. Lamb
- Robert A. Lamb
- William E. Lamb
- William E. Lamoreaux
- Richard C. Lampe
- John D. Landers[16]
- John H. Lane
- Willis G. Laney
- Joseph L. Lang
- Ned W. Langdon
- Thomas G. Lanphier
- Donald A. Larson
- Leland A. Larson
- Charles W. Lasko
- Franklin C. Lathrope
- C.H. Laughlin
- Frank Lawler
- John B. Lawler
- Earl R. Lazear Jr.
- Michael J. Leahy
- Richard J. Lee
- Marlow J. Leikness
- Bryan A. Lemus
- Charles W. Lenfest
- Jack Lenox Jr.
- Francis J. Lent
- William N. Leonard
- John A. Leppla
- Alfred Lerch
- Joseph J. Lesicka
- William L. Leverette
- Bryan E. Lewis
- Warren R. Lewis
- William H. Lewis
- Lawrence P. Liebers
- Robert L. Liles
- Hugh D. Lillie
- Elvin L. Lindsay
- Ted E. Lines
- Raymond H. Littge
- James W. Little
- Robert Laing Little
- Gregory. K. Loesch
- John S. Loisel
- John D. Lombard
- Charles P. London
- Herbert H. Long
- Maurice G. Long
- Donald S. Lopez
- Clifford Louie
- George G. Loving Jr.
- John H. Lowell
- Wayne L. Lowry
- Marvin W. Lubner
- Paul W. Lucas
- Carl J. Luksic
- John Forrest Luma
- Walter A. Lundin
- William M. Lundin
- Stanley J. Lustic
- Lowell C. Lutton
- Joseph P. Lynch
- John Joseph Lynch
- Thomas Joseph Lynch
- John B. Maas Jr.
- L.A. Maberry
- "Mac" Charles Henry MacDonald[17]
- John A. MacKay
- Christopher Lyman Magee
- Morton D. Magoffin
- William J. Maguire
- Jackson Barrett Mahon
- Keith Mahon
- Grant M. Mahoney
- Walker Melville "Bud" Mahurin
- Charles M. Mallory
- Thomas E. Maloney
- Jack Cyril Mankin
- Lee Paul Mankin jr.
- Thomas H. Mann Jr.
- Armand G. Manson
- Harry A. March Jr.
- Gene E. Markham
- William P. Marontate
- Lester C. Marsh
- Bert W. Marshall Jr.
- Albert E. Martin Jr.
- Kenneth R. Martin
- Joe L. Mason
- William J. Masoner Jr.
- William H. Mathis
- Marvel Mathre
- Milden E. Mathre
- Joseph Z. Matte
- Chester K. Maxwell
- "Dick" Lowell F. Maxwell Jr.
- W. Robert Maxwell
- Earl May
- Richard Hobbs May
- Ben I. Mayo Jr.
- Michele A. Mazzocco
- Paul G. McArthur
- T.H. McArthur
- "Dave" David S. McCampbell[18]
- H. Allen McCartney Jr.
- Frank E. McCauley
- Thomas G. McClelland
- Robert W. McClurg
- Carroll W. McColpin
- Ed O. McComas
- Charles M. McCorkle
- William A. McCormick Jr.
- Leo B. McCuddin
- Elbert S. McCuskey
- Gordon H. McDaniel
- Norman L. McDonald
- R. "Red" McDonald
- William F. McDonough
- Donald McDowell
- James N. McElroy
- William D. McGarry
- Donald Charles McGee
- John L. McGinn
- Selva E. McGinty
- Edward C. McGowan
- Bernard L. McGrattan
- "Tom" Thomas Buchanan McGuire Jr.
- John W. McGuyrt
- Pierce W. McKennon
- Joseph T. McKeon
- Donald J. McKinley
- William W. McLachlin
- Murry D. McLaughlin
- John McManus
- George B. McMillan
- Evan D. McMinn
- Donald M. McPherson
- Hamilton McWhorter III
- Nicholas Megura
- Roger W. Mehle
- Henry H. Meigs
- Louis A. Menard
- Adolph Mencin
- Virgil K. Meroney
- George L. Merritt Jr.
- Donald W. Meuten
- John Charles Meyer[19]
- F. H. Michaelis
- Henry J. Miklajcyk
- Armour C. Miller
- Everett Miller
- Johnnie G. Miller
- Joseph E. Miller Jr.
- Thomas F. Miller
- Willard W. Millikan
- Robert C. Milliken
- Henry L. Mills
- Charles B. Milton
- Robert Mims
- Leslie D. Minchew
- Harris E. Mitchell (10)
- Henry E. Mitchell
- John W. Mitchell
- Sanford K. Moats
- Leland P. Molland
- Norman W. Mollard
- Arthur P. Mollenhauer
- William W. Momyer
- Franklin H. Monk
- John R. Montapert
- John T. Moore
- Robert W. Moore
- Glennon T. Moran
- Horace B. Moranville
- James B. Morehead
- John L. Morgan Jr.
- Stanley B. Morrill
- James M. Morris
- Paul V. Morriss
- Bert D. (Wayne) Morris Jr.
- Mark L. Moseley
- William C. Moseley
- Robert C. Moss
- James D. Mugavero
- Gordon J. Muir
- Douglas W. Mulcahy
- Robert F. Mulhollen
- Paul A. Mullen
- Arthur H. Munson
- Paul C. Murphey Jr.
- Alva C. Murphy
- John B. Murphy
- Robert E. Murray
- Jennings L. Myers
- Raymond B. Myers
- Joseph L. Narr
- Robert Hawthorne "Bob" Neale
- H.A. Nelson
- Robert J. Nelson
- Robert K. Nelson
- John V. Newkirk
- Franklin A. Nichols
- Myrvin E. Noble
- Edward M. Nollmeyer
- Cornelius Nicholas Nooy
- Louis H. "Red Dog" Norley
- Marvin R. Novak
- George P. Novotny
- Gilbert M. O'Brien
- William R. O'Brien
- Frank Q. O'Connor
- Edward Henry "Butch" O'Hare
- Jeremiah J. O'Keefe
- Paul O'Mara Jr.
- Danny O'Neill
- Eugene W. O'Neill
- John G. O'Neill
- Lawrence F. O'Neill
- Jack J. Oberhansly
- Harvey Odenbrett
- Fred F. Ohr
- Edwin L. Olander
- Charles Herman "Chuck" Older
- Robin Olds
- Austin LeRoy Olsen
- Norman E. Olson
- Paul E. Olson Jr.
- John Orth
- Ernest K. Osher
- Charles H. Ostrom
- Edward C. Outlaw
- Robert J. Overcash
- Edmund F. Overend
- Lloyd J. Overfield
- Edward W. Overton Jr.
- Donald C. Owen
- Edward M. Owen
- Joel A. Owens
- Robert G. Owens, Jr.
- Melvyn R. Paisley
- Forrest F. Parham
- Joel B. Paris III
- Harry A. Parker
- Elbert W. Parrish
- James J. Pascoe
- Joseph J. Paskoski
- Edsel Paulk
- Carl W. Payne
- Frederick R. Payne
- James L. Pearce
- James Eldridge Peck
- Gilbert Percy
- Oscar F. Perdomo
- John E. Petach
- Chesley Gordon Peterson
- Richard A. Peterson
- David P. Philips
- Edward A. Phillips
- Hyde Phillips
- Jared M. Phillips
- Harvey P. Picken
- Francis E. Pierce Jr.
- Joseph F. Pierce
- Sammy A. Pierce
- John Pietz Jr.
- George W. Pigman Jr.
- Spiros N. Pisanos
- Jack Pittman Jr.
- Hiram Clifford Pitts
- Claude W. Plant
- James N. Poindexter
- Peter E. Pompetti
- Zenneth Arthur Pond
- Kenneth R. Pool
- Tilman E. Pool
- Albert J. Pope
- Edward S. Popek
- Philip B. Porter
- Robert Bruce Porter
- George H. Poske
- Nathan T. Post
- Ralston M. Pound Jr.
- Ernest A. Powell
- Joe H. Powers Jr.
- MacArthur Powers
- Luther D. Prater Jr.
- George Earl "Ratsy" Preddy Jr.
- Robert W. Prescott
- Frank H. Presley
- Jack C. Price
- Melvin M. Prichard
- Royce W. Priest
- Roger C. Pryor
- John Forrest Pugh
- John E. Purdy
- Norwald R. Quiel
- Donald L. Quigley
- Michael J. Quirk
- Valentine S. Rader
- Orvin H. Ramlo
- Robert J. Rankin
- C. B. Ray
- James V. Reber Jr.
- Arval J. Reberson
- Edward F. Rector
- Eugene D. Redmond
- William N. Reed
- William C. Reese
- Horace B. Reeves
- Leonard R. Reeves
- Francis R. Register
- Dan R. Rehm Jr.
- T. Hamil Reidy
- J. Hunter Reinburg
- Russell L. Reiserer
- Thomas J. Rennemo
- Joseph E. Reulet
- Glenn M. Revel
- Andrew J. Reynolds
- Robert Reynolds
- Thomas W. Rhodes
- Elmer W. Richardson
- Robert H. Riddle
- Vincent A. Rieger
- Alden P. Rigby
- James F. Rigg
- Elwyn G. Righetti
- Paul S. Riley
- Ben Rimerman
- Andrew J. Ritchey
- Joe D. Robbins
- Jay Thorpe Robbins[20]
- Daniel T. Roberts Jr.
- Eugene Paul Roberts
- Newell O. Roberts
- Leroy W. Robinson
- Ross F. Robinson
- Edward F. Roddy
- F. Michael Rogers
- Franklin Rose Jr.
- Ralph J. Rosen
- Herbert E. Ross
- Robert P. Ross
- Herman J. Rossi Jr.
- John R. Rossi
- Gerald L. Rounds
- Robert R. Rowland
- LeRoy A. Ruder
- Henry S. Rudolph
- John W. Ruhsam
- Donald E. Runyon
- Roy W. Rushing
- William A. Rynne
- Robert J. Sandell
- Philip Sangermano
- Donald H. Sapp
- John J. Sargent
- Jimmie E. Savage
- Charles W. Sawyer
- Hartell H. Scales
- "Vick" Hartwell Victor Jr. Scarborough
- Thomas D. Schank
- Gordon E. Schecter
- Wilbur R. Scheible
- J. L. Schell
- Frank Schiel
- William J. Schildt
- James E. Schiller[2]
- David Carl Schilling
- Glenn D. Schiltz Jr.
- Robert G. Schimanski
- Albert L. Schlegel
- LeRoy A. Schreiber
- Louis Schriber
- Duerr H. Schuh
- Robert Lee Scott
- Alexander F. Sears
- Maidrum L. Sears
- Albert Seckel Jr.
- Robert Byron See
- Harold E. Segal
- Robert K. Seidman
- Larry R. Self
- Robert W. Shackford
- Dale E. Shafer
- Courtney Shands
- Edward O. Shaw
- Robert M. Shaw
- Hugh V. Sherrill
- Charles A. Shields
- Ernest Shipman
- James A. Shirley
- Robert Bruce Shoals
- William A. Shomo
- Robert L. Shoup
- Murray Shubin Jr.
- Lucien B. Shuler
- Perry L. Shuman
- Wallace E. Sigler
- Sam L. Silber
- John M. Simmons
- William J. Simmons
- Arthur Singer Jr.
- Lester H. Sipes
- Frank Sistrunk
- Norman C. Skogstad
- Warren A. Skon
- Albert C. Slack
- William J. Sloan
- Armistead B. Smith Jr.
- Carroll C. Smith
- Carl Eugene Smith
- Clinton L. Smith
- Cornelius M. Smith Jr.
- Daniel F. Smith Jr.
- Donovan F. Smith
- Jack R. Smith
- John C. Smith
- John Malcolm Smith
- John Lucian Smith[21]
- Kenneth Darwin Smith
- Kenneth Guy Smith
- Leslie C. Smith
- Mervl M. Smith
- Nicholas J. Smith
- Paul A. Smith
- "Snuffy" Richard E. Smith
- Robert H. Smith
- Robert T. Smith
- Virgil H. Smith
- William N. Snider
- Irl V. Sonner Jr.
- James J. "Pug" Southerland
- Kenneth C. Sparks
- Harold L. Spears
- Dale F. Spencer
- Clyde P. Spitler
- Richard E. Stambook
- Paul M. Stanch
- William J. Stangel
- Gordon A. Stanley
- Morris A. Stanley
- Arland Stanton
- Walter E. Starck
- Carlton B. Starkes
- James R. Starnes
- Edgar E. Stebbins
- Robert W. Stephens
- Earl W. Stewart
- Everett W. Stewart
- James C. Stewart
- James S. Stewart
- John S. Stewart
- Charles R. Stimpson[22]
- John D. Stokes
- Carl Van Stone
- Robert J. Stone
- John A. Storch
- Robert F. Stout
- Donald J. Strait
- William H. Strand
- John R. Strane
- Johnnie C. Strange
- Frederick J. Streig
- Chris T. Streng II
- Harvey W. Sturdevant
- John L. Sublett
- Richard C. Suehr
- Charles P. Sullivan
- Elliott Summer
- Robert C. Sutcliffe
- John F. Sutherland
- James E. Swett, Medal of Honor[23]
- Harry W. Swinburne
- James S. Swope
- William J. Sykes
- John C.C. Symmes
- Stanley T. Synar
- Gilbert F. Talbot
- William F. Tanner
- James B. Tapp
- Kenneth M. Taylor
- Oliver B. Taylor
- Ralph G. Taylor Jr.
- Ray A. Taylor Jr.
- Will W. Taylor
- Francis Andell Terrill
- "Jimmy" John Smith Thach
- William Paul Thayer
- Robert H. Thelen
- Franklin C. Thomas Jr.
- Robert F. Thomas
- Wilbur Jackson Thomas
- Robert D. Thompson
- John F. Thornell Jr.
- Joseph L. Thury[24]
- David F. Thwaites
- Harrison R. Thyng
- Robert E. Tierney
- John A. Tilley
- Reade Franklin Tilley
- Edward W. Toaspern
- John W. Topfill
- Harrison B. "Bud" Tordoff
- Ross E. Torkelson
- Philip E. Tovrea Jr.
- Eugene P. Townsend
- F.W. Tracy
- Frederick O. Trafton Jr.
- Franklin W. Troup
- Eugene A. Trowbridge
- Clifton H. Troxell
- Myron M. Truax
- John H. Truluck
- Grant M. Turley
- Charles H. Turner
- Edward B. Turner
- Richard E. Turner
- William L. Turner
- Wendell V. Twelves
- Gerald E. Tyler
- James O. Tyler
- Donald E. Umphres
- Eugene Anthony Valencia[25]
- Herbert J. Valentine
- Rudolph Daniel Van Dyke
- Arthur Van Haren, Jr.
- George R. Vanden Heuval
- Peter J. Vander Linden
- James S. Varnell Jr.
- Harley C. Vaughn
- Robert H. Vaught
- Milton N. Vedder
- Stanley W. “Swede” Vejtasa
- Clinton D. Vincent
- Merriwell W. Vineyard
- Arnold E. Vinson
- Herman W. Visscher
- Harold E. Vita
- John E. Vogt
- John W. Vogt, Jr.
- John James Voll
- Roy M. Voris
- Albert O. Vorse, Jr.
- Alexander Vraciu[26]
- "Wildcat" Lance Cleo Wade
- Robert Wade
- Horace Q. Waggoner
- "Buzz" Boyd David Wagner
- Joe W. Waits
- Thomas H. Walker
- Walter B. Walker Jr.
- Kenneth Ambrose Walsh[27]
- Ralph H. Wandrey
- Lyttleton T. Ward
- Victor E. Warford
- Arthur T. Warner
- Jack R. Warren
- Edward T. Waters
- James A. Watkins
- Ralph J. Watson
- Charles E. Watts
- Oran S. Watts
- Sidney W. Weatherford
- Charles E. Weaver
- Claude Weaver III
- Wilbur B. Webb
- Willard J. Webb
- Gregory J. Weissenberger
- Darrell G. Welch
- George S. Welch
- Robert E. Welch
- Robert D. Welden
- Alhert P. Wells
- Edward G. Wendorf
- Arthur E. Wenige
- John M. Wesolowski
- Warren M. Wesson
- Richard L. West
- Robert G. West
- Robert Burdette Westbrook
- Raymond Shuey Wetmore
- William E. Whalen
- Elmer M. Wheadon
- "Whiz" William T. Whisner
- Henry S. White
- John H. White
- Robert H. White
- Thomas A. White
- Roy E. Whittaker
- Samuel J. Wicker
- David C. Wilhelm
- Paul H. Wilkins
- James W. Wilkinson
- Bruce W. Williams
- Gerard M. H. Williams
- James M. Williams
- Russel D. Williams
- Felix D. Williamson
- Robert C. Wilson
- William F. Wilson
- Murray Winfield
- Robert P. Winks
- Theodore Hugh Winters Jr.
- Calvin C. Wire
- Ralph L. Wire
- John L. Wirth
- Lee V. Wiseman
- Robert A. Winston
- Lynn E. Witt Jr.
- John T. Wolf
- Judge E. Wolfe
- John L. Wolford
- Walter A. Wood
- Sydney S. Woods
- Robert E. Woody
- Millard Wooley Jr.
- Robert C. Woolverton
- Malcolm T. Wordell
- George L. Wrenn
- Ellis Win. Wright Jr.
- Max J. Wright
Name | Rank | Branch | Kills |
Earling W. Zaeske | 5.5 | ||
Hubert "Hub" Zemke | Colonel | U.S. Army Air Force | 17.75 |
John A. Zink | 5 | ||
Daniel J. Zoerb | 7 | ||
Charles J. Zubarik | 6 |
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Further reading
- Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Alison's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the first chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ [1] US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command USAAF, 1943-45, pp. 32, 34, 118
- ↑ Brown's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the ninth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ [2] U.S.A.A.F. Resource Center
- ↑ Carl's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the first chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ [3] Silver Star recipient, 9th Air Force, ETO
- ↑ [4] Although a US citizen (born in Ithaca NY), he flew in the RCAF, where he was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1945.
- ↑ Foss' "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the third chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Gabreski's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the sixth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Godfrey's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the seventh chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Goodson's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the fourth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Holloway's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the third chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Johnson's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the eighth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Kepford's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the sixth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Landers' "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the second chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ MacDonald's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the tenth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ McCampbell's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the tenth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Meyer's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the eleventh chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Robbins' "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the fifth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II.
- ↑ Smith's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the second chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Stimpson's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the ninth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ The mission which garnered the Medal of Honor for Lt. Swett is chronicled in the fourth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Lt. Col. J.L. Thury was credited on USAAF rolls with destruction of 28 aircraft during his ETO tour of duty. However, most of those were destroyed on the ground; he is credited with 2.5 air kills. Details of this accounting, as well as a description of Thury's "most memorable mission", are contained in Edward H. Sims' 1958 book American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II
- ↑ Valencia's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the final chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Vraciu's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the seventh chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.
- ↑ Walsh's "most memorable mission" is chronicled in the fifth chapter of Edward H. Sims' 1962 book Greatest Fighter Missions of the Top Navy and Marine Aces of World War II.