List of World War II aces from the United Kingdom

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This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from the United Kingdom and the British Empire (Country names as per name at the time of World War II). For other countries see List of World War II aces by country


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Acworth, Richard Alvin 8 112, 80 DFC
Agazarian, Noel Le Chavalier "Aggy" 7 274, 609 KIA 16 May 1941
Aitken, Sir John William Maxwell "Max" 15 46, 68, 601 DSO, DFC Became a Conservative MP
Allan, John Watson "Ian" 14 256, 151, 29 DSO, DFC, AFC Retired in 1973 with rank of Air Commodore
Allard, Geoffrey "Sammy" 24 85, 87 DFC, DFM* KIA 13 March 1941
Allen, Hubert Raymond "Dizzy" 8 66 DFC
Allen, John Lawrence 8
Allen, James A Sandeman "Sandy" 7
Allen, Derek Hurlestone 6 85 DFC KIA 18 May 1940
Allen, Percy Frank 5
Ambrose, H 9
Andrew, James Richard 6 607 DFM KIA 25 June 1945[1]
Archer, Philip Leslie Irving 6 DFC Born in Barbados, KIA 17 June 1943 flying with RCAF[2]
Aries, Ellis Walter 6
Ashton, John Henry 5
Atcherley, David Francis William 5 CB, CBE, DSO, DFC As an Air Vice-Marshal was lost at sea on 8 June 1952 whilst piloting a Gloster Meteor
Atkinson, Harold Derrick 12 213 DFC KIA 25 August 1940
Ayerst, Peter Vigne 5 73, 33, 238, 124 DFC
Ayre, Harold Woolgar "Harry" 5


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Babbage, Cyril Fredrick 8 602 DFM
Bader, Douglas Robert Steuart 22 222, 242, Tangmere Wing DSO* DFC* Later Sir Douglas Bader
Badger, John Vincent Clarence "Tubby" 8 DFC WIA 30 August 1940; DOW 30 June 1941
Baker, Henry Collingham "Butch" 7
Baldwin, John "Johnny" 15 DSO*, DFC* AFC Highest scorer on Typhoons. Missing during Korean War
Ball, George Eric 7 DFC KIFA 1 February 1946
Bamberger, Cyril Stanley "Bam" 5 DFC* AE*
Barclay, Richard George Arthur 8 DFC KIA 17 July 1942
Barton, Anthony Richard Henry 9 KIFA 4 April 1943
Bayne, Alfred William Alexander 11
Bazin, James Michael 10
Beamont, Roland Prosper "Bee" 9 DSO* DFC*
Beard, John Morris Bentley 6
Beaumont, The Hon Walter 8 DFC MIA 23 September 1940
Beazley, Hugh John Sherard 6
Bennions, George Herman "Ben" 12 41 DFC
Berry, Ronald "Ras" 24 DFC* DSO
Bird-Wilson, Harold Arthur Cooper 9 17, 254, 118, 66, 152 DSO* DFC* AFC* Retired in 1967 as an Air Vice-Marshal
Blackadder, William Francis 7 DSO
Blair, Kenneth Hughes 8
Blake, Arthur Giles "Admiral" 5 FAA, KIA 29 October 1940
Boddington, Michael Christopher B 11
Bodie, Crelin Arthur W "Bogle" 11 66 KIFA 24 February 1942
Boitel-Gill, Derek Pierre Aumale 8 India, KIA 1 August 1941
Boulter, John Clifford 6 DFC KIA 17 February 1941
Boyd, Adrian Hope "Ginger" 18 DSO DFC*
Boyd, Archibald Douglas McNeill "Archie" 10 DSO DFC
Boyd, Robert Finlay 21 DSO DFC*
Braham, John Randall Daniel "Bob" 29 DSO** DFC** AFC
Bright, Vernon Maxwell 8
Brothers, Peter Malam "Pete" 16 DSO DFC*
Bruen, John Martin 8 800, 801, 802, 803 DSO DSC FAA[3]
Bungey, Robert W
Burbridge, Branse 21.5 85 DSO* DFC*
Burnell-Phillips, Peter Anthony 5 607 DFM KIFA 9 February 1941
Butterfield, Samuel Leslie 5 213 DFM KIA 11 August 1940[4]


Name Kills Awards Notes
Caister, James Russell 6
Caldwell, G L 7
Cameron, Matthew 5
Cameron, Neil 5
Campbell, Francis 6
Carey, Frank Reginald 28 DFC**, AFC, DFM 2nd highest Hurricane ace, did not fly after 1942
Carpenter, John Michael Vowles "Chip" 8
Cartridge, David Leslie 5 KIA 4 July 1940
Cartwright, Henry 5
Casbolt, Charles Edward "Cas" 14
Casson, Lionel Horwood "Buck" 5 DFC, AFC, AE*
Chandler, Horatio Herbert 5
Charlton, Philip Noel "Freddie" 6
Charney, Kenneth Langley 6
Charnock, Harry Walpole 9 DFC, DFM, CdeG Died 24 May 1974
Chase, Frederick John Allison 5
Chisholm, Roderick Aeneas 9 DSO, DFC
Chisholm, John Henry Mackellar 7 KIA 15 September 1944
Chudleigh, Richard Neil
Churchill, Walter Myers 6 DSO, DFC KIA 26 August 1942[5]
Clapperton, Raymond Hedley
Cleaver, Gordon Neil S "Mouse" 7 DFC
Clerke, Rupert Francis Henry 7 DFC
Clift, Douglas Gerald "Duggie" 5
Clowes, Arthur Victor "Darky" 11 DFC, DFM
Clyde, William Pancoast "Billy" 10
Cobley, Peter Charles 5 DFC, Bar|
Coghlan, John Hunter 6 DFC KIA 17 August 1940
Cole, Robert Walton 25
Cole, Robert Bruce 6
Coleman, George Byrne Stanislaus 7 DFC
Coleman, Patrick Tuisley 7
Collard, Peter 6 DFC KIA 14 August 1940
Comely, Peter Woodruff 5 MIA 15 August 1940
Connors, Stanley Dudley Pierce 12 DFC* KIA 18 August 1940
Constable-Maxwell, Michael Hugh 7 DSO, DFC
Conway, Alfred Gordon 7 DFC
Cook, Harry 6
Cooke, Charles Alfred 5 DFC
Cooke, Nicholas Gresham 12 DFC KIA 31 May 1940
Cooper-Slipper, Thomas Paul Michael 8 DFC
Cork, Richard John "Dickie" 11 DSO, DSC flew with RAF and FAA, killed in action 14 April 1944
Corre, Howard John 5
Cosby, Ivor Henry 8 DFC
Cotes-Preedy, Digby Vawdre Cartmel "Digger" 12 GM, DFC [6][7]
Cottingham, Leonard 14
Cox, Graham James 11
Cox, David George Samuel Richardson 8 DFC
Cox, Neill Dudley 5 DFC*
Craig, John Teasdale "Bobby" 8 DFM KIA 2 June 1941
Creed, Ernest William Durham "Bill" 11 DSO, DFC
Crew, Edward Dixon 12 DSO*, DFC*, CB
Crook, David Moore 8 DFC KIA 18 December 1944
Crosley, R Michael "Mike" 5
Cross, Robert Walter 9
Crossley, Gordon
Crossley, Michael Nicholson 22 DSO, DFC
Crowley-Milling, Denis 6 DSO, DFC*, AE
Cruikshank, A R 11
Cullen, Richard Nigel "Ape" 16 DFC Killed in action 4 March 1941
Cunningham, John "Cats Eyes" 20 DSO**, DFC*, AE chiefly on nightfighters
Cunningham, Wallace "Jock" 8 DFC
Curchin, John 12 DFC Killed in action 4 June 1941[8]
Currant, Christopher Frederick "Bunny" 15 DSO, DFC*, CdeG
Czernin, Manfred Beckett 18 DSO, DFC, MC Son of an Austrian diplomat and From 1943 operated in occupied Europe for the SOE.


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Daber, John 5
Daddo-Langlois, Raoul William 6 WIA 10 June 1943, Wounded over Sicily, Died same day. Born Guernsey. Commemorated on Malta Plinth
Dafforn, Robert Chippindall 8 501 & 229 Sqns DFC KIA 9 September 1943
Dahl, Roald 5 80
Dalton-Morgan, Thomas Frederick 17 43 Sqn DFC
Daniel, Stephen Walter "Dan" 17
Daniel, Edward Gough 11
Darley, Horace Stanley "George" 5 609 Sqn (CO)
Darling, Edward Vivian "Mitzi" 6 41 Sqn DFC MIA 2 June 1942
David, William Dennis 17 87 & 213 Sqns
Davidson, Henry John 6 249 Sqn KIA 6 October 1942
Davies, James William Elias 8
Davis, Charles Trevor 10 238 Sqn KIFA 26 March 1941
Davison, Michael Metcalfe 13 DFC and Bar
Davy, Dennis Henry 10
Daw, Victor George "Jack" 6
Dawson-Paul, Francis 7.5 64 DOW 30 July 1940, FAA seconded to RAF
De L'Ara, Louis George Charles 5
Deacon, Albert Henry 6
Dean, Ernest Henry "Dixie" 5
Deanesley, Edward Christopher "Jumbo" 6
Denholm, George Lovell 6 603 Sqn (CO)
Dewar, John Scatliff 9 DSO India, KIA 12 September 1940
Dixon, Henry Peter 5
Dobie, Ian Alexander 14
Dodds, James "Hamish" 13 274 sqn[9]
Doe, Robert Francis Thomas 16 234 Sqn DSO DFC*
Doll, John Christopher Shaboe 5
Donaldson, Edward Mortlock 6 151 Sqn DSO AFC* LOM
Donaldson, Georges Millar "Paddy" 6
Donaldson, Arthur Hay 5
Douglas, William Anderson 6
Dovell, Ronald Leonard 6
Downing, Alwyn Berriman "Berry" 12
Drake, Billy 22 213 Sqn & 421 Flight DSO DFC* Surviving Aircrew
Draper, Bryan Vincent 7 74 Sqn DFC KIA 28 February 1945
Dredge, Alan Sydney 9
Drummond, John Fraser 9 46 & 92 Sqns DFC KIA 10 October 1940
Dryland, Rodney 'Rod' 20
Dudley, Stanley 12
Duke, Neville Frederick 29 DSO DFC** AFC
Duke-Wooley, Raymond Myles Beecham 7 253 & 23 Sqns American DFC
Duncan-Smith, Wilfred George Gerald 19 DSO* DFC**
Dundas, Hugh Spencer Lisle "Cocky" 10 616 Sqn DSO* DFC Brother of John Dundas.
Dundas, John Charles 16 609 Sqn DFC KIA 28 November 1940, brother of Hugh Dundas.
Dunn, Patrick Hunter 'Paddy' 9
Dunning-White, Peter William 5
Durnford, Peter Edward George 5
Dutton, Roy Gilbert 19 145 Sqn DFC Ceylon
Dymond, William Lawrence 11 41 Sqn DFM KIA 2 September 1940
Dyson, Charles Harold 9


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Eagle, William Geoffrey 7 274 & 198 Sqns DFC KIA 30 June 1945
Eckford, Alan Francis 12 32, 242, 253 & 154 Sqns DFC
Edgar, A H 6
Edge, Gerald Richmond 20 DFC
Edghill, Douglas Frank Kitchener 7
Edll, Frank Eric 6
Edwards, Edward Walter 8
Edwards, Henry Grahame 'Nick' 7 604, 89 & 108 Sqns DFC Squadron Leader. A Malta nightfighter (Beaufighter) ace. Also received two King's Commendations for Brave Conduct. Recommended for the George Medal for saving a cadet from a burning aircraft in 1941. Killed aged 30 in an air crash over Malta on 6 May 1943. Buried in the Malta (Cappucini) Naval Cemetery.
Edwards, Malcolm Finney "Eddie" 12 247,587,3 Sqns Served with 247 Sqn during the Battle of Britain. KIA 29 December 1944 whilst flying Hawker Tempest JF-V, EJ803, of 3(f) Sqn. Crashed into moorland next to the railroad track near the town of Spelle, Germany.
Ekbery, Joseph Scarisbrick 6
Elcock, Arthur Richard 'Big' 8 91 Sqn KIFA 14 May 1945
Eliot, Hugh William "Chubby" 9
Ellis, John 15 DFC
Ellis, Ronald Vernon "Monty" 7
Elsdon, Thomas Arthur F "Jimmy" 9
Ensor, Philip Stephen Baddesly 5
Etherton, John Hill 6
Evans, Charles L G "Crash" 10
Evans, Kenneth William Samuel 6
Evans, George 5
Everson, L G 7
Eyre, Anthony 10 615; 132 Wing DFC Stalag Luft III 1942–1945; KIFA 16 February 1946[10]


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Farnes, Paul Caswell Powe 8 501 Sqn DFM Surviving Aircrew
Farquhar, Andrew Douglas 5 257 Sqn DFC
Faulkner, J A 7 91
Feary, Alan Norman 5 609 Sqn KIA 7 October 1940
Ferriss, Henry Michael 11 111 Sqn DFM KIA 16 July 1940
Finlay, Donald Osborne 6 41 & 54 Sqns
Finucane, Brendan Eamon Fergus "Paddy" 32 65 Sqn DSO DFC** KIA 15 July 1942 (Irish)
Flinders, John Layton "Polly" 6 32 Sqn
Fokes, Ronald Henry "Ronnie" 13 92 & 257 Sqns DFC KIA 12 June 1944
Forbes, Athol Stanhope 9 303 & 66 Sqns
Forster, Anthony Douglas "Bunny" 6 151 & 607 Sqns DFM
Foster, J K 6
Foster, Reginald John 'Jack' 9
Foster, Robert William 7 605 Sqn DFC Surviving Aircrew
Foster, William Morley Culver 5
Fowlow, Norman Ralph 5 Newfoundland
Franklin, William Henry 16 65 Sqn DFM* MIA 12 December 1940
Fras(i)er, Joseph Frederick 10 Ceylon
Freeborn, John Connell 14 74 Sqn DFC* Surviving Aircrew
Friendship, Alfred Henry Basil 8 3 Sqn DFM
Fulford, David 4 64 & 19 Sqns DFC KIA 2 November 1942


Name Kills Awards Notes
Garden, Mowbray 5 (1914–1978)
Gardner, Peter Melvill 10 DFC (1918–1984)
Gardner, Richard Exton "Jimmy" 10 (1914–1999) Fleet Air Arm
Garton, Geoffrey William 11 DSO DFC (1915–1976)
Gash, Fred 5 DFM Sergeant air-gunner
Geddes, Keith Irvine 5 DFC (1918–1991)
Genders, George E Clifford "Jumbo" 10 (1920–1950)
Gibb, Walter Frame 6 DSO DFC (1919–2006)[11]
Gibbs, Eric Malcom 6 DFC (1912–1972)
Gidding, Kenneth Charles Michael 5 KCB OBE DFC AFC* (1920–2009)
Gilbert, Humphrey Trench 5 DFC (1919–1942) KIFA 2 May 1942
Gilders, John Stanley 6 (1919–1941) KIA 21 February 1941
Gillam, Denys Edgar 8 DSO** DFC* AFC (1915–1991)
Gillan, James 7 (1914–1940) MIA 11 August 1940
Gillies, James 6
Gillies, Kenneth McLeod 10 KIA 4 October 1940
Gilmour, William MacMillan 9
Gilroy, George Kemp "Sheep" 25 DSO DFC* (1914–1995)
Gleed, Ian Richard 16 DFC KIA 16 April 1943
Glen, Arthur Allan "Pinkie" 9
Glendinning, John Nixon 5 KIA 12 March 1941
Glew, Norman Vipan "Sticky" 6 KIA 17 May 1944
Gloster, Michael John 11
Godfrey, Donald Ling 10
Goode, J 7
Goodman, George Ernest "Randy" 16 DFC KIA 14 June 1941[12]
Goodman, Geoffrey Horace 9 D.S.O, D.F.C.
Goucher, Richard Tannatt 7
Gough, William John 8
Gould, Derrick Leslie 5
Gracie, Edward John "Jumbo" 10 DFC KIA 15 February 1944
Graham, Michael 6
Grant, Stanley Bernard 7
Gray, William Napier 5
Greaves, Douglas Haig 9 DFC* 4 April 1917 Leeds Died Nov 2006
Green, Charles Patrick 'Paddy' 14 DSO,DFC DiedApril10 1999
Green, Wilfrith Peter 27
Greenwood, John Peter Bowtell 9
Gregory, Donald Swift 8
Gregory, William 6
Gribble, Dorian George 7 DFC MIA 4 June 1941
Grice, Douglas Hamilton 'Grubby' 8 DFC
Grier, Thomas 12 DFC KIA 5 December 1941
Griffiths, Glyn 10
Gunnis, Herbert H Kitchener "Alec" 5
Guthrie, Giles Connop McEachern 5
Guy, Leonard Northwood "Len" 7 MIA 18 August 1940


Name Kills Squadron Awards Notes
Hackwood, Gerald Henry 8 264 KIFA 20 November 1940
Hagger, Ronald Arthur 7
Haine, Richard Cummins 5
Haines, Leonard Archibald 12 DFC KIA 30 April 1941
Hall, Archibald Robert "Bobbie" 8 56, 126, 260, 322 DFC
Hall, John Anthony Sanderson 8
Hallett, Nigel George 'Buster' 6
Hallowes, Herbert James L "Darkie" 19
Hamar, Jack Royston 6 DFC KIA 24 July 1940
Hamblin, B W 5
Hamilton, Claud Eric "Hamish" 6 MiD KIA 14 May 1941 (Malta)
Hamlyn, Ronald Fairfax 11
Hanbury, Osgood Villiers 12 602, 260 DSO, DFC* KIA 3 June 1943
Hancock, John Allan 7
Hanks, Peter Prosser 15
Hardacre, John Reginald 5 KIA 30 September 1940
Hards, Maurice Sydney 10 250,92 DFC DFM Later Chief Inspector of Police (Reserve) in Kenya
Harker, Alan Stuart "Budge" 7
Harries, Raymond Hiley 24 DFC* KIFA 14 May 1950
Harrison, Geoffrey Austen 5 KIA 12 June 1944
Hart, Kenneth Graham 9 DFC KIA 28 December 1944 (Italy)
Hartley, James 12
Hastings, I 5
Havercroft, Ralph Edward 6
Haw, Charlton "Wag" 5 504, 81, 122, 611, 129 DFM,DFC,Order of Lenin Served with 151 Wing in Russia. Retired as Squadron Leader in 1951. Died 1993.
Hay, Ronald Cuthbert 13 DSO, DSC and bar Sole Royal Marine fighter ace
Hayden, L H 7
Hayley-Bell, Dennis 5
Hayward, Robert Kitchener 6 Born in Newfoundland
Head, Norman Sidney 11
Hearne, Peter Joseph 5 Born in India
Hedgecoe, Edward Richard 9 DFC* KIA 1 January 1944
Henley, Robert Stephen 5
Heppell, Phillip W Ellis "Nip" 5
Hetherington, Erik Lawson 5 DFC Killed in air accident 31 October 1942 (Gibraltar)
Hewett, Edward William F "Ted" 16
Hibbert, Walter James "Jesse" 6 DFC
Higgins, William Burley 5 KIA 14 September 1940
Higginson, Frederick William "Taffy" 12
Hill, Howard Perry 6
Hillary, Richard Hope 5 603 KIFA 7 January 1943 (Night training flight)
Hoare, Bertie R O'Bryen "Sammy" 9
Hobbs, Joseph Bedo 7
Hodgkinson, Arthur John "Hodge" 12 DSO, DFC* KIA 10 July 1943 (Italy)
Hogan, Henry Algernon Vickers 8 DFC
Hogg, Graham Angus 12 DSC* FAA KIA 11 November 1940
Hogg, Richard Malzard 6 KIA 25 August 1940
Hogg, Robert Dudley 5
Holden, Eustace J 'Gus' 7
Holden, Kenneth 6
Holder, Maurice Henry "Blondie" 5 KIFA 16 July 1942
Holland, Robert Hugh 6 Born in Ceylon
Hollingsworth, Alec 5
Honor, Dudley Sandry Garton 9 88,145,274,258 Wg[13] DFC & Bar (LG 35187/3321) Service number: 40113. Was born at Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina[14][15][16] died at 2007
Hope, Sir Archibald Philip 6 DFC
Hopewell, James 5 KIA 21 January 1942
Hopkin, William P "John Willie" 5
Horne, Angus William 7
Howard, Donald Ridgwell "Podge" 6
Howard-Williams, Peter Ian 5
Howell, Frank Jonathan 10 25 80 609 118 243 54 DFC and Bar Killed in accident when hit by a taxiing Vampire, 9 May 1948
Howes, Harold Norman "Harry" 12 DFM KIFA 24 December 1940
Howitt, Geoffrey Leonard 8
Hubbard, Thomas Edward "Tom" 5
Hughes, David Price 5
Hughes, Dennis Lawrence 5 KIA
Hughes, Fredrick Desmond 19
Hughes-Rees, John Anthony "David" 5
Hull, Bernard John "Johnnie" 5
Humpherson, John Bernard William 5 DFC KIA 22 June 1941
Humphrey, Andrew Henry 5
Hunter, Philip Algernon 10 KIA
Hurst, John 5
Hussey, Roy Jack Hubert 14


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Ibbotson, Desmond 11 54, 112, 601 DFC* KIA 19 November 1944
Ingle, Alec 11 DFC, AFC, AE POW from 11 September 1943
Inniss, Aubrey Richard de Lisle 9 DFC British West Indies


Name Kills Awards Notes
Jacobs, Henry 8
Jay, Dudley Trevor 9 DFC, MiD KIA 24 October 1940
Jeffery, Alistair John Oswald 5
Jefferies, Charles G StDavid "Porky" 6
Jennings, Bernard James 5
Jeram, Dennis Mayvore 6
Johnson, Herbert Dennis 14 91 Sqn
Johnson, James Edgar "Johnnie" 38 DSO** DFC* CB CBE American DFC Air Medal Legion of Merit Top British Ace of War, Retired Air Vice Marshal
Johnson, William John "John" 7
Johnston, Hugh Anthony Stephen "Tim", Sidney Albert 6
Johnstone, Alexander Vallance Riddell "Sandy" 9 DFC Retired with the rank of Air Vice-Marshal
Joll, Ian Kenneth Sefton 5 DFC
Jones, Edward Gordon "Tap" 6 DSO DFC
Jones, Norman Garston 7
Jonsson, Thorsteinn Elton "Tony" 5 DFM Icelandic National
Josling, N H 6
Judd, Michael Thomas 5 DSO DFC AFC


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Kayll, Joseph Robert "Joe" 13 DSO DFC AE
Keele, Brian Rushworth 6
Keighley-Peach, Charles Lindsay 5
Kellett, Ronald Gustave 5 DFC DSO AE*
Kelsey, Howard Charles 9
Kendall, Philip Stanley 8
Kettlewell, George Victor Wildeman 5
Kilburn, Michael Plaistowe 7 124 & 56 Sqns DFC CdeG Irish
Kilmartin, John Ignatus "Killy" 13 + 2sh DFC Irish
Kilner, Joseph Richard 6
King, Frederick Harry 10 DFM
King, George James 'Jimmy' 7
Kingaby, Donald Ernest 23 DSO AFC DFM
Kingcombe, Charles Brian Fabris 12 DFC* DSO
Kinmonth, Michael William 7
Kitchener, Herbert Horatio 6
Kynaston, Norman Arthur 27 91 Sqn


Name Kills Awards Notes
Lacey, James Harry "Ginger" 28 CdeG, DFM*
Lamb, Deryck Percy 9
Lamb, Peter Gilbert 5 AFC
Lane, Brian John Edward "Sandy" 7 DFC MIA 13 December 1942[17]
Lapsley, John Hugh 11
Latimer-Jefferies, Jerrard 9
Laws, Adrian Francis 5 DFM Killed in training accident 30 September 1940
Lawson, Walter John 7 KIA 28 August 1941
Le Cheminant, Jerrold "Chem" 6
Leary, David Cooper 8
Leathart, James Anthony "The Prof" 8 DSO Retired from RAF in 1962 at the rank of Air Commodore
Leather, William Johnson 7
Lee, Kenneth Norman Thomas "Hawkeye" 7 DFC
Lee, Richard Hugh Antony "Dickie" 11 DSO, DFC KIA 18 August 1940
Lee-Knight, Roland Anthony L 6 DFC KIA 27 September 1941
LeFevre, Peter William "Pip" 10 DFC MIA 6 February 1944
Libbert, Albert 12
Lillie, P 8
Lindsay, William Roy Mackintosh 6
Linnard, Sidney "Sid" 7
Llewellyn, Reginald Thomas 14 DFM
Lock, Erick Stanley "Sawn Off Lockie" 26 DSO, DFC*, MiD MIA 3 August 1941
Lockwood, G 7
Lofts, Keith Temple 7
Lord, Geoffrey 7
Lott, Charles George 5 CB, CBE, DSO, DFC, MiD Retired as Air Vice Marshal[18]
Lovell, Anthony Desmond Joseph 22 DSO*, DFC* Ceylon, KIA 17 August 1945
Lovell, Victor Charles 5
Lowe, Ivan Lawrence Firth 6
Lucas, Norman John 5
Lucy, William Paulet 7 DSO KIA May 1940
Lyall, Archibald "Pat" 6 KIA 28 November 1940[19]


MacArthur, James Henry Gordon 8
MacDonald, Harold Kennedy 8 KIA 28 August 1940
MacDonald-Hall, Robert "Sam" 7
MacDonnell, Aeneas Ranald Donald 10
McDowall, Andrew 13 DFM* Later became the first leader of an RAF jet fighter squadron (616)
McGrath, John Keswick Ulick Blake 18
McIntosh, Wallace 8
McKay,Donald Alistair Stewart 17 DFM*
McKellar, Archibald Ashmore 20 DSO DFC* Only British "Ace in a Day" during B.O.B. KIA 1 November 1940
McKinley, G M 5
MacLachlan, James Archibald Findlay 17 DSO, DFC Flew with one arm after amputation in Feb 1941. PoW, 1943; died in captivity
McLardy, W A 8
MacLaren, William Ross 9
McClean, Tom Joseph 9
McMullen, Desmond Anthony Peter 22
McPherson, Robert Reid 5
MacQueen, Norman Carter 9
Maguire, William Hudson 6
Mallinson, James Robin 5
Manger, Kenneth 8
Mann, Jack 5
Marland, Rainford Gent 7
Marples, Roy 7
Marrs, Eric Simcox "Boy" 11
Marshall, Alfred Ernest 19
Marshall, William Cyril 9 91 Sqn DFC
Martain, ? 5
Martin, Richard Frewen 8
Mason, Ernest Mitchelson "Imshi" 17
Mason, Frank 5
Masterman, Cedric Audley 6
Mathews, John Owen "Jimmy" 14
Matthews, Peter Gerald Hugh 9
Mayne, Ernest 5
Meaker, James Reginald Bryan (Irish)
Measures, William Edward G "Tink" 5
Mellersh, Francis Richard Lee "Togs" 47 DFC and bar. 8 aircraft destroyed as nightfighter, 39 V-1 flying bombs[20]
Mellor, Frank 5
Melville-Jackson, George Holmes 5 DFC
Miller, Wilfred Handel "Andy" 11
Miller, Reginald Arthur "Dusty" 7
Millington, William Henry 11
Mills, Jack Percival 5 KIA
Milne, Richard Maxwell 15
Mitchell, Richard Angelo "Mitch" 8
Moberley, George Edward 5
Modera, John Raymond Stewart 6 Tanganyika
Moore, Arthur Robert 28
More, James Winter C "Hank" 6
Morfill, Percy Frederick "Peter" 7
Morgan, Thomas Fredrick Dalton 17 DSO, DFC 1917-2004
Morris, Douglas Griffith "Zulu" 6
Morris, Thomas Charles "Tom" 5
Mortimer-Rose, Edward Brian 13
Morton, James Stors "Black" 10
Mottram, Roy 5
Mould, Peter William Olber "Boy" 11 MIA 1 October 1941 after an air battle with Italian Macchi C.202s North of Gozo, Malta
Muirhead, Ian James 7
Mulliner, Reginald W L 5
Mungo-Park, John Colin 13 DFC* KIA 27 June 1941
Musgrave, John Gothorp 12


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Nash, Peter Alfred 12
Nash, Raymond Stanley 23
Neil, H M 5
Neil, Thomas Francis "Ginger" 16 DFC AFC AE
Nelson-Edwards, George Hassall 'Hal' 6 DFC
Newbery, Richard Alfred 13
Newhouse, Peter Saxton 5 DFC
Newling, Michael Alan 5 DFC KIA 6 July 1941
Niblett, John 5
Nicholls, Henry Treweeke 6
Nicholls, John Hamilton 7 DFC
Niven, John Brown 9
Norris, Stanley Charles 9 DFC
Norwell, John King "Jock" 7 AFC Surviving Aircrew
Nowell, Gareth Leofric 11 87, 32 DFM* AE


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
O'Brien, Joseph Somerton 5 92, 234 DFC KIA 7 September 1940
O'Meara, James Joseph "Orange" 13 64, 72 & 421 Flt DSO DFC*
O'Neil, John Anthony 5 DFC
O'Sullivan, Kevin Thomas Anthony 5
Oldham, R 5
Oliver, John Oliver William 8
Olver, Peter 6 DFC Shot down, captured and made POW 11 June 1943; Surviving Aircrew Died 14 February 2013
Orr, Stanley Gordon 17 Top Royal Navy ace
Orton, Newell "Fanny" 17 73, 242, 54 DFC* Born Warwick, KIA 17 September 1941.[21]
Osborne, Anthony Frederick 7
Ottewill, Peter Guy 7
Overton, Charles Nevill 6 DFC [22]
Owen, Alan Joseph "Red" 16 600, 85 DFC* Paired with Vic Macallister (radar operator)
North Africa, then Bomber support and intruder operations over Germany[23]
Oxspring, Robert Wardlow 21 DFC + 2 bars, AFC


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Page, Alan Geoffrey 15 DSO DFC*
Pain, Derek Sydney 5
Palliser, George Charles Calder 11 DFC Surviving Aircrew
Palmer, Arthur G 5
Panter, Keith Vernon 6
Pargeter, Reginald Clive 5
Parker, Gartrell Richard Ian "Sailor" 9 + 5 V1s 219 DFC* AFC DSM MiD(twice) King's Commendation 219 Squadron top scorer. Test pilot post-war, KIFA 19 February 1963.
Parker, Bernard James "Jimmy" 5
Parker, Dennis Coates 5
Parker, Thomas Campbell "John" 6
Parker-Rees, Alastair 12
Parnall, Denis Geach 6 KIA 18 September 1940
Parrott, Peter Lawrence 9 DFC*, AFC Retired as a Wing Commander in 1965 – Died 2003
Parsons, Claude Arthur 5 KIA 8 November 1941
Passy, Cyril Wolrich 5
Paton, Donald Pearson 5 600/114 DFC*[24][25] Acting Wing Commander / Squadron Leader retaining rank of Wing Commander[26]
Pattullo, William Blair 5 WIA 26 October 1940
Paul, Frank Dawson 6 FAA, WIA 30 July 1940
Paul, Harold George "Ginger" 6
Pavey, Alan Francis 7 122 DFC KiA 27 July 1944 Normandy
Payne, A D "Jammy" 5
Payne, William John 9
Payton, James Joseph "Joe" 7
Peacock, Reginald John 5 122 DFC KIA 5 February 1943 (North Africa)
Pedley, Michael George Foxter 5
Peel, John Ralph Alexander 5 DFC
Pegge, Constantine Oliver Joseph 9
Phillips, James William Bristowe 6 54 DFM Killed 25 Mar 1942 in flying accident, near Ford, Sussex
Pike, Thomas Geoffrey 6
Pinches, Maurice Henry 8
Pinckney, David John Colin 7 DFC KIA 23 January 1942 (Singapore)
Pleasance, Harold Percival "Flash" 5
Plinston, George Hugo Formby 8
Plumer, B E 5
Polley, William F 6
Ponsford, Ian Reginald 8
Porter, D A 7
Pottinger, R W 8
Powell, Robin Peter Reginald 11
Powell-Shedden, George Ffolliott 7 DSO, DFC
Price-Owen, Waldo B 8
Pring, Arthur Maurice Owers 9
Proctor, John Ernest 11 DFC
Provan, William Wright 5 DFC


Name Kills Awards Notes
Rabagliati, Alexander Coultate "Sandy" 21
Rabone, Paul Wattling 9
Ramsey, Charles Maurice 8
Ranger, Geoffrey Harold 6
Rankin, James E "Jamie" 22 DSO*DFC*
Rayment, Kenneth Gordon 7
Rayner, Roderick Malachi Seaborne 10
Read, James Alfred Av "Jasper" 10
Redhead, E 5
Reeves, Nevil Everard 14 DSO DFC
Reynolds, Richard Henry 6
Reynolds, Robert Edward 5
Rhodes-Moorhouse William Henry 9 DFC KIA 6 September 1940
Richey, Paul Henry Mills 11
Rigler, Thomas Charles 8
Rippon, Anthony John 7
Ritchie, Blyth 7
Robb, Robert L T "Jackson" 14
Robertson, Frederick Neal 12
Robertson, John 12
Robertson, Ronald James H. 'Robbie' 6
Robinson, Michael Lister "Mike" 20 DSO DFC MIA 8 June 1942
Rolls, William Thomas Edward 18
Rook, Michael "Mickey" 6
Rooney, Ronald "Ronnie" DFM Plane Crash - 13 Sep 1955 -
Rose, Maurice James Alexander 14
Ross, Jack Kenneth 7 DFC KIA 6 January 1942
Ruchwaldy, Desmond Fred 16
Rudland, Clifford Percival 7 DFC and Bar[27]
Russell, Noel 5
Ryder, Edgar Norman 8 DFC POW 1944


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Sabey, Albert 5
Sage, Paul Christopher Wendover 5 89 46 DFC[28] KIA 22 February 1945
St John, Peter Cape Beauchamp 5 KIA 22 October 1940
Samouelle, Charles James "Sammy" 11 41 92 130 DFC* Retired as a Wing Commander
Sampson, Ralph W Fraser "Sammy" 5
Sanders, James Gilbert 16
Sanders, Philip James 7 DFC
Satchell, William Arthur J "Jack" 7 DSO
Saunders, Cecil Henry 7
Savage, Thomas Wood 5 MiD KIA 10 July 1943 (Malta)
Schade, Patrick Alfred "Paddy" 18 91 Sqn
Scherf, Charles Curnow 15
Scott, Allan Hugh 5
Scott, Ernest "Ernie" 5 KIA 27 September 1940
Scott-Malden, David Francis Stephen 6
Scoular, John Evelyn 18
Selby, John Beauchamp 5
Sewell, Alfred Jack "Jackie" 13 804, 806, 1837
Sewell, Herbert Scott "Susie" 5
Shaw, Harry "Artie" 16
Shaw, John Thornhill 7
Shead, Harold Frederick William 5
Shepherd, John Bean 20 DFC** KIFA 22 January 1946
Simpson, John William Charles 13
Simpson, Peter James 7
Sims, James Ayscough 5
Sinclair, Gordon Leonard 8
Sing, John Eric James "Jackie" 8
Singleton, Joseph S 8
Sizer, Wilfred Max "Wilf" 13 DFC** Retired as Wing Commander in 1963[29]
Skinner, Wilfred Malcom 11
Slade-Betts, Kenneth Gordon 20 DFC
Smart, Thomas 8 DFC* KIA 12 April 1943
Smith, Alan 7
Smith, Edward Brian Bretherton 5 DFC Surviving Aircrew
Smith, Leonard Alfred 7 Surviving Aircrew
Smith, Leslie Ernest 5
Smith, William Alexander 6
Smythe, Rupert Frederick
Snowdon, Ernest George 5
Soden, Ian Scovill 6
Soper, Francis Joseph 15
Sowrey, John Adam 7 DFC AFC [30]
Sparke, Philip Donald Julian 6
Spencer, Terence "Terry" 10
Staples, Michael Edmund 5 KIA 9 November 1941
Stapleton, Frederick Snowden 7
Stark, Lawrence W F "Pinkie" 6
Starr, Norman John "Jack" 5
Stavert, Charles Michael 6
Steer, Harry 11 DFM KIA 8 June 1944
Steere, Jack 6
Stephen, Harbourne Mackay 22 DSO, DFC** Credited with 600th Kill for Biggin Hill with Mungo Park – their pairing was known as the "Deadly Twins."
Stephens, Maurice Michael "Mike" 23 DSO DFC**
Stephenson, Leslie 10 DFC* [31]
Stevens, Richard Playne 15
Stevenson, Peter Charles Fasken 8
Stevenson, Ian Turnbull 5
Steward, George Arthur 6
Stewart, Charles L W 5
van der Stok, Bram "Bob" Dutch
Stokoe, Jack 9
Stone, Cedric Arthur C "Bunny" 7
Stones, Donald William A "Dimsie" 12 DFC
Storrar, James Eric "Jas" 14 DFC
Stott, J P 5
Strickland, James Murray 9 DFC KIA 14 August 1941
Stuckey, Vincent Allan J "Heimar" 6
Styles, Lawrence Hinton 5 600 Sqn DFC*
Surman, John Clarke 5
Sutherland, C 7
Sutton, Fraser Barry 5


Name Kills Awards Notes
Talalla, Cyril Lionel F "Jimmy" 5 DFC* Malaya. 118 & 122 Sqn. Surviving Aircrew.
Taylor, Edwin Murray 6
Taylor, Frederic Frank 'Eric' 7
Taylor, John Stuart 15
Taylor, Norman 7 KIFA 28 April 1948
Taylour, Edward Winchester Tollemache 7 DSC FAA, KIA 13 September 1942
Tennant, Eric 6
Theobald, Albert William 5
Thomas, Eric Hugh 5 DFC
Thomas, Hugh Brian 5
Thomas, Rhys H 5
Thompson, Dennis Alfred 5
Thompson, John Marlow 10 DFC DSO AFC
Thompson, Peter Douglas 6 DFC Surviving Aircrew
Thompson, William L 5
Thorn(e), Edward Rowland 13 DFC*, DFM* KIFA 2 February 1946. Flew a Boulton Paul Defiant so all victories also credited to his air gunner, Sgt. Fred Barker
Thornton, Cyril Brooking 9
Thornton-Brown, Patrick Glynn 5
Thwaites, Bernard John 6 DFC*
Tillard, Rupert Claude 6 DSC FAA, KIA 8 May 1941
Tinsey, Thomas Davy 'Tommy' 9
Topham, E 10 91 Sqn
Topham, John K Groves 14 DSO DFC*
Townsend, Kenneth Norman Varwell 5
Townsend, Peter Wooldridge 11 DFC* DSO
Toyne, William Arthur 6
Tuck, Robert Roland Stanford 29 DFC** DSO AFC
Tuckwell, George Arthur 5 DFM
Tull, Desmond Trevor 8
Turkington, Robert W Irish
Turner, Percival Stanley DSO, DFC*


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Unwin, George Cecil "Grumpy" 15 19, 613 DSO DFM* Retired in 1961 as Wing Commander
Upton, Hamilton Charles 11 DFC
Usher, Dennis Charles 5 DFC DFM Retired as Squadron Leader


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Vale, William "Cherry" 33 33, 80 DFC* AFC
Varey, Arthur William 6
Vassiliades, Basilios Michael "Basil" 10 Greek, but flew with the RAF; KIA 25 March 1945
Vigors, Timothy Ashmead 6 DFC
Villa, John Wolferstan "Pancho" 17 DFC
Voase-Jeff, Robert 5 DFC* CdeG KIA 11 August 1940


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Wade, Trevor Sidney "Wimpy" 10 92 DFC AFC Test pilot post war, KIFA 3 April 1951
Wakeham, Ernest John Cecil 7 DFC
Wallens, Ronald Walter 5 DFC
Walmsley, Harold Edward 11.5 130, 350 DFC* Promoted to Group Captain postwar.
Watkins, Desmond John "Des" 7.1/3 DFC, CdeG & palm 1921–2003
Weaver, Percy Stevenson 9 56 KIA 31 August 1940
Webb, Paul Clifford 6
Webster, John Terrance 16 DFC
Whall, Basil Ewart Patrick 9 602 DFM KIA 7 October 1940
White, John 5
Wickham, Peter Reginald Whalley 17 Tanganyika
Wight, Ronald Derek Gordon 5-6 213 DFC KIA 11 August 1940
Williams, Cedric Watcyn 5
Williams, William Dudley 6
Woodman, Ronald George 'Tim' 7 169, 85, BSDU, 410, 96 DSO DFC Mosquito ace.[32]
Woods-Scawen, Charles Anthony 7 43 DFC KIA 2 September 1940, Brother of Patrick
Woods-Scawen, Patrick Philip 14 85 DFC KIA 1 September 1940, Brother of Charles
Wright, Allan Richard 14 92, 29 DFC AFC Surviving Aircrew
Wright, Eric William "Ricky" 6


Name Kills Squadrons Awards Notes
Yates, Jack Neville "Banger" 5 607, 60, 802 DFC
Yaxley, Robert Gordon 5 27, 177 DSO MC DFC KIA 3 June 1943 returning to El Djem from UK
Young, Michael Hugh 13 DFC Boulton Paul Defiant

See also

List of RAF aircrew in the Battle of Britain


Award Title Notes
AE Air Efficiency Award Awarded for ten years' efficient service in the Royal Auxiliary Air Force
AFC Air Force Cross At this time, awarded "for acts of courage or devotion to duty whilst flying, though not in active operations against the enemy" to commissioned officers and warrant officers.[33] Extended to all ranks in 1993.
CDeG Croix de guerre A military decoration of both France and Belgium, also commonly bestowed to foreign military forces allied to France and Belgium.
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross At this time, awarded "for acts of gallantry when flying in active operations against the enemy" to commissioned officers and warrant officers.[33] Extended to all ranks in 1993.
DFC* Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar A bar is added to the ribbon for holders of the DFC who receive a second award.
DFC** Distinguished Flying Cross and two Bars A second bar is added to the ribbon for holders of the DFC and Bar who receive a third award.
DFM Distinguished Flying Medal At this time, awarded "for acts of gallantry when flying in active operations against the enemy" to non-commissioned officers and men.[33] Discontinued in 1993.
DSO Distinguished Service Order Awarded for meritorious or distinguished service by officers of the armed forces during wartime, typically in actual combat.
DSO* Distinguished Service Order and Bar A bar is added to the ribbon for holders of the DSO who receive a second award.
MC Military Cross At this time, awarded for "distinguished and meritorious services" to officers of the rank of Captain or below, and warrant officers.[34] Extended to all ranks in 1993.
MiD Mentioned in Despatches Awarded for gallantry or otherwise commendable service.
VC Victoria Cross Highest British military decoration, awarded for valour in the face of the enemy.
VM Virtuti Militari Highest Polish military award for courage in the face of the enemy



<templatestyles src="Reflist/styles.css" />

Cite error: Invalid <references> tag; parameter "group" is allowed only.

Use <references />, or <references group="..." />
  6. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 35152. p. 2569. 2 May 1941.
  7. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 36777. p. 5035. 31 October 1944.
  9. flight log book of CR Parbury
  10. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  11. Wing Commander Walter Gibb
  20. Air Vice-Marshal F R L Mellersh (105145)
  21. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  23. Telegraph obituary
  24. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 36254. p. 5075. 16 November 1943.
  25. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 37233. p. 4223. 17 August 1945.
  26. The London Gazette: no. 38338. p. . 25 June 1948.
  27. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 37228. p. 4187. 14 August 1945.
  28. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 36017. p. 2322. 21 May 1943.
  29. [1]
  30. Telegraph obituary
  31. Times obituary
  32. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 30723. p. 6533. 31 May 1918.
  34. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 29024. p. 7. 29 December 1914.