Stonewall UK
Stonewall UK is a political organization campaigning for the LGBT agenda. It claims to be merely a lobby group or pressure group, and has charity status to avoid paying taxes. Nevertheless, it is plainly a political organization which produces election manifestos and controls MPs in parliament. It calls all its demands "rights" and promulgates a belief that any opposition to its agenda is a crime. [1]
It has been called a "criminal protection racket" and a "sinister organisation" and is increasingly unpopular even among homosexuals. Allison Bailey, a British barrister and lesbian, accused Stonewall of operating like a criminal protection racket in court in May 2022. "'The inducement that Stonewall offers with its scheme is reputational protection or reputational harm, it's like a criminal protection racket.'" [2]
- 1 Foreign Funding
- 2 Origins
- 2.1 Investigation for Human Rights violations
- 2.2 Stonewall UK's connections with pedophilia
- 2.3 Advocates violence
- 2.4 Bullying Tactics and Tragic Impact on Crouch Family
- 2.5 Lobbying to Legalize Rape
- 2.6 Refusal to Debate Issues
- 2.7 Use of Questionable Tactics
- 2.8 Position of Privilege Inside the Establishment
- 2.9 Poorly Rated by British Homosexuals in Survey
- 2.10 Unpopularity with Lesbians and Feminists
- 2.11 Chief Executive Officer Ruth Hunt
- 2.12 Funding
- 2.13 Ratings System
- 2.14 Growing unpopularity
- 2.15 Controlling Police
- 2.16 Intimidating Legal Profession
- 2.17 References
Foreign Funding
In February 2025 it was revealed that the biggest source of Stonewall funding is the so-called Global Equality Fund run by the USA State Department. More than £500,000 clandestine funding was provided over three years. This was listed for discontinuation by the Department of Government Economy, leading to prediction of redundancies. [3]
Set up in 1989, by a group that included Ian McKellen, Ben Summerskill, Peter Mandelson, Waheed (now Lord) Ali, Matthew Parris, Michael Cashman, Angela Mason and Lisa Power. The initial aim of the group was to obtain the abolition of Section 28 of the Local Government Act passed in 1988, which prohibited any promotion of homosexuality in British schools. The founders feared that the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher was alarmed by the current AIDS epidemic and might move to re-criminalize male homosexuality. They decided that homosexuals need to fight back, regardless of the global pandemic or any other consideration. They got the group registered as a charity and obtained considerable donations by appealing to the public to help fight "homophobia" which they insisted was the real problem, not AIDS. Section 28 was repealed under the Labour government in 2003. Stonewall persuaded the Labour government to replace it with a system of vigorous inculcation of homosexuality to children in all schools from the earliest age. The result has been a steep rise in the number of young teenage boys in UK getting infected with HIV, AIDS, and numerous other sexually-transmitted diseases.[4]
None of the founder members or directors of Stonewall had - or have - any training in health research, education or psychology but were allowed to become privileged advisers to the UK Government on such matters through the influence of Peter Mandelson and other homosexuals in the ruling Labour party. Stonewall has helped to create an atmosphere saturated with LGBT propaganda, including massive posters on public transport and in all major cities with aggressive slogans such as "Some people are homosexual: Get over it!"
Investigation for Human Rights violations
In November 2019, a group of former supporters of Stonewall calling themselves the LBG Alliance made a request for Stonewall UK to be investigated by the UK Human Rights Watchdog. Their criticisms of the organization include allegations that it has given misleading advice to schools, police and other institutions about laws on transgender rights, misrepresenting the UK Gender Recognition Act. [5]
Stonewall UK's connections with pedophilia
In December 1999 the tenth birthday of Stonewall was celebrated with an entertainment at the Albert Hall in London. The star performer, Elton John and the group "Pet Shop Boys" put on a dance in which they dressed as Cub Scouts and then proceeded to strip on stage. They knelt before Elton as if to suggest they were performing a sex-act. The Cub Scouts are boys aged 7–12, so by wearing the uniform they were suggesting sexual activity between such boys and adults. The curious name of the group "Pet Shop Boys" suggests "Pet Boys" which is homosexual slang for a boy used by an older male homosexual.
The event caused adverse comment in the British press and at that date, before LGBT propaganda had completely saturated British society, Stonewall was actually forced to apologize, possibly the only instance of them ever doing so. “THE GAY rights group Stonewall has apologised after Sir Elton John caused outrage by performing a dance act with male teenage strippers dressed as boy scouts at a benefit concert. The Scout Association described the show as "deplorable and in bad taste" and is asking Sir Elton for a formal apology and a charitable donation by way of redress. Sir Elton, 52, introduced the dancers, who peeled off their uniforms and caps to the tune of "It's A Sin" by the Pet Shop Boys. The 18- and 19-year-old dancers knelt on the floor, grabbed their groins, and stripped down to skimpy shorts." John Fogg, a spokesman for the Scout Association, said: "We think it is pretty deplorable and in bad taste in terms of denigrating our uniform and what it stands for. We are disappointed that someone of Sir Elton's standing should involve himself in something of such poor taste. It linked homosexuality with paedophilia. If Stonewall are completely for the rights of homosexual people, they have not done themselves any favours." Mr Fogg said the dance routine was "an error of judgement" and added that he hoped Sir Elton now realised his mistake. He said the association planned to write to him to seek an apology. "The association would welcome any positive sign of regret from Sir Elton, including his holding a concert for some of the association's young members, a donation or taking part in one its child-welfare campaigns," Mr Fogg added. A letter outlining the concerns of the Scout Association's chief executive, Derek Twine, was sent to Stonewall's chief executive, Angela Mason, yesterday urging the group to seek to "educate and inform, and avoid the reinforcing of stereotypes". Mr Fogg said the association had made the difficult decision formally to allow homosexuals to become troop leaders four years ago amid much controversy, and the dance routine was a major setback. "Many of our members will be upset by the mickey-taking aspect of the dance, but the issue is more serious - it gave out the wrong message about homosexuality and paedophilia," he said.[6]
If it is the "wrong message" it is indeed very curious that it was given.
James Rennie, a homosexual, was chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, established in November 1989 as the Stonewall Youth Project in Edinburgh. He was paid £56,000 per year, a salary equivalent to that of a successful doctor. Under the socialist government of Tony Blair from 1997 onwards, these organizations got public funding and access to the state education system where they still impose their ideology on all teachers during training. In 2007 Rennie 38, from Edinburgh, and his partner Neil Strachan were convicted of running one of the biggest pedophile and child-pornography rackets in legal history.
They ran it from the Stonewall office in Edinburgh.
The police investigation was code-named Operation Algebra. The culprits were labeled by the media as “pedophiles” to avoid any connection with homosexuality, though, in fact, they were all male homosexual pederasts.
Rennie was found guilty of 14 charges. He had been trusted by friends to babysit their son whom he had sexually abused from the age of three months, continuing for a number of years. He had taken photographs of the perversion at every stage and circulated them to his friends, inviting them to join him in molesting the boy. They, in turn, helped each other to access and share other boys who were systematically molested. Rennie's emails to Strachan were traced to him by an MI5 specialist. Rennie was using the alias “kplover” which he told police stood for kiddie porn lover.
He was convicted of sexually assaulting a child; of possessing, taking and distributing indecent photos of children; and of conspiring to meet Strachan, Ross Webber, Craig Boath and John Milligan to sexually abuse a child. Webber, a bank worker from North Berwick in East Lothian, was found guilty of five charges. Craig Boath, 24, an insurance adjuster from Dundee, was convicted of six charges. He was found to have 31,385 indecent images of boys. They included 1,261 stills and 15 video clips graded at the most depraved end of the scale.
Milligan, a 40-year-old civil servant from the Govan area of Glasgow, was discovered to have 78,289 indecent images, including 748 stills and 141 video clips at the top end of the scale.
Rennie was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a recommendation that he serve at least 13 years but in 2011 an appeal court reduced this to eight and a half years. [7] Even the left-wing, pro-LGBT newspaper The Guardian has admitted these facts.[8]
In 2014 Matthew Parris, one of the founder members of Stonewall, publicly denounced Operation Yewtree, the police investigation into historic child abuse, sparked off by the posthumous allegations against Jimmy Savile. Writing in The Times, Parris suggested that the victims were liars with mercenary motives. “I am noting a possible consequence of offering money to victims. A lot of inducements have been added to the citizen’s basic right to sue in recent decades,” he wrote. “‘No-win, no-fee’ procedures with lawyers: the £3.3 million sterling available to compensate Savile’s victims, who may claim £60,000 each.” He dismissed the findings of recent enquiries into pedophilia as “Abuse hysteria”. “I suspect it’s a hugely overheated and distorted conspiracy theory based on a couple of probable facts and, imposed upon them, a great superstructure of improbable ones, laced with rumour, invention, sensation-seeking and the allure of compensation.” He did not bring a similar argument to bear LGBT officials, such as those of Stonewall, who get paid c.£60,000 p.a. or use this to suggest they might invent examples of "homophobia."[9]
See also: Homosexuality and Pedophilia: the connection
Advocates violence
In 2018 and 2019 Sarah Brown (UK politician) an official Stonewall adviser, publicly advocated violence against women who would not accept transgender ideology. He argued that violence had worked in the past and therefore was justifiable again. Stonewall did not rebuke him or distance itself from his views. [10]
Bullying Tactics and Tragic Impact on Crouch Family
Stonewall has always relied on tactics of sheer aggression, insult, abuse and bullying to make its impact. For many years it held an annual Awards ceremony, where it heaped the crudest possible invective on Christians, labelling anyone who would not capitulate to their ideas as "Bigot of the Year". Alan Craig of the Christian People's Alliance, Simon Lokodo, Lord Maginnis, Cardinal Keith O'Brien and Archbishop Philip Tartaglia were among those targeted for public denunciation in a manner copied from the most extreme communist regimes. This obnoxious ritual was only discontinued after Christians in 2012 organized a letter-writing campaign to Stonewall's corporate sponsors protesting and asking for funds to be withdrawn.[11]
Stonewall's attempts to "educate" the public have resulted in the death of at least one innocent person. On 28 November 2011, Roger Crouch, aged 55, who had just received Stonewall's title ”Hero of the Year”, hanged himself in the garage of his home.
This tragic story started when a group of 14-year-old pupils at St Edward’s school in Cheltenham, played a game of “spin the bottle”. The players sit in a circle and spin an empty bottle. When it stops, the player who spun it must kiss the person the bottle is pointing at. Dominic took part in this innocent game and some participants took photographs on their mobile phones. Later some of them they circulated the images and seeing a picture of Dominic kissing another boy, started to call him “gay”. They had of course been given this idea by the LGBT propaganda that surrounded them, thanks to the mission of Stonewall to "educate". Dominic was already suffering from inferiority feelings because he was dyslexic and he found this hard to bear. His mother recalled, “‘He was embarrassed and made to feel out of the group, made to feel like a fool."’ When the jokes continued, he found them so hurtful that he committed suicide by jumping off the roof of a six-storey block of flats. He was aged 15.
Dominic left three suicide notes, all of which mentioned bullying but made it quite clear he was not interested in homosexuality. ”Dear Family, I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do. I have been bullied a lot recently and had a lot of shit made up about me that ain’t true.”
Ben Summerskill, Chief Executive of Stonewall, read about the case in the newspapers, and rapidly enlisted Roger Crouch to tour schools to talk against supposed “homophobic” bullying. Despite Dominic’s own statements, Summerskill was determined to suggest that Dominic may have been homosexual and the parents were “in denial”. He wrote in The Guardian, a left-wing British newspaper, “We don’t know whether Dominic was gay or not, but one of the sad truths of so many similar cases is that parents tend to go into complete denial, even when there is quite significant evidence as to why their child committed suicide. In these cases, those parents are going through all the emotions of discovering their child might have been gay, as well as facing the trauma of losing a child.”
Roger Crouch realized that Stonewall was determined to exploit his son’s death to promote homosexuality and would adapt the facts to suit their ideas. They had falsified his son's reputation posthumously and were now using him to promote an agenda that would lead to the exploitation of many more teenage boys. In despair, he killed himself.[12]
Lobbying to Legalize Rape
In July 2017 Stonewall announced it would lobby for removal of “all instances of permitted discrimination against trans people” including the law on “sex by deception” that protects people from partners who lie about their real sex. Since obtaining sex by deception is a form of rape, Stonewall is campaigning to legalize rape. [13]
Refusal to Debate Issues
In October 2018 a petition was sent to Stonewall to reconsider how its policies impacted women and hold a respectful debate. The signatories included many prominent feminists and homosexuals. Stonewall refused any debate and within days, the signatories were receiving death threats, which one of them said he would send to the UK police.[14]
Use of Questionable Tactics
During the 2018 consultation about reform to the GRA, Stonewall published advertisements for the policy of gender self-ID carrying the names of forty groups including universities and major banks who supposedly supported it. But when questioned, some of the organizations, such as Manchester University, admitted that they had not realized what the agenda fully comprised and others said they had only agreed to be named out of fear of being denounced as "transphobic". None had any idea that the advertisement when clicked linked directly to the consultation form and encouraged people to vote "Yes".
Position of Privilege Inside the Establishment
During the period of consultation about introducing the policy of gender-self-identification, Stonewall activists had privileged access to government ministers. The Prime Minister Theresa May made speeches in favor of gender self-ID and invited prominent trans-activists to receptions at 10, Downing Street. The Minister for Equalities, Penny Mordaunt, made speeches in favor of gender self-ID that sounded as if they were written for her by Stonewall. This photograph taken in the office of the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, shows that Stonewall trans-activists were allowed to hold a meeting there in September 2018, about how to win the consultation. This was illegal as the Speaker of the House of Commons is required to be politically neutral.
Poorly Rated by British Homosexuals in Survey
A survey carried out in 2018 by "UK Pride Organisations Network and European Pride Organisers Association" asked homosexuals how they rated Stonewall UK and whether it helped or represented them. Asked to rate its general performance on a scale of 1-10 they gave it an average score of 3.75. For supportiveness, the average rating was 3.2 out of 10, with many voting 1/10. When asked how helpful they were, more than half of the replies were critical. Answers included "Avaricious, power seeking." "Corporate with high visibility, but does little to support LGBT+ grass roots." "I run an LGBT group they are no help to us". "Too interested in money and celebrity involvement. Too big an opinion of themselves." "If you’re not huge they don’t care." "They are like a bank rather than a charity... holding vast amounts of cash reserves ...Completely unacceptable in my view!" "They never respond to emails/ calls or events outside of [region]." "IMO Stonewall are a leading name within the LGBT movement. The more I learn the more I realise they have different agendas to what I first thought." [15]
When asked what changes they would like to see, answers included "Stop acting like the bloody LGBT Police." "They are unpleasant to work with and completely unsupportive." "I am personally so disappointed in Stonewall..the last five years have been diabolical." "I was told, by a rather snotty person on the phone, that posters cost money and if we [a new Pride] wanted Stonewall’s support, we had to pay for it. I think it was a fiver per poster!!" "They do not provide free resources that we can use" [i.e. they want payment].
One group reported that Stonewall had raised £1,800 from merchandise sales and donations at their event, but didn’t pay anything despite Stonewall requiring a marquee and furniture be provided, at cost to the group. Another reported that despite Stonewall having a turnover of £7 million and therefore being eligible for a stall priced at £60, they demanded the biggest level of discount, so paying £20. The group gave way to their request.
Another group wrote "After their Dorchester Hotel fuckup, we shouldn’t ever be surprised by any dodgy decision that Stonewall make."
Stonewall retaliated to the publication of this survey by boycotting the "Gay" Pride event in London held a few weeks later. [16]
Unpopularity with Lesbians and Feminists
Stonewall UK claims to represent lesbians but is widely disliked by them and loathed by the radical feminist lobby, because of Stonewall support for "transgender" ideology, including gender self-identification. Whenever the claims of transgendered people clash with those of women, Stonewall invariably sides with the transgenders, although the women are in a huge majority. Examples are when Male>Female transgenders wish to compete in sport against women, or demand access to women-only refuges, women-only shortlists in politics, women's awards, women's toilets, women's hospital wards and lesbian events. There are even MFTs who demand lesbians have sexual relations with them. Stonewall's preference for the MFTs and support for bullying campaigns that silence radical feminists on social media led the prominent British lesbian feminist Julie Bindel to post this message on on 22 May 2018:-
Despite this, Stonewall is still classified as a charity allowing it to avoid taxes, is still in control of government education policy, gets to vet other organizations and receives public funding in many direct and indirect ways.
Chief Executive Officer Ruth Hunt
Stonewall's CEO for 5 years was lesbian Ruth Hunt who had worked for it 9 years previously. She was widely condemned for her aggressive advocacy of homosexual indoctrination of children from nursery school upwards, and her uncritical promotion of the transgender agenda which many other lesbians oppose. When she announced her resignation from the job in 2019 there was widespread jubilation on social media and little sign of congratulation from any source.
Ratings System
Stonewall charges public bodies and private companies thousands of pounds per year to be assessed for "Equality and diversity". The value of this rating has been questioned, particularly since the firm rated Number 1 in 2018, the investment firm Macquarie, has one of the largest gender pay gaps in the UK. An independent enquiry revealed that women in Macquarie earn 60% an hour less than men in median terms with a bonus gap of 83% – making the investment firm the most imbalanced well-known financial institutions. Nearly 90% of those in the best-paid jobs are male while women make up 58% of the lowest paid. [17]
Growing unpopularity
Stonewall has sharply declined in popularity since 2018. It has been accused of "extortion" and its diversity champions scheme has been called a "protection racket". [18] It has also been called a "Mafia" and has been accused of putting pressure on people. "Stonewall charges thousands of pounds for businesses to fill out their Workplace Equality Index. It's a pyramid scheme they use for political leverage to great effect - eg contractors are pressured to comply with their 'standards' (eg transition at work policy). It's a mafia."[19] Lawyers have warned that there are serious legal risks for organizations signing up to Stonewall's Diversity Champions scheme because it gives inaccurate legal advice. [20] Many institutions have cut their ties with it. In October 2021 nurses in Glasgow held a public demonstration calling for the National Union of Nurses and the National Health Service to sever connection with it. [21]
Controlling Police
Stonewall trains and advises police forces all over UK regardless of the fact that it is illegal for the police to have a political agenda. In 2019 the North Yorkshire Police force issued this photograph of such a training session, then later denied that any such training and indoctrination takes place.
Intimidating Legal Profession
Lawyers have admitted that they are scared to challenge the "guidance" issued by Stonewall UK because they fear repercussions for themselves and their firm. [22] In 2022 London solicitor Allison Bailey brought a legal case against Stonewall UK and her firm Garden Court Chambers for discriminating against her on the grounds of her legally-held beliefs which are in conflict with Stonewall's transgender ideology. [23]
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