Rafail Ostrovsky
Rafail Ostrovsky (born 1963) is a professor of computer science and mathematics at UCLA and a well-known researcher in algorithms and cryptography. Prof. Ostrovsky received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1992. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Algorithmica [1], Editorial Board of Journal of Cryptology [2] and Editorial and Advisory Board of the International Journal of Information and Computer Security [3]. Prof. Ostrovsky is a winner of the 2006 IBM Faculty Award; the 2006 and 2005 Xerox Innovation Group Award; the 2004 OKAWA Research Award; the 1993 Henry Taub Prize; 1996 Bellcore prize for excellence in research; and three-time winner of the best published work of the year (1999, 2001, 2002) at SAIC in computer science and mathematics. Some notable achievements of Prof. Ostrovsky include:
- 1990 Introduced (with R. Venkatesan and M. Yung) the notion of interactive hashing proved essential for constructing statistical zero-knowledge proofs for NP based on any one-way function (see NOVY and ECCC TR06-075).
- 1991 Introduced (with M. Yung) the notion of mobile adversary (later renamed proactive security) (see survey of Goldwasser [4]) or over 400 citations in Google Scholar)
- 1992 Proved the existence of asymptotically optimal software protection scheme (later renamed searching on encrypted data) assuming the existence of Tamper-resistant Microprocessor
- 1993 Proved (with A. Wigderson) equivalence of one-way functions and zero-knowledge [5].
- 1996 Introduced (with R. Canetti, C. Dwork and M. Naor) the notion of deniable encryption [6].
- 1997 Invented (with E. Kushilevitz) the first single server private information retrieval protocol [7] (see over 400 citations in Google Scholar).
- 1997 Showed (with E. Kushilevitz and Y. Rabani) (1+ε) poly-time and poly-size approximate-nearest neighbor search for high-dimensional data for L1-norm and Euclidean space (see over 320 citations in Google Scholar).