Powers & Principalities, Episode 016, YouTube Auto-Generated Transcription

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Powers & Principalities, Episode 016

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The trouble with normies.


The transcription text below is a YouTube auto-generated English transcription from Powers & Principalities, Episode 016, published by "thkelly67" on 2017-09-09 with a running time of 1:35:23. All episodes of the Powers & Principalities weekly audio interview series between Joseph Atwill and Tim Kelly are included in this playlist on YouTube and are also available as audio podcast downloads on Tim Kelly's "Our Interesting Times" channel on Podomatic.

All transcription copyrights belong to Tim Kelly (thkelly67) & Joseph Atwill.

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YouTube auto-generated English transcription

00:00 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:42 Joe how you doing 00:44 just perfect Tim how are you this fine 00:46 evening very well I've no no complaints 00:49 at least I wouldn't bore you with any so 00:51 Oh for heaven's sakes we could make the 00:54 whole show about these for no one so you 01:01 have new jobs that hasslein kids of the 01:03 flu as a song used to say cat's in the 01:05 cradle yeah okay so tonight I thought we 01:09 mentioned I mentioned it earlier this 01:11 week or late last week or maybe not you 01:14 have a good time to talk about the the 01:16 trouble with normies normies had how do 01:18 we cope how do we deal with with normal 01:21 people was you know any quotes and their 01:24 their view of the world they read the 01:26 New York Times The Washington Post they 01:28 watch CNN Fox News and they you know if 01:31 they've listened to their college 01:33 professors they've read their high 01:34 school textbooks and they think that's 01:35 history it's a closed book and they can 01:37 move on in the world and everything 01:39 generally works you know the courts are 01:42 there to protect your rights protect 01:43 property uphold law and justice the 01:46 jails are there to jail bad bad guys and 01:48 the cops are there to protect your 01:49 rights and there's really nothing to 01:52 worry about because the adults are in 01:54 charge and there's nothing for us to do 01:56 except pay our taxes and be good 01:58 subjects so that's maybe unfair to 02:01 normies but so how do how do we do how 02:06 do we deal with with normies we're all 02:07 we know I love them because they're our 02:08 family members they're our friends so 02:10 how do we deal with normies what's the 02:13 trouble with them well you know there's 02:18 just almost no specific point to start 02:22 with this but it's a problem that 02:24 everyone has I think who has a you know 02:27 more 02:29 developed understanding of our world 02:31 right um to me that kind of started with 02:35 911 you know I went through the process 02:39 of trying to figure out how the 02:41 buildings could collapse without 02:43 controlled demolition it's been a lot of 02:46 time doing that and at the end of it I 02:48 was horrified because it was clear that 02:50 it wasn't just you know a group that had 02:55 done all this that was basically an 02:57 inside job but that the media the entire 03:00 media was an inside job and so that led 03:04 me to realize that the media was part of 03:09 the society the secrets ID that had done 03:11 this and in fact I started to think 03:14 about you know lifetime actors people 03:16 like nom Chomsky and Lyndon Baines 03:20 Johnson and the Bush family that that 03:23 they had basically created these 03:25 fictitious personalities you know to use 03:28 for propaganda purposes so it was really 03:31 horrifying you know because it changed 03:33 completely my understanding of reality 03:35 fortunately there are quite a few people 03:38 that were going through the very same 03:40 process at the very same time so I was 03:43 lucky in that I had a few friends who 03:46 were coming to the same conclusions 03:48 however we noticed that not many people 03:53 at that time you know we're kind of in 03:55 our thought world um at that point it 03:58 wasn't too tough you know I mean it was 04:00 I had this sort of different 04:02 understanding but it wasn't really kind 04:04 of getting to me emotionally but as the 04:06 years went along and I kind of you know 04:10 couldn't really make much progress with 04:12 family members with a whole bunch of 04:14 people that I knew and I was you know 04:18 getting more and more sort of interested 04:20 in internet relationships with people 04:22 that actually could kind of think of 04:25 what as I saw it clearly so I just 04:27 started transitioning kind of just in 04:30 terms of who I was dealing with but the 04:32 problem is Tim is that I was not really 04:36 learning how to deal with normies right 04:40 I was just kind of staying away 04:42 from normies but that's not a great way 04:46 to live and so I have you know thought 04:50 about this over the last few years 04:51 specifically and you know basically the 04:57 thing that I do is I kind of categorize 04:59 people basically the three camps you 05:03 know I mean III I'd hate to be 05:07 derogatory but the first camp is just 05:08 brain dead you know this would be you 05:11 come into a party and one guy is talking 05:15 about you know the Cleveland brain 05:19 concussions are going to play a game 05:21 Sunday against the Philadelphia of 05:23 flying fornicators you know and you know 05:26 and they they then talk about you know 05:30 Hillary versus Trump they think this is 05:34 real yeah you know they're right they 05:36 have a motion about it you know they 05:39 want to kill all the terrorists and they 05:41 don't want Isis to get into the United 05:43 States they think that college is still 05:47 a good idea I mean I mean yeah I mean 05:52 this group is like basically it's like I 05:56 just say look out why doesn't someone 05:57 open it like a cylinder of glyphosate 06:00 Bieber you can just get sick they're 06:05 just telling you can do so that's now 06:09 you know they are just lost in the 06:13 construction of reality they're just 06:16 nothing you can do to penetrate the 06:20 other group is ones that I think are now 06:23 troubled it's sort of what I call the 06:25 troubled group so it's a group that 06:28 there's from time to time they just 06:29 don't quite get reality it's like it's 06:33 like cognitive dissonance there yeah 06:35 it's like it starting to creep in now 06:36 like I'll just give an example like a 06:38 good friend of mine from high school 06:39 visited the other day 06:41 hasn't seen a long time she runs a you 06:45 know a clinic or actually a hospital and 06:48 and she's talking about how she raped 06:50 gate ran a vaccine clinic and I said 06:53 well I asked I said why did you 06:54 that you know that the vaccine companies 06:58 have been spared from lawsuits she 07:01 couldn't believe this you know even 07:02 though she actually is a big shot in the 07:04 hospital and she was running it she she 07:05 was just shocked 07:06 um but amazingly she actually got back 07:10 to me and she was like well this is 07:14 weird and she started having these other 07:16 things so she had moved into what I 07:18 called this this this phase of the 07:21 curious now this is like because you 07:25 know the people that kind of know me 07:26 just like I'm sure this happens to you 07:28 is like a lot of people sort of because 07:31 I'm not particularly shy about my 07:33 political positions like it's important 07:35 you know to talk about so so from time 07:38 to time I'll be at parties and normally 07:40 I'll be all by myself in a corner you 07:42 know so you're like one of those truther 07:51 guys ah you know I go yeah that's me 07:53 that would be me and they go we you know 07:56 it's like I've always thought that was a 07:58 little weird that whole thing was a 08:00 little bit it's the curious face yeah 08:02 this is someone who's like you can see 08:04 the brain is actually turning over and 08:06 there's something still living inside 08:08 the mind now here I you know in terms of 08:12 how do you get along and at this point I 08:13 just completely try to engage them I try 08:18 that you know every little fan every 08:21 little flame of curiosity about 08:22 everything it's like one guy that I 08:26 talked to it started out with he saw 08:29 that the groping at the airports was 08:32 irrational and there might be something 08:34 in back of it like the government um you 08:37 know could be trying to basically shape 08:40 us into slaves this was just a little 08:42 concerning a couple years ago Jim I'm 08:44 proud report that the day the guy is a 08:46 flaming opposite he has gotten into 08:52 every studies every conspiracy Terry 08:54 I mean he's so off the deep end he 08:56 listens to our show oh wow is he living 09:04 under an underpass 09:06 yeah he is actually so the whole life is 09:08 collapsing you know the kids have left 09:11 nothing left but you know so this is 09:17 this is good but um so okay I just 09:21 wanted to say that he has nothing left 09:23 but his sanity that's right you have 09:26 nothing left your sanity you know and 09:28 your wilderness you know and so um so 09:31 just on a serious side here I would just 09:33 say that in dealing with normies you 09:38 have to kind of look at yourself 09:41 honestly because some people and I've 09:45 seen this where they get ostracized and 09:48 attacked and they just through whatever 09:51 reason their particular psychological 09:53 makeup you know just is beaten down by 09:56 that even if they win every argument and 09:59 have the truth it just wears on them I 10:02 would say for people like that they're 10:04 better just to look for those who are 10:06 curious and try to work you know at that 10:08 you know at that level 10:09 yeah um others like who are leather 10:12 skinned kind of you know troglodytes 10:14 like myself I mean we have more of the 10:17 responsibility to just you know let 10:21 people vent hatred and confusion um it's 10:25 like people will talk talking to me 10:28 about Isis I just can't take this stuff 10:33 seriously and and you know and I'll say 10:37 you know you're living in like a slave 10:39 camp of your own making 10:41 you'reyou're completely like mind 10:44 controlled robot you know I mean I don't 10:47 I don't mince words you know to see if I 10:49 can stimulate their you know come get 10:51 some emotion I'm but so anyway it's just 10:54 sort of like dealing with Norma is it 10:56 kind of depends on yourself I don't 10:59 think it's healthy I don't think almost 11:01 anybody who comes to the understanding 11:02 that the secret society exists that it's 11:05 you know interested in genocide that is 11:08 creating a brave new world of 11:12 intentionally dumbed down humans you 11:15 know doesn't being of oh no 11:18 I don't think you cannot you can't 11:20 really live normally you can't have a 11:23 healthy life you know if you don't 11:25 basically express this to the people 11:29 that around you so it's it's a troubled 11:33 area Tim it just you know you you go out 11:35 into this world with this information if 11:37 you're in if you're living among normies 11:39 not easy because you will you know 11:43 depending on your personality you're not 11:46 going to find a lot of happiness in in 11:48 in communicating with them you've got to 11:50 shut up or you know prepare to have 11:54 irrationality vent itself back to you 11:56 but you know something Tim this is what 11:59 I just want to say that we have to 12:02 accept this we have to do it we have to 12:05 turn our personalities basically into 12:08 weapons of justice and truth there's an 12:11 expression we have to accept the role 12:15 and it's just part of the the 12:19 responsibility that we have once we have 12:21 the clarity of of what is going on in a 12:24 world those who have been given the gift 12:27 and curse of the truth it is upon them 12:32 you know to give it to other people and 12:34 I hate to say it but there's just no 12:37 price to great because they are 12:40 basically Jenna citing us the Georgia 12:42 Guidestones are not some kind of 12:44 eccentric you know like a stone worker 12:49 had just happened to go out there and 12:51 know how to speak ancient Babylonian in 12:55 text I mean this is this is the future 12:58 folk so we have to basically engage the 13:03 normies we have to try to move them from 13:05 the brain-dead from where they're paying 13:07 attention between the you know NFL you 13:10 know and and stuff like that to try to 13:13 make them engage with some curiosity 13:16 about our world 13:19 yeah they give it that's the experience 13:23 I have whether it's with family members 13:26 more family members 13:28 is there very stuck in the conventional 13:31 view I don't call it a matrix it's kind 13:33 of Tim item in interrupt I just care do 13:35 you have any family members that you can 13:36 like that are you know to some extent 13:39 clear minded and seeing some of the 13:42 stuff 13:43 perhaps one perhaps one and I don't 13:48 let's say you agree with him all the 13:49 time on some of the things but it's um 13:54 well it's it's it's as if when we talk 13:58 about some things and with a revision 14:00 certain skeptical revisionist use of 14:03 history it I often get a very an 14:06 emotional response not an informed 14:09 response that's one thing that's yeah 14:11 almost like the emotion you can gauge 14:13 the emotion along with the lack of with 14:15 the lack of knowledge or information 14:18 about a particular topic I I gather 14:21 that's an emotional reaction to the 14:23 realization that their world is not what 14:26 they think it is and that's a very 14:27 painful thing to acknowledge also I 14:30 think fear fear of ostracism their 14:33 career they're very comfortable in their 14:35 place in the world and they have certain 14:38 material creature comforts in the system 14:40 seems to be feeding them well and they 14:42 don't like it being upset so they like 14:45 you know to think the world is as they 14:48 as they have been instructive it 14:50 basically works for them you know you 14:54 know the person will choose a position 14:57 on the left or on the right in the 14:59 center and that's their position that's 15:01 they don't like being moved from that 15:03 from that position they have their you 15:05 know their heroes and their icons 15:07 they're villains I people actually react 15:11 harsher to being denied their villains 15:13 than they do their heroes right yeah 15:16 that's one thing I've learned and 15:18 they're not really given to any informed 15:20 or a rational discussion about these 15:22 things I mean for me it's it's a the 15:24 very least is interesting history is 15:26 much more interest and they've even led 15:28 to believe I'm even told so my curiosity 15:30 is sparked by it about certain things 15:33 and I you know a lot of people think 15:35 that they can sit back watch the 15:38 mainstream media whether it's Fox News 15:41 or see 15:41 BC or the networks read their newspapers 15:44 and the magazines and listen to talk 15:47 radio and these corporate institutions 15:50 are going to take this complex world and 15:53 distill it down for us in a way that we 15:55 can understand and make an informed 15:57 decision about our lives our children's 15:59 lives or careers that's not the way the 16:01 system works that's not the way it's 16:02 never designed to work and if you just 16:04 do a cursory exam with the history of 16:06 these institutions these institutions 16:08 were all corporate bodies that serve the 16:11 very narrow interest of a few elite 16:14 families and that should be enough to at 16:17 least for the average person that go 16:19 whoa wait a second you know in the four 16:23 I mean the university system the you 16:25 know the the whole doctor doctor 16:27 doctorate program PhD program the 16:30 getting your bachelor's degree the all 16:31 these uh I guess you could say these 16:34 markers for success are all designed to 16:37 enslave us and mislead us so we don't 16:42 acknowledge our enslavement and create a 16:44 certain well called micro if you will 16:47 but just a an environment where we can't 16:51 we can no longer discern and judge 16:53 things for ourselves because we're all 16:55 with it we're all working within the 16:56 system it's so when you start adjusting 17:02 things like 9/11 and not for me or 17:04 didn't start with 9/11 to me it you know 17:06 I was always interested in things like 17:08 what was really going on a world war two 17:10 Pearl Harbor so I was dealing more in 17:11 history about fifteen years ago the JFK 17:14 assassination and these things World War 17:17 two Pearl Harbor Gulf of Tonkin Vietnam 17:20 War the truth storage behind Watergate 17:22 and so as I was looking into these all 17:25 these events and how the mainstream view 17:28 was not what we were told 17:30 I started looking more than 9/11 so if 17:32 you know if those things were the media 17:35 was involved in covering up those things 17:37 why should we look in the trust with the 17:39 tongues but 9/11 and then of course I 17:41 was confronted with the obvious you know 17:43 the anomalies and inconsistencies of the 17:45 official story and 17:48 and then you have to deal with the 17:51 implications of that and that's what 17:54 most people aren't willing to deal with 17:55 the implications of the of the problems 17:57 with 911 you know whether it's the you 18:00 know collapse you know the freefall 18:02 collapse symmetrical collapse of 18:05 buildings they're asymmetrically damaged 18:07 they're looked to be disintegrating and 18:10 you have this power classic explosion 18:12 these things all anomalies it's building 18:14 seven buildings yeah the Pentagon with a 18:21 like commercial jetliner at 500 miles an 18:24 hour 18:25 yeah I'm and you know to Brits like 18:28 that's the slickest piece of flying I've 18:30 ever seen I don't necessarily condemn 18:34 people not acknowledging that because 18:35 for a few years I didn't think about it 18:37 either 18:37 I just hurt I was traumatized by the 18:40 events that day I was overwhelmed by it 18:42 nope 18:43 thing was designed to overwhelm your 18:45 senses so you lose your critical facts 18:47 that's the essence of terrorism but 18:50 nevertheless as the years you know as 18:51 you as as you calm down you regain your 18:55 ret your rational faculties your 18:57 critical thought and you start taking 18:59 what's going on 19:00 you know you something's not right here 19:01 and you start taking the time to read 19:04 books and within five six seven years 19:07 yeah my position that had wouldn't say 19:10 solidified because I don't think 19:11 anything I'm not slow they don't 19:13 solidify in any of these things though 19:14 the more he's willing to to adjust them 19:16 according to the facts but um that's 19:20 when I really became convinced that yeah 19:24 there was quote you know for the lack of 19:27 a better term an inside job much more 19:29 complex I think than even many of the 19:31 researchers 9/11 truth researchers even 19:35 realize which me leads all the 19:37 infighting within the community because 19:39 Iran has ruined them theories about what 19:41 really happened and you know and I think 19:44 like anything people have equated 9/11 19:48 also JFK these things to an onion 19:50 because they're layers to these things 19:51 and there's different factions and 19:52 interest involved in these things and 19:54 different differing theories regarding 19:55 the events that day what happened don't 19:57 necessarily contradict each other 19:59 you know right and it's sad actually 20:03 that you know people get fixated on 20:06 small theories our particular theories 20:09 and then they will end up fighting among 20:13 themselves you know you get like the 20:15 Judy would camp with ya you know versus 20:18 you know I don't know thermite you know 20:21 the different theories on how it came 20:23 down I mean all that's interesting but 20:26 it keeps us from the one thing that we 20:29 have to book the one thing that I always 20:32 try to bear in mind whenever I'm talking 20:35 to an or me that it seems to be 20:36 transitioning through the phases is that 20:39 really at the end of the day what you're 20:41 trying to end up with to use an 20:43 expression is Brotherhood or unity 20:47 because a lot of people are not brothers 20:49 so women but but you need to have a an 20:53 established group that identifies with 20:58 itself in other words if you think about 21:00 an ethnic neighborhood okay what what 21:03 that is that's kind of what we have to 21:07 recreate but around the awareness that 21:11 there is a you know a Luciferian secret 21:15 society that wants to genocide us and it 21:19 controls the media it controls the 21:22 government and the wealth and it control 21:25 that it uses lifetime actors and 21:27 sophisticated psychological maneuvers 21:29 against the people and and so once you 21:34 have that awareness just being by 21:37 yourself or having it as kind of an 21:39 analytic puzzle that doesn't really help 21:41 anything you need to find a way to 21:44 create Brotherhood and and so that's 21:50 that's why one thing I try to do is to 21:54 suggest to people that you know in the 21:59 alt media we should only be fighting 22:01 among ourselves if there is something 22:03 that's life and death because all of the 22:06 infighting 22:06 and kind of long the alt media lines 22:11 is basically counterproductive to the 22:14 major goal which is Brotherhood and I'll 22:17 give you an example like J Dyer so J 22:24 didn't like the fact that I was writing 22:26 analysis about The Tempest I think it 22:29 was yeah The Tempest and so he was 22:32 writing kind of bad things that I was 22:33 plagiarizing him even though in fact if 22:36 he had bothered to read it he would have 22:38 seen you know that what I was talking 22:42 about is totally different than what he 22:43 was talking about and so then you know 22:46 in other shows there's been like issues 22:47 you know like our positions on 22:49 Christianity is different if you think 22:51 and I ran into him we're both doing them 22:54 a media thing in Denver that this 22:57 network and so he was there and I was 22:59 her and I told him I said jailer let's 23:01 not sweat the small stuff 23:03 let's try to develop some protocols so 23:06 that the emerging Brotherhood cannot be 23:10 sidetracked by these small things yeah 23:13 yeah I'm sorry I'm just I'm just saying 23:17 yes yeah I mean if all you end up with 23:20 is just like a thousand little fiefdom 23:22 zuv analysis right where everyone has a 23:26 small little pet area about whatever and 23:28 it's put forward and they they have a 23:30 few followers I mean what is that going 23:32 to do we need to find a way to 23:37 transition all this sort of 23:38 understanding into a unity into I don't 23:42 know maybe we need to get like t-shirts 23:44 made or something so that we can be like 23:46 you know instead of anti Fattah we can 23:49 be you know I'm I don't know Tim Kelly 23:52 Fattah or something you know some kind 23:54 of some kind of way of like representing 23:57 ourselves that there is this overarching 23:59 problem about the Luciferian secret 24:03 society that is going to genocide us 24:05 right and all the little pet theories 24:08 you know is it thermite or is it 24:10 controlled demolition or is it you know 24:12 some kind of special nuclear bomb okay 24:14 that's all interesting but folks it's 24:16 not relevant to the big problem in fact 24:20 if we bogged down there how are we going 24:23 to develop the one thing 24:24 we need which is this vast unity so my 24:29 thing Tim is when we talk to norm uses 24:32 try to not get them to be you know fired 24:35 up on any one particular you know theory 24:39 but rather look for themes that can get 24:43 them into our guild our community and so 24:49 you know everyone it's you can't always 24:53 control the how conversations unfold but 24:56 I would say you know things that I would 25:00 mention are like all of the false flags 25:03 in history you know the things that'll 25:05 just if you get to try to transition 25:06 someone from curious into you know like 25:09 a real understanding of the world one of 25:11 the good things is just all of the false 25:13 flags in history right yeah that's what 25:16 I do I just laying out what do you do 25:19 telling you I'm just curious about that 25:20 like if you find someone who's curious 25:22 how do you have a particular way of 25:24 transitioning them well I usually well 25:28 someone who is dismissive or trying to 25:30 mock music conspiracy theorists use that 25:32 term I said oh do you know where that 25:33 term came from that was a conspiracy I 25:37 mentioned the CIA memorandum 1967 is 25:39 used to Mars eyes those who are 25:41 skeptical of the Warren Report regarding 25:43 the Kennedy it's John F Kennedy 25:44 assassination so your mimic ye mimicking 25:47 or your parroting the very line that 25:51 they created to smother skepticism which 25:54 is necessary in any free society 25:55 especially when you're dealing with 25:57 institutions particularly secretive 26:00 occulted institutions like the Central 26:02 Intelligence Agency in the military 26:04 which have no perfective of effective 26:07 oversight so I point that out and then I 26:10 say a history of you dismissed the idea 26:13 of false flag terrorism you simply 26:15 dismissing history then I mentioned the 26:17 LaVon affair is rarely attacked the USS 26:22 Liberty which they don't seem to know 26:24 about you know then I tell one buyer and 26:25 said look it up look at look at that 26:27 explain this to me explain northwards 26:29 Operation Northwoods that was revealed 26:32 because of the Kennedy assassination 26:33 because it was the the documents that 26:36 were released in the 26:37 in the wake of Oliver Stone's movie when 26:40 they have has to use any records the 26:42 records Review Board which then released 26:44 these records and this was this document 26:46 was released showing that the Joint 26:48 Chiefs of Staff had proposed to 26:49 President Kennedy 962 a false flag 26:52 attack that involved fake victims fake 26:55 Airlines drones and these things and 26:57 this is 1962 this is history 27:01 now this is the official narrative why 27:03 it was released it could be limited hang 27:05 out more SIOP could have been just an 27:07 accident it just got out that that I 27:09 don't know but nevertheless the official 27:12 story is that this is what they were 27:13 planning well I've been limit sir 27:14 the Joint Chiefs of Staff was doing that 27:16 and he was sent packing went to be went 27:20 out to head off head NATO just when 27:23 Gladio kicked in Operation Gladio right 27:26 other documented false flag attack 27:28 Gladio operations these false flag 27:30 terror attacks which should I mean for 27:32 years we were worried about you know 27:33 terrorism red terror in Europe was a 27:36 communist and all that that's how what's 27:37 what we thought it was in the 70s and 27:39 80s awesome the nineties it came out it 27:41 was is all fake it was there to create 27:43 that terror that anxiety that we were 27:45 fearing that we were feeling in the 70s 27:47 to fundamentally change the politics of 27:49 the target nations Italy Belgium 27:51 you had the Brabant massacres me a just 27:53 says random shootings and chinch in 27:54 shopping malls in Belgium you know and 27:58 turns out this this is part of that 28:00 Gladio operation so when you look at 28:02 that and you look at the you know the 28:03 shooting craze that just you know a year 28:06 or two ago you're going through you 28:08 start to rethink these whether it's 28:09 Sandy Hook or these lone shooter attacks 28:11 and all these things make sure we think 28:14 about you know Oklahoma City in the 28:16 history behind that and of course the 28:19 whole idea of COINTELPRO and radicalized 28:21 infiltrating and actually creating 28:22 terror groups like the Assemblies 28:24 Liberation Army there was an outgrowth 28:25 out of MKULTRA the Vacaville prison and 28:28 how the telogen take use in military 28:30 more less took over the psychiatric 28:33 hospitals and prisons of the United 28:34 States is using these people's beginni 28:36 pigs to create false terror to create 28:38 the a political climate 28:39 well they could further expand the 28:41 police state expand budgets and create a 28:44 fear in society so if you look at that 28:47 then that that puts 9/11 that puts all 28:50 these shooting events all the 28:51 events in a different context if you 28:53 look at operation chaos and idea that in 28:56 the military through the National Guard 28:58 has pretty much erased Posse Comitatus 29:02 and they evolved all the very various 29:05 different alphabet soup operations out 29:08 there going which we don't know about 29:09 that are infiltrating these supposed 29:11 white extremist groups and as any if 29:13 there's a neo-nazi group at or if 29:15 there's a Klan meeting out there most of 29:17 them are informants or federal agents 29:18 and they're there to stir up trouble 29:21 yeah if you look at like patcon Patriot 29:24 conspiracy the FBI our program wasn't 29:25 there just to infiltrate these groups 29:27 that existed on their own it was there 29:28 to either take groups that existed on 29:30 their own radicalize them run them as an 29:34 operation to justify budgets under the 29:36 cover of an investigation and it's very 29:39 likely factored into into what happened 29:40 on in Oklahoma City on April 1995 and 29:44 you can extrapolate from that you can 29:46 strap late like the the the case of a 29:50 Whitey Bulger what the FBI was doing 29:53 where they were protecting this mobster 29:55 he was going on killing stealing and his 29:57 FBI agents were building a career off 29:59 him as he went out they haven't put an 30:01 innocent man in prison because they 30:04 don't want to blow that blow their 30:05 informant and so extrapolate from that 30:09 what I think is really going on you have 30:11 Trevor Harrison's book the terror 30:13 factory where all these terrorist cases 30:15 that we've heard about since 2001 30:17 domestic terrorist cases they're all FBI 30:21 of run operations sting operations these 30:24 are these are terrorist conspiracies 30:27 that wouldn't exist if not for the FBI 30:29 nurturing them and you know it's easy to 30:32 take credit for an arrest if you if you 30:34 hatched the plot it changes your 30:37 analytical approach to these things you 30:40 know you have to you have to have the 30:41 knowledge so you're in your analytical 30:43 approach to what's going on is better 30:45 informed you know and that's where you 30:47 have to point out and usually if the 30:49 conversation goes that long the person 30:51 will be overwhelmed by it you know 30:54 whether they just really it's like I'm 30:56 from another planet even though when I 30:58 speak all those examples were all 31:00 documents not that isn't those aren't 31:02 the craziest conspiracy theories to put 31:04 that in quotes 31:05 those are the documented things you know 31:07 so right those things are true you bet 31:09 the realities much worse the truth is 31:12 much worse yeah those are the ones 31:15 they've been caught at who knows what 31:17 they happen to cut it I always try to 31:19 throw in you and Cameron I think he's 31:22 one someone that really helps normies 31:24 kind of transition almost as no one has 31:27 ever heard of him 31:28 yeah but you know like there's just a 31:32 lot of stuff online now about the the 31:36 torture that he put his victims through 31:38 and the the funding of those experiments 31:42 you know through MKULTRA is completely 31:45 documented it's something any citizen 31:47 can process and when you then think 31:52 about for example 9/11 in light of the 31:54 other human experimentations and 31:56 basically let's just call it what it is 31:58 human sacrifice then suddenly the mind 32:01 is a little more open to the possibility 32:04 that 9/11 was was an inside job right 32:06 because when you document all of these 32:10 instances where there was the the deaths 32:15 of civilians well it just makes it the 32:18 idea that the government would do 32:20 something like 9/11 more basically 32:24 processable to the the normal mind 32:26 particularly when you link it into the 32:28 politics when you link it into the 32:30 Patriot Act being all set to go the next 32:33 two days later when you link it into the 32:35 foreign policy that was all set to go 32:38 the next day the the political linkage 32:40 of 9/11 is well established anyone can 32:43 see it it's completely artificial right 32:46 Wesley Clark supposedly wandered around 32:48 the Pentagon the day after nine one one 32:49 and they were telling him that they were 32:51 going to invade Iraq even though there 32:54 was no connection between Iraq and the 32:56 event they said that's what they were 32:59 going to do and so the political linkage 33:03 to 9/11 was basically something that was 33:07 already in place and then all you need 33:09 to do is then show that 9/11 because of 33:12 all of the strange things that came 33:14 about and the documentation was 33:17 something the government 33:18 and then now that's a nice unified whole 33:20 that a Normie can basically kind of 33:23 scratch his head about and then 33:26 hopefully they can start to move forward 33:30 one thing that I was gonna mention I'm a 33:34 little data point that I came across 33:37 that kind of raised an eyebrow so I was 33:42 looking at data about opioid use and 33:47 came across this fact that half of the 33:51 adult males that that are not in the 33:53 workforce one-half I use opioids one 33:58 half right and this is an enormous 34:02 fraction it isn't like you know three 34:04 percent population those are the 34:05 official number you're talking about 34:06 like thirty percent of the adult males 34:07 and out of this group one half use 34:10 opioids so that would be what I would 34:14 put in the an opioid user would be 34:16 someone I would put in the in the class 34:18 of really you can't do a whole lot with 34:21 this individual right because you have 34:22 this strong chemical control they can't 34:26 get upset about anything right yeah so 34:29 so the so one thing that we really want 34:32 to also go with and this is actually I 34:35 mean I was gonna suggest to you that 34:37 this has been a route that I've had some 34:39 success with as I try to get them to 34:42 think about they want you know they're 34:45 not healthy you know like well you know 34:47 you weighed 300 pounds you know you have 34:51 cancer and you know you have high blood 34:54 pressure and they have this like like 34:56 bucket full of medicine they want you to 34:57 take that makes you feel like you know 35:00 you're brain dead and so maybe you want 35:02 to like look in another another path 35:04 your brother maybe you want to like talk 35:06 about some nutrition and and once they 35:09 they start to transition my point is is 35:12 just that it's easier conceptually to 35:16 start to realize they have to change 35:18 their their way of eating and nutrition 35:21 and just you know toxicity and from 35:25 there they can start to see that there's 35:27 malevolence it's just an easier platform 35:30 to 35:31 - to see the reality of malevolence 35:36 because once people get into like 35:39 studying autism studying you know the 35:42 toxicity and foods it's a pretty easy 35:45 trajectory to get to the understanding 35:48 that there's malevolence and and if 35:50 someone starts to see malevolence in our 35:53 government then I think the curtain is 35:55 lifting right that's a sub that's 35:57 someone who will be open to other ideas 35:59 about government malevolence and and 36:02 this is the this is the key kind of 36:04 thing you have to look for and look for 36:06 opportunities teaching moments where 36:09 someone has a reason to want to be open 36:14 minded and you know someone who is you 36:17 know on opioids many people basically 36:21 just they their soul is crushed under 36:24 that condition and they just there's 36:27 nothing you can do with them but some 36:29 people feel horrible 36:30 there are some people whose soul is not 36:33 crushed to know that they're on a path 36:35 that they shouldn't be on those people I 36:37 think are are opened I think to the idea 36:41 of government 11 lose a little bit you 36:43 know more so than normal people the 36:45 problem is is they have to overcome the 36:47 hurdle of getting off the opioids and 36:49 and so anyway so you have this 36:51 additional issue but that's that's 36:53 another thing that I look for is people 36:55 who want to transition in terms of hell 36:57 yeah the acknowledgement of malevolence 37:01 and high-level malevolence is a key 37:02 thing because often people are 37:04 incredulous when you suggest that entire 37:07 institutions are corrupted and actually 37:09 are looking to kill you 37:10 slower faster the medical system of the 37:14 the these men and white coats and the 37:16 allopathic medicines system that was 37:19 imposed by the Rockefellers back in the 37:20 early 20th century as another area we 37:23 just to go through the history you can 37:25 see you can almost see a business plan 37:26 unfolding and they want to market these 37:29 petroleum-based chemicals drugs and get 37:32 away from hell you know homeopathic 37:34 natural care nutrition and starting to 37:37 start to impose sick care and somebody 37:39 if you get example like Johnny Rock 37:41 fellas father wired you know 37:43 he was devil bill he they called him he 37:45 actually was a snake oil salesman you 37:48 know yeah he killed people with this 37:50 thing new Joel and new Joel was supposed 37:52 to could cure cancer and they doesn't 37:54 couldn't do that they call it a laxative 37:56 but my problem is it you expelled all 37:59 the the necessary nutrients you were 38:02 taking you're supposed to be absorbing 38:03 in your body making you sicker the 38:06 example of malevolence of the medical 38:07 system was in the nineteen twenties I 38:11 think was the twenties early part twenty 38:15 century pellagra in the south this 38:17 vitamin deficiency I think is niacin 38:20 because of the diet down there the poor 38:21 people in the self well they they 38:24 discovered that this condition Plager 38:26 was a vitamin deficiency and so if you 38:28 just include niacin increased nice 38:29 another diet you'd get rid of it they 38:31 cover it up for more than two decades 38:33 and this was part of it I think a the 38:35 Harriman family did this and you know 38:38 through Cold Harbor Springs it's a 38:40 eugenics institution up in New York but 38:43 they they more or less instructed the 38:45 medical community not to make implement 38:50 that you know you incorporate that 38:52 information into their medical care to 38:53 cure these people they wanted to see 38:55 them get sicker you also you're the 38:57 infamous Tuskegee program Institute 38:59 where they let these people act men you 39:03 die of syphilis spread syphilis and this 39:04 is just to see the reaction and I don't 39:07 think that type of malevolence is just 39:08 targeting the black population I mean 39:12 target everyone but I mean isn't in 39:15 their their ethnicity or guilt but the 39:17 problem is is that they do look at the 39:20 african-american as the most vulnerable 39:22 yes and they've been doing crap against 39:25 them and I mean that's why they you know 39:28 first brought out the concept of the 39:30 single mom funded by the state as a 39:33 culturally wholesome entity with the 39:36 african-american populations yeah more 39:38 or less one thing is to destroy them to 39:41 reduce their numbers and also to create 39:43 sort of a lump and proletariat's it's 39:45 what we have exactly that is what 39:47 they're after they're after but it's not 39:48 just lump I mean it's like more I would 39:50 say that's that that's transition where 39:52 they want to get to is dealt as an 39:54 epsilon yeah and I mean when we were 39:56 talking about 39:57 cystic kids and how they are you know 39:59 they're trying to rework the cultural 40:02 memory by you know making it a 40:04 neurologic right yeah neuro diversity 40:08 Bureau diversity and they have the 40:10 neurologic right to exist as autistic 40:13 people and a happy healthy way and we 40:15 should be accepting of them and they 40:18 could be superheroes like in the movie 40:20 the accountant like you know yeah so you 40:26 know so this is obvious just malevolence 40:29 on a grand scale they're just trying to 40:31 make people think that the you know the 40:33 brave new world intellectually 40:35 stratified society is is good and of 40:40 course their children are being given 40:42 every imaginable you know way to have 40:46 the highest possible amount of brain 40:48 power so you know you can see where 40:51 where they want to take us and this 40:53 would just be a transition in itself 40:54 before we were replaced by robots and 40:57 then you'd have the Georgia Guidestones 40:59 come to life so this is why you you have 41:06 with health you know a really good 41:08 opportunity to get clarity one group and 41:11 I know this is you know double-edged 41:13 because there's so much emotion both but 41:16 one group I've had a lot of success with 41:18 getting people to transition is mothers 41:21 who have children and are a little bit 41:24 leery about vaccinations yeah their 41:27 maturity goes kicking in it's it just 41:29 doesn't seem right it doesn't seem right 41:32 you know they get the babies taken away 41:34 all these you know they know you know so 41:36 so that's that is another way you 41:39 another opportunity to try to transition 41:42 Norma's because you know getting back to 41:44 like our topic I mean all I recommend to 41:46 me of the existential problem of like 41:49 living with normies you know I don't 41:51 mind just being alone in a party timid I 41:53 could care less frankly you know the 41:56 conversation is better because because 42:02 the norm is just driving me nuts 42:03 I like I like it when they ask me a 42:05 question and they don't they don't yeah 42:07 you answer it well I'm just 42:10 so bad-tempered and weird that that I'm 42:13 just brought as you know something as a 42:16 cautionary tale for normal people to 42:18 look at you know but it doesn't it 42:19 really it's fine because the 42:22 conversations a superficiality and the 42:25 way you have to avoid you know being 42:26 yourself it's just it's drains my energy 42:29 I'd rather just have fewer conversations 42:31 with people that are higher quality than 42:34 a whole bunch of conversations with 42:36 people that are you know basically 42:39 normies that just it's just and it's 42:41 just exhausting to try to transition 42:44 them even till simple things like you 42:46 know being a little more alert about 42:49 9-1-1 or maybe you want to look at maybe 42:51 there's a chance that the government be 42:53 tempted to be level and with the power 42:55 of the vaccines you know just little 42:57 things like that or so much effort to 43:00 with when someone's not willing to 43:02 transition mm-hmm that it isn't it's 43:04 just not worth my time but so so I don't 43:07 really ever feel like oh this is 43:09 horrible if only I could talk to 43:10 Normandy and I just that nothing crosses 43:12 my mind but when someone is curious then 43:15 that is energizing to me and at all it 43:18 makes up for all of the the law small 43:20 talk and they lend and you know one 43:23 thing about the normies just in general 43:25 and this is just a comment on American 43:26 culture it's complete crap I mean you 43:29 know it's like they talk about the NFL 43:32 and fantasy football and and opioids and 43:35 I mean it's just complete crap they have 43:38 nothing out their minds are just shot 43:40 you know they don't have any kind of 43:41 curiosity about anything really they're 43:43 they're kind of brain-dead so you really 43:46 don't want to spend much time with them 43:48 it's just if there is a you know some 43:50 individual that kind of wants to unify 43:52 with you then then then that's very 43:55 energizing but the rest of the time I 43:57 think it's just best to but you know you 43:59 have to be on the lookout the group that 44:03 I would love to like you know have 44:05 discussions with how to like engage with 44:08 norm uses college kids because in 44:10 college there should be intellectual 44:11 curiosity even though there isn't and 44:14 even though you know the universities 44:16 are basically slave camps but the kids 44:19 are at their peak in terms of like men 44:22 power and an energy you know and and 44:27 because they have the the social 44:29 networks I think there's a lot of 44:32 basically you know kind of nine-one-one 44:36 sort of thinking it goes on in campuses 44:39 there's still some intimidation I was 44:41 talking to someone the other day and 44:42 you're saying yeah there's a lot of us 44:44 that think about it but we don't really 44:45 have a you know a venue to come out you 44:47 know and the professor's would be on our 44:49 case and stuff so you have the mind 44:51 control stuff but you know so so that's 44:53 the that's the thing is that don't 44:56 really worry too much about what you're 44:59 missing if you can't communicate or feel 45:02 you know you know at one with memories 45:05 there's nothing that you're missing but 45:07 the the part where it's sad Tim is when 45:09 it's family members and I have you know 45:11 a large family and I really can't talk 45:14 seriously to any of them my brothers and 45:17 sisters because they you know they're 45:19 not they just are very happy and very 45:23 successful inside the normal world and 45:26 well that's just where they stay yeah 45:30 that's the they're they're in their 45:33 middle class up on middle-class bubble 45:35 and yeah it's I'm in this similar when 45:39 it comes to politics I can't I don't 45:43 waste much time in a conversation 45:45 anymore because their worldview or just 45:49 just it sits inside that bubble you know 45:52 it's yeah right versus left but the main 45:54 I mean yeah the people that are like 45:56 thinking that the Trump and Hillary this 45:58 is real democracy I mean it's just they 46:02 what can you do it's just letting us go 46:04 no it's just these are puppets and 46:06 you're being manipulated but they they 46:08 hate Hillary or they hate the Trump and 46:10 I mean one of my family members gave me 46:13 an email saying that basically that God 46:17 was punishing Trump by sending the 46:20 hurricane to hit Mar del Lago his fancy 46:22 house in Florida it's like if she was 46:26 happy about that because doesn't like 46:28 the Donald and so okay well what are you 46:32 gonna do you know it's like there's 46:34 there's no point to 46:35 gage with in terms of you know you 46:39 really want to get past thinking of 46:40 Trump as someone who is you know a real 46:44 character real personality and someone 46:46 who's representing things something you 46:47 know he's actually there to confuse 46:50 people and yeah but but you know so 46:53 there it is it's like the family thing 46:54 is that is the one point I think that's 46:56 hard but everything else you know the I 46:58 think you're much better you feel a lot 47:01 better your your mind functions better 47:03 to just not engage in in constant 47:07 superficial normy conversations I don't 47:11 think this is you know wasn't good for 47:13 me and it didn't work for me and I was 47:14 happy to be rid of it yeah yeah I hold a 47:19 fat member can't go beyond a nine eleven 47:21 in my response is that you still think 47:23 president john f kennedy was killed by a 47:26 lone nut named lee harvey oswald and if 47:29 you don't understand that the problems 47:32 with that if it's a story there's no way 47:35 I can explain to you 9/11 I mean you 47:38 have to give us that first and put our 47:40 bear so tell me what you still talk to 47:41 world or to in conventional terms and 47:43 how do you talk about water to in 47:44 conventional terms and deal with the 47:45 fact that you know all the evidence now 47:47 the overwhelming of issues that Pearl 47:50 Harbor was a setup and that's have a 47:52 malevolent ability the willingness of 47:54 military and political leaders to 47:56 sacrifice two thousand men so sort of 47:58 geopolitical objective well that's the 48:02 same thing as 9/11 it's the same thing 48:04 as Vietnam or Vietnam the Gulf of Tonkin 48:06 and the role that heroine played in that 48:09 and just a military contracts the 48:10 profiteering and all that and that 48:13 should effect in your in your analysis 48:15 if there's defense it wasn't fighting 48:16 communism or the fact that in the 1980s 48:19 tons and tons of cocaine was imported by 48:21 the Reagan administration's National 48:23 Security Council led by George Bush 48:25 which became president he was former 48:26 director of the Central Intelligence 48:27 Agency he doesn't know where he was when 48:30 John F Kennedy was assassinated supposed 48:33 that's a fact in you understanding 48:35 events I remember I was having I 48:36 mentioned I think this to you off off 48:40 off call 48:41 weekly to ago about I was at a barbecue 48:44 we were talking about this potential 48:45 Intelligence Agency 48:47 and just in general and I was a not a 48:50 family member but a in-law of my brother 48:53 an older man who started kind of kind of 48:57 needle me being very kind of sending in 48:59 his own way and talking about yo a Dutch 49:02 we don't we need intelligence and we 49:04 needed central intelligence agency we 49:05 don't need this and I said you know the 49:08 or do you even remove the origins of the 49:10 Central Intelligence Agency if we 49:12 created what the interest of when 49:14 India's creation it's all banking and 49:17 Wall Street you're protecting there you 49:20 work for the big fortune fire come is 49:22 you work that you benefited from so you 49:24 know it willing to acknowledge this I 49:25 said first of all the whole argue behind 49:27 the Central Intelligence Agency was 49:28 based on the lie that Pearl Harbor was a 49:32 was a failure to connect the dots 49:34 you seen from they using 9/11 and that 49:35 wasn't what for progress I said the knew 49:37 exactly was gonna happen so hope yeah a 49:40 little basis no justification for a 49:42 Central Intelligence Agency is based on 49:45 a lie he didn't he had no idea that 49:48 there's even a controversy regarding a 49:51 Pearl Harbor you know military 49:54 intelligence is shocking to me and how 49:57 they've been able to pull the wool over 49:59 the population in regards to it because 50:02 it's such an obvious oligarch secret 50:06 society I mean it did it is probably the 50:09 spearhead tip and the enslavement of the 50:12 population right all of these agencies 50:14 and yet they've been able to like get 50:17 like with James Bond movies and you know 50:20 the cultural date yeah yeah they get 50:22 this idea that well they're actually out 50:24 for you I mean we're really it's like do 50:30 you know the background of Allen Dulles 50:32 or Richard Helms yeah when when MKULTRA 50:36 was discovered and Helms said well I 50:38 destroyed all the documents because I 50:40 didn't want to embarrass my friends does 50:42 that sound like a democratically focused 50:45 organization yeah so you know was that 50:49 what was it was your law firm again 50:54 Harriman Braun Braun bother him was the 50:57 banking for the harem 50:58 which I mean I told you I've mentioned 51:01 last week it's like it is skullenbones 51:03 yeah but I mean it doesn't the proposed 51:05 law firm wasn't representing the 51:06 interest of the American people right 51:08 because corporations these translations 51:11 and the Luciferian secret society I mean 51:14 that's the yeah you know that's that's 51:17 where the the funding and and the focus 51:20 has come and come for God's sakes I mean 51:21 you know it just kind of the normies 51:25 they're driving nuts like USS they said 51:27 oh so social is the you look at bearded 51:35 skull and bones and you go gee there's 51:36 all these presidents and you know all 51:38 this corporate presidents and you know 51:41 central intelligence agencies and you 51:45 know they run the CIA well gee folks 51:49 what do you think they swear oaths to 51:51 when they join the organization wouldn't 51:54 wouldn't it you know given the power a 51:56 good idea to put a little sunlight on 51:57 this and because we don't know what goes 52:00 inside you know goes on inside super 52:02 society doesn't that mean that we really 52:04 don't have a clue not a clue about the 52:08 actual cultural control of this nation 52:10 yeah right but I don't know anything 52:12 about like tradecraft like sheep dipping 52:15 yeah how the various agencies are 52:18 infiltrated by the Central Intelligence 52:19 Agency by posting people there for 10 20 52:22 years and they're really an asset of the 52:24 energy and if you look at someone like 52:25 Oh at Lansdale was a great example of 52:30 that he was ores that he was officially 52:31 an Air Force general but he was always 52:34 CIA you know and you know it so that's 52:39 how it's done yet somehow it's you know 52:41 how these intelligence operations 52:44 agencies operated also their origins the 52:47 interest they represent yeah good 52:50 exactly if you put out a few a cite 52:53 cases like guatemala 1954 Iran in 1953 53:01 well you have the CIA doing the bidding 53:04 of you know whether it's United Fruit 53:06 Company or the Seven Sisters 53:07 these aren't this isn't for the benefit 53:09 of the america's national 53:11 security it's there to promote the 53:13 corporate interests and there's a direct 53:16 line between like Allen Dulles and his 53:18 brother and Richard Helms and these 53:21 corporations that benefit the various 53:22 coos that they've sponsored and so 53:24 boards are they sponsored throughout the 53:25 years and we see it today in Syria we 53:29 got it with WikiLeaks where they you 53:30 know they're what they they're like 53:32 coveting the Qaddafi's gold hoard hilly 53:37 cloud ler punish em you know because he 53:39 wasn't gonna play ball with of the 53:41 international death system yeah these 53:44 things are clues to get an army to the 53:47 point where they're paying attention to 53:48 those kinds of details and that's that's 53:52 the trick but you know you you always 53:57 want to try to see if you can find you 54:00 know if you're if you're with an army 54:02 what I would suggest is is to see if 54:05 there's some spark in their mind 54:07 anywhere you know try the listing like 54:12 you know Tim Tim has been giving just 54:14 terrific examples of things that should 54:17 open the mind a little bit you know make 54:21 people just a little bit curious that's 54:24 that's really what what I try to do I 54:27 try to see if I can just find a way to 54:30 transition them from kind of if they 54:32 seem to have like I'm you know a little 54:34 bit of open - just to be curious about 54:37 some of these things but look at the 54:38 Operation Fast and Furious yeah 54:42 importing weapons into Mexico and the 54:45 official story was well we're trying to 54:47 trace it for you know for law 54:50 enforcement operation but then we lost 54:51 track of it so you're shipping guns 54:53 illegally into Mexico to add to the 54:57 violence in that area in Mexico to 54:59 create more social instability this 55:02 feeds the the cheap labor mills and the 55:05 macro Darrow's near the border there and 55:07 also feeds migration north which creates 55:10 all types of problems and opportunities 55:12 political opportunities and so that type 55:15 of mouth malevolence is so obvious that 55:18 they're caught shipping guns in the 55:22 Mexico 55:22 giving him up to drug gangs 55:25 there are really assets of the 55:26 intelligences and those are great when 55:28 you yeah when you can find a easy to 55:31 understand act of malevolence by the 55:33 government or by an intelligence agency 55:35 these are things that always should be 55:38 particularly they're topical like 55:39 because they happen so often that you 55:42 can it's almost like one a week what 55:45 Gary Webb expose back in the 90s with 55:47 yeah the you know it is a Dark Alliance 55:50 book and series with the center has a 55:52 Mercury News and an example it happened 55:54 to him in his career for being a good 55:55 investigative reporter to me is evidence 55:59 of a conspiracy right there what happens 56:01 to the reporters actually think they're 56:02 supposed to report and investigate and 56:04 the corporate takeover the news have 56:06 they destroyed investigative news now 56:07 everyone just gets movies their news 56:09 from Reuters an AP which are all 56:10 controlled by a few families but um I 56:13 mean the fact that you had this arms for 56:18 cocaine ring being operated Oliver North 56:20 and George Bush in league with Bill 56:22 Clinton and Mena Arkansas you know and 56:26 and in why you why we hurt so much on 56:30 Monica Lewinsky and why the star focused 56:33 so much on my kolinsky and what they 56:35 didn't didn't do what was sex what is 56:37 sex and what is is and all that stuff 56:39 when the big story was this cocaine 56:42 operation gun-running operation guns 56:44 were being flown down and the Nicaragua 56:47 using the I think was their armory in in 56:49 Arkansas at the facility by Bill Clinton 56:54 and he was rewarded with his money was 56:56 being flown back up with Barry seal in 56:58 that gang and a lot of that money went 57:00 into the Arkansas Development 57:01 Corporation which enriched Bill 57:04 Clinton's cronies in Arkansas this 57:06 anthem was feeding cocaine into like 57:08 South Central LA feeding the cocaine 57:11 epidemic the crack cocaine epidemic up 57:13 there which is advertised on the news 57:14 remember the news it's cheap its 57:16 powerful its crack that's a commercial 57:21 yours tonight yeah and the innocent 57:24 paper trail everything that was a CIA 57:26 operation was a dan yellow blend Don and 57:29 Ricky Ross and all the connections are 57:32 there and it's not that complicated 57:34 because if you're you're the Central 57:35 Intelligence Agency and you have asked 57:37 that's in the federal and the 57:39 FAA you know you could land planes and 57:41 military bases without any inspection 57:44 you don't even have to bother with the 57:45 corrupting the customs because you can 57:47 get around customs and yeah all national 57:51 security you know yeah that's where 57:54 right now the government you know the 57:56 particularly the intelligence agencies 57:58 are basically a a law unto themselves 58:00 the they used to be concerned that they 58:03 had to at least create a facade that you 58:05 know would look good for the Congress 58:07 because I suspected at that time you 58:09 know in the 70s there was still enough 58:10 Congress people that are actually from 58:13 the non secret society grooves yeah yeah 58:16 yeah yeah well mommy would say an or me 58:21 would say Bill Clinton George Bush and 58:23 business the cocaine no way they hate 58:25 each other because they ran against each 58:26 other yeah so that's the but you know I 58:32 was thinking that um one thing that we a 58:37 couple friends of mine actually tried to 58:40 arrange but we didn't come off but I 58:43 think it's a great idea is to have a 58:45 dinner with normies if you've got like 58:50 say three people that are kind of clear 58:52 minded you know and are willing to put 58:55 an evening in is to invite each invited 58:59 nor me that they know and then try to 59:03 basically see if there is any kind of 59:05 curiosity that can be created over a 59:07 dinner I think it's the responsibility 59:11 of every red-blooded American 59:14 clear-minded Patriot to have dinner with 59:17 one army a week henceforth so and and 59:23 you think you are Norman but the thing 59:25 is is that note no toxic food so you 59:28 have to be careful with what restaurant 59:30 to take him to her doctor wouldn't take 59:33 him to a restaurant that would be some 59:35 that would be the first thing I would do 59:36 is say okay well here's the food we're 59:37 going to have and we're not going to 59:40 have this and that and put the Budweiser 59:41 down it's that's a carcinogenic you know 59:44 I mean I mean literally I would get at 59:47 that level so it was like deep 59:48 programming you know where you take that 59:49 Budweiser out of your hand 59:51 you idiot does she know it's in that you 59:54 know here here's some rat poisoned drink 59:56 that you're better off you know so so 59:59 that would be like an idea that might be 60:02 kind of fun too and and if you can 60:03 establish it in the normal at a kind of 60:06 a regular basis and you know in fact 60:09 that would be kind of fun you could have 60:11 a restaurant you know called normies and 60:15 and you you know the the people who work 60:18 there all the staff would be basically 60:20 deprogrammers you know you'd feed them 60:23 healthy food you'd give them real 60:25 understanding of the world and you try 60:28 to create real Brotherhood instead of 60:31 the ludicrous kind of superficial sort 60:36 of cult of personality that people 60:38 engage in who have been victimized by 60:40 you know hundreds of hours of 60:42 pornography watching and then you know 60:45 backed up by you know like looking at 60:49 the Kardashians on TV or something I 60:51 mean most Americans minds are so shocked 60:54 right that there's just very little 60:57 humanity or kind of you know reason 61:01 that's that's left inside them and so 61:03 they really need to be jolted you know 61:06 to get most people because I just you 61:09 know if you're in the level where you 61:10 know the NFL is really fascinating and 61:13 we got to spend time every sending 61:15 watching this and drinking the the 61:18 glyphosate beer I mean they just don't 61:20 have a chance you know so so this is 61:22 this is one thought Tim and I are 61:25 available some you want to get a crowd 61:27 funding we would be maitre d's in you 61:33 can start one where you live and I could 61:34 have one here we could set up the 61:37 normies and then just see how far we can 61:39 take it because you need we need some 61:41 kind of cultural center some kind of 61:43 visible symbol that people can see that 61:46 you know they know it's okay to talk 61:48 about 9/11 it's okay to talk about 61:50 bringing back ethnic Catholic and and 61:54 European communities right there's 61:56 someplace where the political 61:57 correctness is not permitted right that 62:00 that there is just a zone 62:02 where the you know the the victimized 62:07 Normie is not permitted to be 62:10 comfortable with his victim of him or 62:12 his or her victimization right where 62:14 they've been you know brain made brain 62:17 dead made made to hate themselves need 62:19 to be physically ill and then made to 62:22 you know to be afraid to complain right 62:26 so this is this is what I don't know if 62:28 it'd be a restaurant or what but I think 62:30 a restaurant to be a good thought 62:32 because you get the food angle - yeah 62:36 okay said I look at a I was having a 62:41 discussion not too long ago about 62:42 Tavistock and if you're just looking 62:46 history of Tavistock and what its 62:49 function is that it you know it exists 62:51 it's not a conspiracy yeah same with the 62:54 the same thing of the RAND Corporation 62:56 is they're gathering up all this 63:00 information all this data second well 63:03 those data and examining it put it 63:07 filing it away whatever they do it is 63:09 they're not going to go through that 63:11 much effort to gather information 63:12 without using it to some extent to 63:15 manipulate us whether it's to marketing 63:17 psychological warfare we do know that 63:19 the the Pentagon has invested billions 63:22 and billions of dollars in psychological 63:24 warfare they produce a psychological 63:27 warfare manual the target of that 63:29 psychological warfare isn't the enemy 63:31 it's the American people the American 63:32 people all the enemy because the other 63:34 most important people to manipulate 63:35 because they have to be buffaloed and 63:37 fooled and terrorized all the time so we 63:40 know all this so to me just the fact 63:42 that this these things exist suggests me 63:47 that that's proof of theirs 63:50 well-organized malevolence targeting you 63:52 and that's conspiracy is indeed a 63:55 conspiracy social engineering requires 63:57 at some level of conspiracy because 64:00 you're manipulating people you engaged 64:01 more or less your your two or more 64:04 people meeting in secret to involve to 64:06 engage in some immoral or illegal 64:09 activity that's all a conspiracy is but 64:12 we all the evidence you know through 64:14 particularly the 20th century whether it 64:16 you whether it's under the guise of 64:18 civil rights integration of the 64:20 destruction of the ethnic neighborhoods 64:22 the creation of suburbia the 64:24 construction of the interstate highway 64:25 system the creation of the of the 64:29 consumer society and this goes towards 64:34 getting people in debt the weakening of 64:36 families the hyper sexualization of a 64:39 American site targeting the children and 64:42 there are other documents to prove that 64:43 government agencies and the foundations 64:46 have worked together to over-sexualize 64:49 children in order to promote things 64:51 promotes no sexual confusion and 64:54 degenerate behavior because that's how 64:56 you weaken families I said absolutely 64:57 well you know answer there I mean it's 65:02 it these things whether it's the there 65:03 was a the Jaffe memo the Burleson memo 65:06 plant bear its role in all this you have 65:09 the AIDS scare they were stirred up in 65:11 the 80s under the this HIV hypothesis 65:15 was just of course never proven that was 65:18 there to justify largely not just to 65:20 pull off the shelf and sell poisonous 65:23 AZT to to sick men but also to and kill 65:28 them but also to justify sex ed programs 65:31 that would produce very graphic sex ed 65:34 programs under the rubric of AIDS 65:36 education you know these things would 65:38 otherwise be opposed but you scare 65:40 people with this idea of an AIDS virus 65:41 that that I can get you in one time and 65:43 then you these children better be 65:46 educated properly and there was done to 65:48 fundamentally change the children's 65:51 sexual values and mores morals and that 65:54 was and that's on paper that was the 65:57 purpose of the program yeah the AIDS 65:59 education was just the introduction to 66:02 pornography yeah and notice that the 66:05 whole idea that you know aids is this 66:08 horrible virus that was out there 66:10 stalking us you know it was it's never 66:14 got into the heterosexual population no 66:17 well basically it was stuck in a certain 66:19 segment of the homosexual population 66:20 right user isn't you mean a prostitute 66:23 process it didn't use drugs didn't get 66:25 its prostitute used drugs got AIDS 66:27 because age is a syndrome it's a 66:29 it's a condition yeah yeah I mean it's 66:33 like if you're using poppers and and 66:38 having you know like I mean I was 66:40 working after statistics I'm not 66:43 exaggerating the statistic that I saw it 66:46 was a study that was broken into two two 66:49 groups that they studied in San 66:51 Francisco hehe and the groups were the 66:55 men that had less than 200 sex partners 66:59 a year in the gay bath houses he and 67:01 those that had more said dividing line 67:05 was two hundred sex partners what its 67:07 own right and exactly actually refresh 67:11 need some Freudian therapy than I I'm 67:14 more Little Britain so so that was the 67:17 you know that that culture had been led 67:20 to a place where it was self-destructive 67:21 and then the AIDS thing was just sort of 67:24 the cherry on that on the deranged 67:27 Sunday and then a lot of people you know 67:30 then got really really sick when and 67:32 died because they were giving him all 67:34 these crazy drugs the pharmaceuticals 67:36 kicked in and they really did him in 67:38 yeah you know and I mean if you look at 67:41 the histories is what happens is you 67:43 know the same families to control the 67:45 banking the cult controlled medicine 67:47 we're involved in drug trafficking free 67:49 for a better part of a century it was 67:52 exactly in the East traded company which 67:54 was something addicting you know all of 67:58 the poor coolies and all the Chinese 68:00 right 68:01 this was the entity that became the 68:05 American banking establishment yes I 68:07 mean there there was yeah there's a few 68:09 individuals that may you know drift it 68:10 in or out but I'm telling you if you 68:12 actually trace all the family back it's 68:13 the East trading company it's completely 68:16 Masonic and Jewish right he you've got 68:19 you know like when when the Chinese 68:21 rebelled they the British got the 68:24 gunboats and they put him under the 68:25 control of Lord Palmerston who is the 68:28 head pumbaa freemason of the Orient you 68:32 know yep these like outfits that made 68:34 him look like a pharaoh or something I 68:36 mean it's just absurd so so this is what 68:39 neo ended up in the open up HSBC 68:43 yeah yeah so they can fund all of their 68:47 drug money but you know the thing is is 68:48 that I was getting back to Tavistock 68:51 it's an important thing to know I mean 68:53 first of all it's a revolving door for 68:54 MKULTRA right you've got psychologists 68:57 on both sides that go back and forth 68:59 it's just a a cesspool of of 69:03 experimentation and research that you 69:06 know should be illegal 69:08 it started out do you know how tie the 69:11 stock started out Tim it was the shock 69:14 shell shock 69:15 it started out yeah but it actually 69:18 started out as the Child Guidance clinic 69:22 under the Jewish world health 69:24 organization that was the actual 69:27 beginning of tavis like that 69:28 organization the Child Guidance God and 69:31 God God help me I would not quit and put 69:34 my kid in there to be guided what Tim 69:37 Hudak origins yes and why Tavistock 69:43 should be known is because of the 69:45 Grateful Dead yes great very important 69:47 because if you look at the dead which is 69:50 this you know like sick deranged LSD 69:55 promoting and giving out millions of 69:57 tabs mostly to choke those people should 69:59 just be tried immediately that whole 70:02 sick collection of purported musicians 70:05 but Joe there's there a Broadway play 70:07 using Jerry Garcia's music I for one I 70:09 understood yeah help was a lot because 70:12 upstanding culture anyway so you know 70:14 you've got nothing but employees of 70:17 MKULTRA people like Jerry that's Robert 70:20 hunter people in the Army was the top 70:22 secret clearance like Jerry Garcia 70:25 you've got a whole bunch of a couple 70:27 guys in bohemian groves a couple guys in 70:30 who are freemasons and if you look at 70:32 the posters of the warlocks at the acid 70:36 test which were the beginning of the 70:38 deranged counterculture which were 70:40 completely a government op right all 70:42 this ellos neither giving out at these 70:44 acid tests that's you know just it's now 70:46 it's I thought I don't think there's a 70:48 lot of contestation but you know anyone 70:50 curious please let me know I'll help 70:52 them walk through the empty and 70:53 of all that anyway when there was a 70:56 traffic accident I think was 1960 maybe 71:00 61 and it was right outside the MK ULTRA 71:03 hospital right and in the hot in the car 71:07 you have hunter Jerry Garcia and Eric 71:10 tryst who is Eric tryst well his dad is 71:13 the founder of the government-controlled 71:16 Tavistock allen trust Eric true standout 71:19 father and son so see that collection 71:22 just a coincidence is is it's like 71:25 dropping an erector set on the ground 71:26 and saying well it accidentally created 71:28 a computer yeah you know I mean it just 71:30 can't be circumstance the average person 71:32 can see it and and so when you when you 71:35 get into you know looking at Tavistock 71:37 as as part of our you know the control 71:43 that these people have it's it's a it's 71:46 I think it's a good way because you know 71:49 with normies you have this you know at 71:52 least they know about I mean all normies 71:56 would at least just more or less but 71:57 know what the Grateful Dead are and if 72:00 you can easily and if you can show them 72:01 that hey wait a second this is really 72:02 not what you think it is then maybe some 72:04 curiosity can come up because if you 72:06 bring up some of the elements that you 72:08 brought up every one of them is 72:10 important and good and should be 72:11 understood but a lot of people will just 72:13 not know what they are because they 72:15 don't have backgrounds you know so so 72:18 that's why I'm you know food Grateful 72:23 Dead well what else Tim what can we get 72:28 at these guys but yeah I was that back 72:31 to the the AIDS thing that I was 72:33 listening to ducked and yes the bank's 72:35 talk earlier this week and all interview 72:38 she was talking about in history that 72:39 what happened was really up and it was 72:44 really a post-world War two phenomenon 72:45 because before World War two these 72:47 families and the drug gangs didn't 72:50 import much drugs into the United States 72:53 yeah you had the jazz scene the 20s that 72:55 did a lot to promote heroin but didn't 72:57 really spread does that do probably cuz 72:59 the country didn't have simply didn't 73:00 have the communication or transportation 73:01 network available that to allow the 73:03 cancer to spread so they capitalized on 73:06 that 73:07 but it was after World War two that a 73:08 decision was taken to start importing 73:11 opium into the country to really spread 73:13 heroin it was the these the Cold War 73:17 particularly Korea particularly Vietnam 73:19 I guess when they really started pouring 73:21 drugs in the country of course this 73:22 certainly does coincide with MKULTRA 73:26 sub-project 58 and the Life magazine in 73:28 the 50s promoting the psychedelic 73:30 culture you have the the 60s of course 73:33 the promotion of the drug scene to the 73:35 music the Laurel Canyon scene which also 73:37 has curious connections all those bands 73:41 to military and intelligence but so yet 73:44 all this drugs being poured in the 73:46 country coupled with this sort of 73:47 cultural agenda feminism free love the 73:50 sixties the war itself created so many 73:53 divisions within American society it 73:55 could have sort of destroyed the 73:57 continuity that exists between the 73:58 generations so you had the generation 74:00 gap that was created you also had the 74:02 war between the sexes that was created 74:04 so all of us created a milieu if you 74:06 will where drugs should come in and 74:08 really infect the country and it kind of 74:10 came I guess the chickens came home to 74:13 roost in late seventies and eighties 74:14 because you'd put certain groups like 74:16 the the should say the ghetto gay 74:18 culture which was very promiscuous and 74:20 with that a lot of drug use a fast track 74:23 lifestyle they simply wore themselves 74:25 out and they had this syndrome this a 74:28 condition of a suppressed immune system 74:30 and it was in the whole AIDS thing with 74:34 the HIV virus they thing was was created 74:37 to sell that AIDS test and to sell the 74:40 eighth Gallo did this gallery dr. Gallo 74:42 the he could mark he could peek the same 74:45 man who developed the AIDS best social 74:46 patent in it so he made a lot of money 74:47 office the same time as et which was 74:51 actually being promoted by a Matilde 74:54 creme who was a Jewish spy that was 74:59 sleeping with LBJ who will help to cover 75:02 up the USS liberty but she was promoting 75:04 AZT back in back in the 80s her her her 75:07 her foundation to treat AIDS patients so 75:12 I mean it's really it gets interesting 75:14 but the whole point is that that again 75:16 it was had nothing to do we 75:19 this particular virus and I see no 75:22 evidence for it that it does and if you 75:24 look at it net if just looking back at 75:26 it you know 20 30 years how can it you 75:29 know I can you blame with simple virus 75:30 for this when there's only affecting 75:32 this group another thing is the AIDS 75:34 test itself that Gallo created a 75:38 positive test is positive in united 75:41 states but negative in Canada and it's 75:42 different what is in Africa and the 75:45 antibodies test if you're pregnant if 75:47 you're a woman because you're having an 75:49 immuno reaction to the pregnancy you can 75:51 come up positive right I mean and this 75:55 is just that's just a layman's 75:56 understanding of it I and I like if I'm 75:58 wrong and I want something to correct me 76:00 if I'm wrong in this that's my 76:01 understanding of it and the fact that 76:03 they've never isolated the virus what I 76:08 mean my point I point that out and I get 76:14 eyes like I'm crazy what are you talking 76:16 about aids is a book cuz that's what's 76:18 been said never been proven but again 76:20 just point that it that's an official 76:22 story it's just so many holes in it and 76:24 but yet it's this thrown out there it's 76:27 talked about people still reference you 76:28 know the the the fear of HIV how it can 76:32 spread and all these things it's one of 76:34 these foundational things you often hear 76:35 when you're talking about other things 76:36 people often bring it up it's kind of 76:38 like the Holocaust or something high 76:40 cost now people can get up the Nazis 76:41 these things we're all sudden you 76:43 realize they're referring to something 76:45 which I may not be exactly what we think 76:48 it is so you may not want to base your 76:50 argument on that because there's some 76:52 problems with that foundation it's not 76:54 as not as uh it's not as firm as you you 76:57 you may think it is exactly I mean I 77:00 think you know you have potentially a 77:03 virus I mean how can you disprove that 77:05 yeah but certainly there are so many 77:08 other elements that are in play the idea 77:11 that there's some causality between the 77:13 virus and the mortality a good luck 77:16 demonstrating that somebody told me the 77:19 image between Arthur Ashe and and what's 77:23 the basketball player 77:24 Magic Johnson I see Johnson is Magic 77:27 Johnson stop taking AZT Arthur Ashe 77:29 didn't 77:30 yeah well I would say again you know you 77:34 don't have any experimentation or any 77:36 kind of clarity you just know that it 77:39 was supposed to be you know spreadable 77:43 into the heterosexual community and then 77:46 it never made it and there's no 77:48 explanation and so the idea that the 77:50 virus just isn't really what they told 77:52 us makes a lot of sense you know 77:56 medicine is this suddenly ignore me 77:59 would never get but medicine is just in 78:01 my opinion it's just basically part of 78:02 yeah in control I mean when the 78:06 Rockefellers 78:07 basically took over medicine and you 78:10 know developed the pharmaceutical 78:12 industry they had to change the whole 78:15 memory of what health was you know it 78:17 was like you're talking about how they 78:19 with autism they're kind of you know 78:21 changing our collective code of 78:23 understanding of health yes right now in 78:26 flus autism there's nothing wrong with 78:27 that Hedy on 1115 a nationwide right and 78:32 well I did I have right now is one in 49 78:34 I mean that's a ghost I mean and they 78:38 say oh it's just Diagnostics really 78:41 right that's right yeah no diagnostic 78:43 yeah I have it just it's just it's a 78:46 catastrophe now there's an epidemic and 78:48 and so they're changing the kind of 78:54 understanding of health they're saying 78:56 well look they're fine they're just it's 79:00 it's a kind of neurologic diversity the 79:03 problem is you with these narrow kind of 79:08 biased and bigoted perspective on 79:11 neurology there's plenty of room for in 79:15 our in our multicultural and welcoming 79:17 community for all the autistic you know 79:20 kids and there's plenty of stuff for 79:22 them to do and they can be just fine 79:24 right and so this is kind of just like 79:30 how multicultural ISM was was soul 79:34 feminism was sold but I mean they can by 79:39 putting out the mean that this is 79:41 diversity then 79:44 jackhammer you know the minds of 79:46 everyone into it realizing that old gee 79:49 it's just fine 79:50 there's no I mean look at UM remember 79:53 health benefits so-called yes with my 79:57 wife and discover the cost I'm just 80:00 exasperated because it's so expensive 80:02 now we don't use doctors we're healthy 80:07 but you can't get out catastrophic cover 80:10 you know you know you know you know you 80:13 can't get a catch start planning because 80:14 the mandate coverage so everyone's is 80:16 such an obvious scam and also descendant 80:21 people obviously think they think the 80:23 normals condition is to be always sick 80:25 or is needing a physician always need me 80:27 gotta be poked prodded these chemicals 80:29 chemicals under they because you know 80:32 you didn't get sick and one day you can 80:34 get sick and because in the same time to 80:36 poisoning us with you know with them I 80:38 know with a flu that's robbed of any 80:40 nutrients because the industrialized 80:41 farming methods gives us cheap food may 80:43 not nourish us but it's cheap you know 80:46 you that you know the same time that 80:49 they get you know they're promoting all 80:51 those vaccinations drugs no pediatrician 80:54 care you know 80:56 well well visits these things that your 80:59 well well you better go because you may 81:01 not be well you know all the co-pays 81:05 it's not shared skin but people just 81:06 suggest to it people do all did oh well 81:08 that's you know I need health insurance 81:12 this is a here's an example of why I 81:16 can't be invited to parties I was at a 81:19 social gathering there was a doctor you 81:21 know and we actually and use like a 81:22 couple weeks ago and by the end of the 81:25 conversation I had told them that you 81:27 know you basically both a disgrace and a 81:30 violator of the Hippocratic oath and 81:33 you're basically killing people and that 81:37 the idea that you're making money on it 81:39 makes you worse than a pimp so and and 81:45 he was sort of shocked you know and I 81:46 said look I don't want to be friendly 81:47 obviously I said this is me being 81:50 friendly don't get me angry because he 81:53 was saying you're an angry person oh no 81:54 oh 81:55 oh you haven't even started to see me 81:57 angry my friend you got me angry you'll 81:59 see some anger because this is this is 82:01 the good side of me 82:02 you know where else to have pointed 82:04 talked with anger no no no it's not 82:08 observing the world and I'm observing 82:11 you know he was talking about the 82:14 advantages of radiation and in in 82:17 chemotherapy was not called just and I 82:19 just knew a little bit about this and of 82:21 course when you scratch the surface of 82:24 these guys you find that they really 82:25 don't know anything they've been trained 82:27 and if you think if you know but if you 82:29 go and any kind of old like that work 82:30 studies and think and he was just a hot 82:33 air balloon and that's when I lit into 82:36 him because he's not even trying he's 82:38 just there to collect money and dispense 82:40 the drugs and then go home and take 82:42 opioids you know yeah so it's just it's 82:45 a sick sick world and and and the 82:49 sickness is not in your immune system 82:52 the immune system is what is good about 82:53 it promote it and don't let them give 82:56 you chemicals to try to take the place 82:58 of the immune system 82:59 I took I've said this before you know I 83:02 mean everyone you know I am NOT a doctor 83:04 but I will dismiss my opinion which is 83:08 that I didn't give me any chemicals I 83:10 don't give a damn what they said I don't 83:12 you know you just go to hell they can 83:14 take all their vaccines and chemo and 83:18 you know all of these drugs with the 83:20 side effects that are like you know five 83:22 pages long just it's go to hell with all 83:24 that crap I don't want it I don't want a 83:25 single one of those things in my body 83:27 well they're not one yeah I think you've 83:29 said it a week or two ago that the 83:30 problem with these things that are 83:32 health issues were dealing with in a 83:33 very toxic environment and it's 83:35 multi-factor and the problems are just 83:37 to address these things requires a 83:40 fundamentally evaluation of our 83:42 priorities and how we live - try thing 83:45 and you know century a century ago a 83:48 bunch of old guards decided they were 83:49 making a bunch of but you know waste 83:51 products they couldn't do anything so 83:52 they decided dump it in the environment 83:54 and call it additive like fluoride in 83:55 the water you know chemical fertilizers 83:58 you know these things as opposed to you 84:00 know Searle that has an enriched with 84:02 minerals they can grow things in these 84:03 minerals get into the food and we eat 84:05 them and well they produce cheap food 84:07 only prey 84:07 the cheap food isn't good for us we'd be 84:11 better off spending more on food and 84:13 less on electronic gadget Ruiz you know 84:16 and yet then maybe we could understand 84:19 if you understood the risk involved we 84:23 could calculate our choices better but 84:25 we're not we're not we're given bad 84:26 information we're not telling not being 84:28 told that the toxic foods the processed 84:32 foods are killing us that's right it's 84:35 something else they're killing us and 84:40 then the toxic culture is destroying our 84:41 soul yeah you know I mean and you turn 84:45 on the TV now they have these apps where 84:47 you can watch you know the Cleveland 84:49 brain concussions fighting against the 84:51 Philadelphia fornicators 24/7 you know 84:55 every NFL game you don't miss one it is 85:09 the saddest thing imagine when people 85:11 actually talk about you'll see you'll be 85:12 you know like where I exercise an 85:15 exercise people are talking about um gee 85:18 Joe what do you think about the you know 85:20 the brain concussions against you know 85:22 the fornicators you know and it's like I 85:24 just go you know it's just so sad that 85:28 your minds never develop past like the 85:30 age of three years old you know it is 85:33 the stupidest thing imaginable that was 85:35 that you'd be paying attention to this 85:37 and you know they train kids now because 85:40 football was just done for for training 85:42 people for bias basically to prepare 85:43 people for World Wars right - I mean 85:46 skullenbones it's the Skull and Bones 85:47 project that's what the NFL is it's a 85:52 mistake what's the other clown they're 85:54 just these Skull and Bones guys who 85:55 wanted to get people to obey you know to 85:58 have violence on command and so you know 86:04 you just have to like cut it off cut off 86:09 something that stupid and you know and 86:13 and I mean what do you place it with 86:15 well try to have an understanding of 86:17 history studying history is more fun 86:20 than watching the Cleveland brain 86:22 concussions yeah fight against UC get 86:26 into that show that to your children on 86:28 Sunday you know what you have tighter on 86:31 and and the poor the the fathers that go 86:35 into these little rooms these man caves 86:37 and watch this stuff it's just the tribe 86:39 most tragic thing imagine yeah get the 86:41 hell out of there get out of there 86:44 immediately you know all you're gonna do 86:47 there is have the soul sucked right out 86:49 of you so um that's what you say to 86:53 normies the soul get sucked right out of 87:00 you buddy if you keep this up and it 87:01 does you know ya gonna duck the TV the 87:04 entertainment these things the food it's 87:06 yeah it's all one big lump of vampire 87:10 soul suck and it's hard to be a real 87:13 person with real you know kind of lively 87:16 honest interests in the world and in 87:20 family and all these things and you know 87:23 and it's difficult because the social 87:25 life you know it's like it's hard to 87:28 find couples you know to find a mate in 87:31 this world because if you're like a 87:33 clear minded person where do you find 87:34 that other individual yes how do you 87:38 hand yourself on a first date I mean 87:41 that exactly I got married I got married 87:43 before 9/11 there's a there's a comedy 87:52 group called Jory Camp Jory Camp oh yeah 87:57 I know them yeah yeah and they had a 87:58 thing at this guy dating truth he's a 88:02 true three on a date and yeah and he's 88:06 in there the the segment stars him to 88:09 hearing back to the left back to the 88:11 left back to the left he's talking me 88:13 the can yeah you know come I just talk 88:17 just talk about his various conspiracy 88:18 theories you see this like this 88:19 20-something girl kind of going through 88:22 rolling her eyes and all that stuff 88:23 since she excused herself to go to that 88:25 ladies room and then time goes by she 88:27 doesn't come back 88:29 and he's yeah he's left there alone cuz 88:32 all I can talk about all these things 88:34 and she completely alienate the young 88:36 lady like it but this is that's a real 88:40 dilemma though I guess you could say be 88:42 yeah how would you 88:43 I mean well but Jim this is a problem 88:46 going to solve because that at normies 88:49 we're gonna have also the the Tim and 88:51 Joe dating service yeah we're we're 88:54 going to we're going to or guys Anna you 88:56 know like couples on levels of sort of 88:59 understanding so that the dates can 89:01 function you know normally but also they 89:03 can be some progression of soul 89:05 development and no pornography yeah well 89:09 I think the important point here is that 89:10 the other it looks Gramm and these are 89:13 some some grim topics is that still 89:17 maintain some balance and sense of humor 89:19 about it about life in general yeah but 89:24 you know I was thinking we could like um 89:26 we could give like certifications so 89:29 that women you know know that they're 89:32 getting dates when as are in our dating 89:34 service where the men have been 89:36 certified free of pornography for two 89:38 months yeah well I good screening 89:41 technique we have like a little seal of 89:43 like Tim Joe approval that this is like 89:46 a 60-day non-pornographic and nine 89:50 eleven one clear minded individual he's 89:52 certified so I was looking at a it was 89:56 like a Catholic girls website adults and 90:00 just meeting some of the comments on it 90:02 and there is lamenting the state the 90:07 single girls were lamenting the dating 90:10 scene and type of men they're running 90:11 onto and how they led their own lives 90:13 and I'm thinking as a really through all 90:16 that comes none of them are aware of the 90:20 role of think tanks and intelligent 90:24 agencies in destroying the ethnic 90:27 neighbors the Catholic neighborhoods and 90:28 destroyed their communities and they 90:30 themselves don't really identify the 90:31 particular community anybody they're 90:33 just Catholic but they don't belong to a 90:36 parish they don't have that support 90:37 system or networks they don't have the 90:39 familiarity that you 90:40 come with the community so you'd have 90:42 better mad don't ever culture from which 90:44 relationships spring yeah you know and 90:47 this was all taken away they don't 90:49 recognize that their loneliness and 90:51 their kind of inability to connect is 90:55 the goal of the culture that has been 90:58 created around them yeah and was it was 91:01 malevolently constructed by people who 91:04 have psychological understanding and 91:06 cultural understanding and now they are 91:09 the victim and now they have you know 91:12 the the future is kind of a weird job 91:17 and single motherhood and a basically a 91:21 shattered existence because they've come 91:24 from a shattered culture yeah you have 91:25 to go of them if you understand we're 91:27 we're we're all the good men anymore in 91:30 your if you're a young lady out there's 91:31 you have to know about the authoritarian 91:33 personality and the Frank yes school you 91:36 have to know about the Blanchard bridge 91:37 yes you have to learn about the 91:40 University of Chicago and the role that 91:42 the Gunnar Meyer doll played in the 91:44 American dilemma and the whole thing put 91:47 palm is again that gets at the norming 91:48 question because you start 91:49 deconstructing the civil rights movement 91:51 the true agenda behind that you're 91:53 accused of being a racist yeah and you 91:56 understand how words have been basically 91:59 put into your mind for the purpose of 92:02 impeding thought so that you don't 92:05 recognize a secret society activity 92:07 mmm-hmm all of these buzzwords these 92:09 loaded words integration feminism racism 92:12 anti-semitism I mean this is just a lump 92:17 of propaganda that has been a credibly 92:20 successful this is the Frankfurt School 92:22 victory and the emphasis today on 92:25 Confederate memorials and slavery is to 92:28 you know it's to just distract you from 92:31 the fact that you are now currently 92:33 enslaved exactly that's exactly right 92:37 and about to be genocide I mean so so 92:39 there it is 92:40 the normies need a good talking-to I you 92:45 know I think we've given some ways and 92:50 ideas on how and when to talk to him 92:52 will develop more 92:54 as we go along but you know Tim this is 93:01 one of these things that we could talk I 93:03 think for the rest of the night about 93:05 yes maybe we had a show on it yeah it's 93:08 just so important but there's so much to 93:11 say that it's hard really do say at all 93:14 okay well Joe I'm gonna let you go Jim 93:17 thank you so very much 93:19 can't wait for next week yet enjoy the 93:21 week and we'll talk again okay brother 93:26 [Music] 94:13 [Music] 94:22 [Applause] 94:24 [Music] 94:43 [Music] 95:06 [Music] 95:13 [Music]

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