Powers & Principalities, Episode 010, YouTube Auto-Generated Transcription

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Powers & Principalities, Episode 010

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Obamacare, its repeal and the Medical Industrial Complex.


The transcription text below is a YouTube auto-generated English transcription from Powers & Principalities, Episode 010, published by "thkelly67" on 2017-07-30 with a running time of 1:19:04. All episodes of the Powers & Principalities weekly audio interview series between Joseph Atwill and Tim Kelly are included in this playlist on YouTube and are also available as audio podcast downloads on Tim Kelly's "Our Interesting Times" channel on Podomatic.

All transcription copyrights belong to Tim Kelly (thkelly67) & Joseph Atwill.

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YouTube auto-generated English transcription

00:00 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:42 so we're back how you don't just find 00:45 Tim Swick pleasure to hear your voice 00:47 great to talk to you tonight we want to 00:51 discuss Obamacare it's passing it's 00:55 possible repeal and it's possible 00:57 replacement and sort of the politics of 00:59 health care in the medical industrial 01:01 complex so how do you wanna get into 01:02 this well let me just ask you what is 01:06 Obamacare the Affordable Health Care 01:09 program that we now have I mean can I 01:13 mean I'll say the truth I have spent a 01:15 lot of time trying to understand it and 01:17 I literally am further away now from 01:21 understanding what the hell the thing is 01:22 then when I started so I'm just can you 01:25 help us by just clarifying what actually 01:29 has has occurred with the passage of the 01:34 law that created Obamacare whether two 01:37 stages here one is who wrote the law and 01:42 is written by the insurance company by 01:43 the industry itself in fact them the 01:48 author of it really was leading lives 01:51 Fowler who was a vice president with 01:53 wellpoint and insurance outfit and she 01:56 worked with Max Baucus Max Baucus 01:58 senator Max Baucus via X he praised her 02:00 from well of the Senate saying she wrote 02:02 the laws she was the point of a person 02:05 for this and she dedicated the health 02:07 care reform she's a lobbyist her vice 02:09 president really a lobbyist an agent for 02:11 the insurance industry so he felt 02:14 nothing about the individual like either 02:15 max or this lady what are they where do 02:18 they come from whether with their 02:19 background I mean are they Patriots or 02:22 who are these people 02:23 well a just a typical Democratic senator 02:25 you know nothing he just you know he'll 02:30 he'll lead the Senate wouldn't he won't 02:33 leave on his feet to leave on his back 02:34 probably I am and Liz Fowler well she 02:38 just she should rub this revolving door 02:40 he look at her career she's you know in 02:44 and out of government but you're always 02:45 representing interest of the insurance 02:46 and the insurance industry particularly 02:48 a health insurance industry and after 02:51 she should have wrote the law and held 02:54 it helped it pass the Senate she then 02:58 became the White House director of 03:01 implementation now I think she's back my 03:04 notes here she's back now at let's see 03:08 here I know it's here uh yeah here we go 03:19 um yeah I never is that here yeah this 03:26 fell yeah Liz Fowler 03:28 she should be revolving around health 03:30 insurance lobbying machine and 03:31 government officials she is now she 03:35 became the special assistant to the 03:36 president for health care and economic 03:37 policy at the National Economic Council 03:39 after she helped the local law that 03:43 became Obamacare the Affordable Care Act 03:45 Care Act um she is now at Johnson & 03:49 Johnson government affairs Paul scoop 03:52 she's a lobbyist again what a shock yeah 03:56 well you know what it does it mandated 03:58 well firstly a mandated that everyone 04:00 get health insurance and and certain 04:03 standards that Obamacare created meaning 04:05 a lot of people had existing policies I 04:07 myself had her head up on an existing 04:09 policy that high deductible relatively 04:11 affordable for my family and my my 04:13 premiums tripled because the government 04:16 determined my program my policy wasn't 04:18 good enough so I immediately send my so 04:22 I don't spend $200 a month on health 04:24 care my family's healthy I don't need 04:26 doctors no thank you 04:28 so I opted out through a co-op that was 04:32 that the thank you that there was a 04:34 provisional law allowed for that so I'm 04:36 not you know forking over 1200 of them 04:38 are insurance for health care that I 04:40 don't use but the what it did was it 04:46 mandated as sort of this mandate 04:48 evidence which was original Republican 04:50 plan back in the 90s to counter Hillary 04:52 care that's the ask Rebecca early 04:53 nineties believed was Newt Gingrich and 04:55 the Heritage Foundation which first 04:58 floated the idea of mandated health 04:59 insurance everyone in a plan so that's 05:04 what that's what's done of course it's 05:06 caused people's health premiums to 05:08 skyrocket suppose taxes on other 05:11 people's health plans are so go plated 05:14 and it's a big except it's a big gift of 05:18 the insurance industry and it's not 05:20 surprising that it was loose Tyler who 05:22 who wrote wrote much of the law she's a 05:25 lobbyist in a and a vice president for a 05:28 for an insurance company but that was 05:31 passing but then there was the 05:33 litigation of course when it passed law 05:35 as a question whether this thing was 05:36 constitutional of course it really isn't 05:37 but nevertheless the Supreme Court found 05:41 a way to find a constitutional it did 05:43 was throughout it's a debate on Capitol 05:45 Hill the Obama administration claimed 05:47 that a bomb a care it's a the fines or 05:52 fees that it imposed was not a tax and 05:55 they justified their the law under 05:58 interstate commerce that old excuse they 06:02 used to do everything interstate 06:03 commerce but nevertheless when this 06:06 agreement the supreme court had ruled 06:07 five before that was indeed 06:09 constitutional but Justice Roberts said 06:13 it's a tax so he changed the law he 06:17 rewrote the law I comfortable in not not 06:20 a fee or fine it's a tax thus making it 06:24 constitutional in the eyes of the 06:25 Supreme Court so that more legal 06:27 sophistry to justify big government 06:29 nothing new I guess you could say but 06:32 that raises another question because 06:34 there is a clause in the Constitution 06:37 that says that all spending bills let's 06:41 begin in the house an Obamacare began in 06:44 the Senate so it's unconstitutional at 06:46 that point I don't think that will eat 06:48 yet to be litigated aha I'm getting just 06:54 hot under the collar let me describe 06:57 different and it's that you know they 06:59 call it attack but the end the problem 07:02 is 07:02 that the Constitution its article 1 07:07 section 7 Clause 1 so the origination 07:09 clause it's all bills for raising 07:11 revenue shall originate in the House of 07:13 Representatives but the Senate may 07:15 propose to concur with amendments as on 07:18 other bills so if it is indeed a tax 07:20 which somehow these Supreme Court 07:23 magically made it a tax even though the 07:25 letter the language of law did not call 07:27 it attacks it is still unconstitutional 07:30 because of the Obamacare originated in 07:32 the Senate and if it is a tax is a 07:34 revenue bill and it must originate in 07:37 the house so they have to if they were 07:39 to follow the Constitution they should 07:41 scrap the law Constitution and try again 07:44 in the house but then again you know 07:46 well yeah but just back up I mean I want 07:50 to understand how they can shoehorn 07:54 forcing someone to buy a product you 07:59 know it somehow is a tax I mean it 08:02 doesn't even meet the the coherent 08:05 definition of what a tax is no tax is a 08:09 extraction not a mandate to buy 08:13 something it's boasted money that goes 08:15 to the government so just the whole the 08:19 whole concept of the mandatory nature of 08:23 it to me just is just badly 08:27 unconstitutional and it goes along with 08:30 all the other unconstitutional things 08:32 that occur all the time like for example 08:36 getting groped and radiated at the 08:39 airports right I mean the Constitution 08:42 says no unreasonable search or seizure 08:46 and when they search 100% of the people 08:50 that there's no definition of 08:53 unreasonable that that doesn't fit into 08:55 so you know the fact that they were able 08:59 to waste this on the American people it 09:02 shouldn't be a surprise intamin because 09:05 basically what we're looking at is just 09:07 the dismantling of the Constitution one 09:10 behavior set at a time II it's all part 09:15 of this 09:16 it's a fascist care and it's all part of 09:17 getting one into the matrix because 09:20 they're all monitored and controlled 09:22 also I think include provisions of 09:24 electronic medical records which is a 09:27 problem itself there's a problem of 09:29 where these records can be stored in the 09:30 cloud all right that's great security 09:34 and it's all done in the name of 09:35 efficiency right that's great that's 09:38 efficient yet but the course do we have 09:41 the politics of the repeal where Chris 09:43 Donald Trump campaigned on getting rid 09:45 of it and the course that was sort of an 09:47 idea the Republicans also now the 09:48 Republicans can't seem to muster the 09:49 votes to get rid of it without coming 09:51 some sort of replace we know we you know 09:53 we were better off without it so why 09:55 bother with replacement if it's 09:57 unconstitutional nor there is or are 09:59 there any arguments on Capitol Hill 10:00 regarding the absurdity of the Supreme 10:02 Court's decision that it is indeed 10:04 unconstitutional the obvious you know 10:06 the obvious situation where you know 10:09 it's an unconstitutional law because you 10:12 know since it was declared a tax in the 10:15 house has to I mean I'm not a cop I'm 10:17 not a lawyer but I can I can read I've 10:20 got a copy of the Constitution right 10:23 here and I don't see ended it health 10:24 care anywhere I mean that yeah would not 10:27 have to be a an amendment you know it's 10:30 just such a bizarre I'm generally know 10:33 like general welfare interstate Clyde 10:35 and blah blah blah yeah you'd have to to 10:38 make it constitutional you have to 10:39 create a UH an amendment man I'd like to 10:42 see that pass good luck with that I mean 10:45 the population would just they would 10:47 reject it in every single state but you 10:51 know I just wanted to point something 10:52 out you know you if you would suggested 10:55 we we take on Obamacare some time ago 10:59 and we didn't know that this would be 11:03 the week that the Republicans would 11:05 faceplant in terms of getting rid of it 11:07 yeah Miquel net was a key vote 11:09 yeah McCain well the whole lot of them 11:13 are just as a collection the settlement 11:16 in is if the largest floating thing in 11:20 the cesspool but um the the fact is is 11:24 that you know and I made this point many 11:28 times Tim is 11:29 if you're an oligarch or a secret 11:33 society of oligarchs and you want 11:35 political power you can't control one 11:39 political party and this is completely 11:41 absurd you have to control both mm-hmm 11:44 there's no absolutely no no reason in 11:47 the world to try to go out and control 11:50 one political party it would be the 11:51 stupidest thing that any folk art has 11:55 done since Caligula made his horse 11:58 governor of Sicily I mean it's just too 12:01 stupid even to consider so they don't do 12:03 that 12:04 that's what they tell the public right 12:07 now you get this Oleg arc is a big 12:10 Republican a dis Oleg arc you know the 12:13 cock brothers this Oleg arc is a 12:15 left-winger Soros this is ridiculous 12:18 they are unified and they control both 12:22 parties so that when the Republicans you 12:25 know say oh well both rods and we're 12:27 going to repeal Obamacare and then they 12:30 lose because McCain won't deliver the 12:32 vote well why be surprised this is just 12:36 a an evidence piece to show you that 12:41 your little political party the 12:43 Republicans are in fact part of a larger 12:47 system that is controlled by the 12:49 oligarchs by the society that's we're 12:51 looking at yeah and health care itself 12:55 which structures is there to to harvest 12:59 you drain you yeah make you sicker you 13:04 know and again it's a it's you you see 13:11 the Republicans now they're all debating 13:12 about you know what's going to replace 13:14 it and what about previous and 13:15 conditions but wait a second we're 13:16 talking about insurance right I mean 13:18 insurance you don't you can't get a 13:20 pre-existing condition for your house 13:21 after it burns down can't go inside my 13:23 house burned down I want to be covered 13:24 now you're there kind of you're mixing 13:28 two different things if you want to have 13:29 a program for welfare for people who are 13:32 indigent you need ok argue or argued on 13:34 that basis we'll go from there 13:35 but don't call it insurance it's not 13:37 insurance at that point every three and 13:40 if it's not um 13:42 I mean even there you know you have the 13:45 semantical question about the word 13:46 insurance I mean they they use it but 13:49 basically it's just just a ripoff 13:52 you know they you know created the 13:55 situation where they say we've expanded 13:57 health care to 30 million people mmm 14:02 right yeah except who's picking up the 14:04 tab they they didn't have a way to fund 14:07 it so they pushed all of this into the 14:09 private sector right yeah now that you 14:11 shouldn't kiddies are growing belly out 14:13 they can't pay fried now all these 14:14 companies that are trying to make sense 14:17 nothing or going belly-up and now these 14:21 thirty million people I how much better 14:24 off are they right see this is the where 14:27 I really like to have someone who has 14:30 taxes to real data get in here because 14:32 the fact is poor people in the United 14:37 States use the emergency room right if 14:40 they use it at all I'm going to just 14:44 give an example of you know of how kind 14:50 of absurd the the medical perspective it 14:52 this is a joke and it's slightly 14:54 off-color but like you'll understand the 14:56 point of it a health care worker came to 14:59 a building and he found all the people 15:03 in working with sharing the same needle 15:05 and he goes gosh darn it guys I told you 15:09 that you're going to get aids and one of 15:13 them one of the heroine addicts looked 15:14 up and he goes what are you talking 15:15 about we're all wearing condoms yeah so 15:22 so you see my point is that that so you 15:24 have like you know basically the you 15:27 have the emergency room for four people 15:30 and then beneath that you have chaos 15:33 because in many instances you have 15:35 opiate addiction mm-hmm there's just no 15:38 way that you can shoehorn you know 15:41 BlueShield into the life of a heroin 15:44 addict it's just ridiculous you know and 15:48 so so the idea that now you've got them 15:50 covered this is just a basically a 15:56 mandate and and some monies moving 15:59 around but inside the actual world where 16:03 these people's health is you know is it 16:06 a in a state you can judge there isn't 16:09 any improvement to these people's health 16:11 now if there's no money yeah they're the 16:15 idea that that that this is somehow 16:18 going to help the the health of the 16:21 American people it's just I mean timid 16:24 it makes me discouraged that there are 16:26 people so stupid to even consider that 16:29 possibility it's just not going to 16:31 change anything you're going to see in 16:33 ten years whatever is left of American 16:35 health care um I'm sure there'll be some 16:38 gigantic system in place but it'll be 16:40 just as crap as it was um you know five 16:44 years ago and all of the health 16:46 statistics will also be crap and that's 16:49 just what what we've got there this is 16:51 this this whole thing is you know and I 16:54 I don't want to waylay you but I mean 16:58 basically I just think that what this 17:01 all ends up with is single-payer now 17:04 yeah yeah because the system is going to 17:06 collapse I mean if you look at Medicare 17:08 and you know that the trajectories of 17:10 like cost of the thing there's no way 17:13 this any of the the trajectories of 17:16 costs that we have established to our 17:19 health care can be maintained give us as 17:21 equity act that claret of pleasant land 17:24 we talked about last week yeah if 17:27 overloading the systems justify exactly 17:29 thing you know till that that is your s 17:31 or etiquette mean it's deliberately 17:33 overloading the system to precipitate 17:35 the collapse and then they'll be there 17:38 with single-payer now there's nothing 17:41 wrong don't get me wrong I mean 17:42 single-payer I feel the same way dot 17:44 single-pair as I do about you know free 17:48 enterprise or socialism I mean I think 17:51 almost all of these expressions are um 17:54 you know describing things which are not 17:58 really important yeah what's important 18:00 is who controls the political and 18:02 economic reality that's what's important 18:05 if you have someone who is really has 18:07 the the 18:09 wellbeing of the population in mind 18:12 single-payer probably would be just fine 18:15 under that person's control I'm sure you 18:16 could make it work so it would free 18:19 enterprise right if it's the money 18:22 production and and the government laws 18:24 and things are under control of people 18:26 that really want the best for the public 18:28 tonight a moral order 18:29 yeah moral yeah yeah yeah and but the 18:32 problem is we've got a secret society 18:35 that wants basically a world control in 18:37 genocide and so they can say whatever 18:41 they want on they can call it you know 18:43 Obamacare they can call it single-payer 18:45 it can call it the animal I don't know 18:48 that free enterprise it's irrelevant 18:50 those are just words the problem is 18:53 who's controlling the thing and in our 18:56 case I was listening earlier today to 19:00 the really excellent interview did with 19:02 April Bowden and I would hope everyone 19:07 would attend that interview that was 19:09 excellent and I mean April just comes 19:13 across as an absolutely clear minded and 19:16 sincere individual has really done a lot 19:18 of research and you know at one point 19:21 she was talking about basically someone 19:23 who was a whistleblower a doctor and a 19:27 researcher who had been murdered and she 19:29 didn't really want to go into details 19:31 she just said look I have to tell 19:33 everyone that the people that are 19:34 controlling this thing or not boyscout 19:37 right she was clearly making the case 19:39 that the guy had been rubbed out you 19:41 know because a of is our status is a 19:43 whistle and I would just say that her 19:50 position is really what you need to know 19:53 about Obamacare we say that's all of the 19:56 details and the money goes here and 19:58 there and this insurance companies going 20:00 out of business and the government picks 20:01 that's all you know okay 20:03 the system is insane and it's going to 20:06 collapse that's clicker 20:07 but what April points out is there's 20:10 malevolence evil and that's really what 20:15 the sickness is it isn't the money it 20:17 isn't the the law or the technicalities 20:19 it 20:20 the damn evil that's controlling all 20:23 this and that's why it's going to end up 20:25 really bad and that's why in my opinion 20:27 Tim this is just a step toward a 20:31 single-payer but under the control of a 20:34 single malevolent you know oligarchic 20:38 society mm-hmm well that's because 20:41 though moving that direction if you look 20:42 followed the trajectory it started with 20:44 Social Security 1935 yeah then in the 20:49 1960s you get Medicare Medicaid in the 20:53 1990s you have the Kennedy case and bomb 20:56 which was doled out middle class health 20:59 care welfare to to Americans and this is 21:03 all moving toward then you could get 21:04 Hillary Clinton's attempt in the 90s 21:08 which then spawned 21:10 like I said spawn this nation of 21:11 mandated coverage as a reaction to it so 21:14 it's a dialectic that's being played out 21:16 here and then all of a sudden you have 21:18 this clamoring when Obama becomes 21:19 president for the Affordable Care Act to 21:21 address a crisis they don't none of them 21:24 address the problem so the crisis like 21:25 third party reimbursement the finances 21:27 of it all there's no intention of 21:28 addressing that again they want to 21:30 overload the system when it collectivise 21:31 it and slave everybody that's these are 21:34 and people like need characters like Liz 21:36 Fowler they're just feeding at the 21:38 trough they don't they're not in the 21:40 inner circle they're not 33rd degree 21:41 Mason 21:42 they're just cashing in the meantime and 21:44 useful idiots yeah who has the morality 21:47 of a lizard yeah yeah I mean that's 21:51 that's what Liz Fowler is she's she 21:53 doesn't really understand what she's 21:55 participating in no none of these people 21:58 do even even they the idiots in Congress 22:01 you know it's like the guy that is my 22:03 Congress person I mean I you know 22:07 sweetest guy imaginable and he just 22:09 doesn't have the intellectual breadth of 22:11 a stone it has no idea what's going he's 22:14 just there to vote YES for war you know 22:19 it know about this stuff until this is 22:22 this is our role our role is to alert 22:26 the citizenry that what they're looking 22:28 at is just a giant swirling cesspool of 22:32 sofa Surrey none of this is real 22:34 so I mean to me the Obamacare health 22:38 system it basically like like a Disney 22:43 movie or something it has just 22:45 absolutely no connection to reality at 22:48 all it's just there the elements are 22:51 there just to confuse people we know I 22:54 mean who in the hell knows what is 22:56 inside of the damn thing anyway even the 22:58 insurance companies can't figure the 23:00 thing out right as you remember Nancy 23:01 Pelosi we have to pay I don't get it but 23:05 I mean you know that they're going to 23:06 make a lot of money on it because 23:08 because Sally wrote it for them but you 23:10 also know that that Nancy Pelosi 23:13 statements are an opportunity a great 23:15 rejoinder and that would be well what 23:18 are you replace it with well we'll know 23:21 about that when we repeal it I made from 23:23 capacitive about knowing what's in it 23:24 can't repeal it without worrying about 23:26 what's going to happen afterwards I mean 23:27 she's right exactly right we if we get 23:30 read it to pass but they don't need to 23:31 read it to repeal you repeat please need 23:35 to read can't even read anyway most 23:36 these people can the Congress people are 23:38 the ones that aren't inside the deal are 23:39 just too stupid to read I think or never 23:41 they have aids that are provided for 23:44 them by the CIA but I mean yeah they 23:47 don't they have a clue but what's going 23:49 on and this thing and they and they if 23:51 they argue if they argue about well all 23:53 of these poor people is forty million 23:55 people right that what they did yeah and 23:59 and now they do and so there's this 24:01 moral you know elevation to our nation 24:04 as if being on a list is going to 24:06 translate into actual quality 24:08 intraocular medical aid it's just 24:10 completely insane it just it's just like 24:12 it's like well why didn't we just 24:14 convert them all the Saints and just say 24:16 they're in happen 24:16 yeah it's it that's what it's like I 24:19 mean because that's about as much 24:21 reality or have we we have a UFO to take 24:24 them to planet Nirvana there's word that 24:27 is not a huge portion let's leave 24:29 million Americans are young people who 24:31 have no need for health care medical 24:33 care of course well that way they need 24:36 for their that work for a healthy person 24:39 the last thing in the world want is 24:41 introduce them to the medical system I 24:43 mean the thing it's just a complete it 24:46 is is 24:47 other death yes yeah I mean I I mean I 24:51 we have like a hospital nearby and I 24:55 don't a name it did probably soothe me 24:57 but I mean just every person I know that 24:59 goes in there either dies comes out with 25:01 a staph infection that last rest of 25:03 their life they're just dropping like 25:06 flies I mean it is just a tip disturb 25:09 cesspool they have nothing to offer you 25:11 they've got chemicals that don't do 25:13 anything to make you and turn you into a 25:15 seahorse or if they can give you Ricky H 25:18 they're Kepler chemotherapy for cancer 25:21 which which just makes you sick and 25:24 stupid and then Don ego and they going 25:27 in for treatment from diabetes you go 25:30 down to the cafeteria the basement in 25:31 the botanist Frank get a giant soda you 25:34 know they give you an organic you know 25:36 he coca-cola with a you know like 25:39 artificial ice cream on top but yeah I 25:41 mean I was looking I was there then I 25:44 was looking at the doctor even the 25:45 doctors look like Pillsbury Doughboy me 25:48 he'll look like ready to go to diabetes 25:50 two or three you know I mean they're 25:52 just it's a complete cessful it's really 25:55 I mean it's just a joke you know it's 25:58 just as a complete joke there isn't 26:02 enough real medicine going on inside the 26:06 health care even bother with I would 26:08 really no I really say to pay so this is 26:10 what my opinion on Obamacare I would 26:13 just tell people look organize among 26:15 yourselves but your own health care well 26:17 that's a big done I mean does that 26:19 person ever space things where you just 26:21 pool together yeah 26:22 it's catastrophic it's like if something 26:24 comes up and you make it well I mean I'm 26:26 not no I'm not talking about being in 26:27 the medical system 26:28 I'm just forget all that just forget 26:29 hospital I mean Tim this is where I'm at 26:32 I'm at risk of heart attack right my 26:35 father grandpa great a heart attack so 26:38 what am I going to do have a heart 26:39 attack well I have a little nutritional 26:43 supplement that's designed to make you 26:46 better if you have art attack yeah I 26:48 wouldn't go in I mean I'm telling you I 26:50 I know this just sounds completely crazy 26:53 but I wouldn't go in because I mean I 26:56 know the statistics on like bypass 26:59 operations 27:01 a total joke the chemicals they give you 27:04 I think our frankly would do more harm 27:06 than good 27:07 they have no nutritional advice or 27:09 anything at all they don't even need 27:10 really faculty at my opinion understand 27:12 what heart attack is and so why why 27:15 would I go when I'm feeling bad with a 27:17 heart attack to a building that is 27:20 infested with the staph infection which 27:23 you which if you can track you have to 27:25 take antibiotics for the rest of your 27:27 life yeah I mean if I had a heart attack 27:29 the last place in the world I want to go 27:31 to what if it didn't seem hard I mean 27:33 just crazy 27:34 XO sorry now I if I am if I break a bone 27:39 or if I need stitches 27:41 I'll go to the they have like what's 27:43 called a many Center yeah I there's a 27:46 doctor Urgent Care that's telling what 27:49 you want about 40 bucks and you're out 27:51 the door that that's what that's it so 27:53 that what I'm saying is till Obamacare 27:57 is sort of like that the cherry on the 28:00 ice cream sundae II it is just the last 28:05 straw in my opinion it is now made you 28:09 know you've got the health services are 28:12 basically going to hurt you 28:14 more often than help you and to get them 28:17 you have to go through this labyrinth of 28:20 complexity and spend a whole bunch of 28:22 money you know I mean they just don't 28:27 have anything to offer you know just 28:29 drop out of the system I don't know how 28:32 to legally you know to to advise people 28:34 here you know as far as well you know 28:36 what do you so I know allotted they're 28:38 mandated but um I I would really like to 28:43 see like a constitutional attempt by 28:45 some small business groups to say you 28:47 know we're going to drop out of 28:50 Obamacare and we're going to tell our 28:53 our employees that in our opinion the 28:57 american medical system is is a 29:00 combination of malevolence and 29:01 incompetence and we want them to drop 29:04 out and instead we're going to give them 29:06 an hour every week to organize and see 29:08 what they can do among themselves 29:09 without trying to have better out yeah 29:11 yeah 29:13 an article by Joaquin Agha peon and by 29:19 Karma and he says that the what's wrong 29:26 with America is what's wrong with Big 29:27 Pharma and what's wrong with Big 29:29 Pharma's it's wrong with America 29:30 the circular reality is aimed to be 29:32 thoroughly covered in this presentation 29:34 this is the story of how Big Pharma 29:36 seeks enormous profits over the health 29:38 and well-being of the humans it serves 29:40 and how big drug companies invasively 29:42 corrupted the way the health care 29:43 industry delivers its vital services 29:45 this is neither a new or an anemic story 29:48 in fact the story of Big Pharma it's 29:49 exact same story of hell big government 29:52 big oil big Agra can be giants like 29:54 Monsanto have come to power the 29:55 controlling shareholders of all these 29:57 major industries are one of the same big 29:59 money belonging to global central 30:01 banking cabal owned and operated all the 30:03 fortune 500 companies in addition to 30:05 virtually all national governments on 30:07 earth the rockefeller privatized health 30:09 care in the United States back in 30:10 nineteen thirties as financed and 30:12 largely influenced both Healthcare and 30:14 Big Pharma ever since so we're getting 30:16 into sort of m---eleven you talk about 30:17 the middle of into the system we're 30:18 talking about the medical industrial 30:20 complex which got its start kind of 30:23 developed out of the petroleum industry 30:24 the history of the Rockefeller they took 30:25 it over back in the early 20th century 30:27 with the flexion report under the guise 30:30 of quality raising quality index premium 30:33 also raising a cadre of experts or 30:36 technicians men in white coats and they 30:40 stifle all its all the time and and and 30:42 there is no question in my mind that 30:45 this has all been done as part of the 30:48 brave new world project where what they 30:51 want to end up with is just as actually 30:53 described they want a stratification 30:55 where at the bottom there people are too 30:57 stupid do anything other than menial 30:59 jobs in the middle they can be sex 31:02 slaves there they can't say no to 31:04 anything they're too docile at the top 31:07 everybody is in a free-for-all of you 31:10 know an orgy of an exploitation on the 31:13 lower caste I mean that's that's what 31:15 we're dealing with and one of the ways 31:17 they're trying to get there is through 31:18 this medical stuff um you know I I mean 31:23 I I just I hate to say this because I 31:26 know there are people out there 31:27 the thing that real medical issue 31:29 Israeli and they have a real 31:32 relationship with some kind of medical 31:34 provider in the United States and 31:36 they're saying well gee Joe if you were 31:38 in my shoes you know you wouldn't want 31:41 to stop the treatment or this or that I 31:43 can't really speak to specific instances 31:47 I can just be to the general situation 31:50 and the general situation is get the 31:53 hell out of the system right now the 31:55 people that are running the damn thing 31:57 are going to try to turn me I mean the 32:00 real production the real truth about 32:04 what the medical system is wanting to do 32:07 is an autistic child that's the goal you 32:11 see that's what they're doing and that's 32:15 that's the brave new world you know you 32:17 you were discussing with with April 32:23 Bowden the idea that you know now 32:26 they're there the military are finding 32:29 roles right for the autistic yeah 32:33 right because they're so obedient right 32:35 well you'll see that's going to be a 32:37 growth industry Tim as we go forward 32:39 that that's you'll see better believe 32:43 that's going to be where you're going to 32:44 see your increases in employment because 32:46 they are definitely organizing us 32:52 neurologically into a caste system and 32:55 so you're going to see just more and 32:57 more autism I mean I read this one 33:01 doctor who was saying that by 2030 their 33:05 behalf the children would be have some 33:06 degrees of autism and this is going to 33:09 plug right into docility obedience easy 33:13 to condition you know in other words 33:16 that that's really what you know what's 33:18 going on here you know I sent you a link 33:21 to a potential show topic of that we 33:26 might discuss about how they they just 33:29 realized that sperm count in Japanese 33:33 and Europeans is down 60% 60% right and 33:37 this is just in the last 50 years they 33:40 don't I mean if they go 33:41 that further it even be more I had been 33:43 using the number 50% because I that was 33:47 a number I thought I could defend I 33:50 looked at the recent studies and it's 33:53 just far worse than I thought 33:54 he far far worse so you're not you know 33:58 you're not going to be having many 34:00 children right look at the Georgia 34:03 Guidestones with the number of people 34:04 they want on the planet 400 million so 34:07 you're going to you're going to have a 34:08 real reduction in in children and you're 34:13 going to have a large fraction of them 34:15 as autistic and just remember one thing 34:18 one thing autism is simply a point on 34:23 the IQ spectrum and and when you start 34:26 seeing lots of autistic kids you're also 34:29 going to see a reduction in kids that 34:32 are really brilliant right it's going to 34:35 be they're going to be hand in hand 34:36 these are not distinct phenomena all one 34:39 bell curve system and so they are 34:42 definitely moving this to extinction and 34:45 in the meantime they're making us more 34:46 and more stupid and I'm sorry I didn't 34:49 mean to get quite so uh depressing but 34:54 that's definitely honest healing and I 34:56 just think Obamacare is you know the 34:59 confusion the incapacity to stop that no 35:02 one understands that the insurance 35:04 companies seem to be benefiting the 35:06 health care is not getting better it's 35:07 just a complete school it would make no 35:10 sense as an actual political action yeah 35:15 but it only makes sense if you plug it 35:17 into you know the brave new world I do 35:20 well I'm developing the malevolence is 35:23 clearly there if you look at it this 35:24 question who is directed at we do know 35:27 that vaccine programs have been used to 35:31 sterilize people to give their the World 35:32 Health Organization program did this 35:35 Mexico and in Kenya where they use that 35:38 H the hormone that causes women to 35:41 mascara included in tetanus shots 35:43 Network ox they're giving these guns six 35:46 seven shots they kind of hadn't hormone 35:48 you give a series of shots you can cause 35:51 them to no longer be able to 35:54 conceive or maintain in the pregnancy 35:55 causes a spontaneous abortion now they 35:59 got caught one of these how they get 36:01 caught is they were only going after 36:02 women aged girls 14 women 49 and we're 36:06 targeting males so the puzzle for 36:08 tetanus and those are they giving a 36:09 series of shots like 6 or 7 supposed to 36:11 you know one or two with tetanus and you 36:15 also have the history of the unit of 36:17 foundation going in the Puerto Rico 36:19 sterilizing 40% of Puerto Rican women in 36:22 the 1930s or 40s they did this yeah and 36:26 no one went to jail for this stuff I 36:28 mean I mean if I was going around taking 36:30 people's food with stuff that caused 36:32 them to become sterile or cause weather 36:35 or medical issues I think I might have 36:36 some legal problems with these people's 36:38 escapes get on by and with no problem 36:42 that she also shows you that the 36:43 super-sized behind is because there's no 36:45 legal ramification exactly that's a 36:47 great point if there was if this was 36:49 just either stupidity you know are just 36:52 a group that was breaking the law then 36:55 you have some kind of consequence 36:56 there'd be legal process that whole 36:57 federal episode which is swept under the 36:59 table yeah you know and so I mean it's a 37:03 question of yeah they're doing it to 37:05 some degree it's question what's good at 37:06 doing it and so it's not yet I mean so 37:08 the history here is a context which have 37:11 to be aware of when you talk about you 37:13 know using vaccines to sterilize or 37:15 someone alter the population to taint 37:18 poison a population that's a great way 37:20 to do it it's advocated you know you 37:23 know those who was it was Britain 37:25 Russell's you said two injunctions and 37:27 injections or something diet injunctions 37:29 and injections that we transform 37:32 humanity so this is how they think and 37:34 quit it the great pre Texas with the 37:36 whole ideology idolatry of vaccines 37:38 because we look at the history the 37:40 vaccine just a cursory examination 37:41 history shows that vaccines 37:44 did not get rid of disease in fact it's 37:46 spread disease it caused outbreaks 37:48 smallpox vaccine cause smallpox 37:50 outbreaks and the people have spread 37:54 measles or people who who are inoculated 37:57 who are now shedding you know impacting 38:02 everyone 38:02 oh yeah and the whole health revolution 38:04 in the 20th century wasn't medical 38:06 intervention was hygiene 38:08 public sanitation diet increasing 38:10 standards of living these things you 38:13 don't have to go into a third world 38:13 country and get inject them with 38:15 poisonous facts you know with its uh 38:18 with mercury and aluminum of tainted 38:20 vaccines clean the water give them good 38:22 food nutrition nutrition food with 38:26 nutrition and their health care you know 38:28 their health improve that amazing taking 38:31 down the doctors what if you talk yeah I 38:34 mean it's a lot cheaper too but no 38:37 they're dedicated to this vaccination 38:38 program the polio vaccine did he get rid 38:41 of polio we defined it Parral actually 38:44 paralysis is up multiple sclerosis has I 38:48 think increased like four times since 38:50 the nineteen in like 1980s so there's 38:53 paralysis that what's causing the 38:54 paralysis that is not calling it polio 38:56 anymore you know and polio itself was 38:59 probably a phenomenal to things like Oh 39:06 antibiotics DDT I mean DDT was just 39:12 everywhere and then you started having 39:14 this they had a name for it was like a 39:17 sudden sudden facil paralysis uh there 39:23 was some little term you known and then 39:26 you know Jonas Salk comes along with 39:29 this crap vaccine and the stuff starts 39:34 to go down because if so many people got 39:36 sick with DDT they banned it but the 39:40 this this this condition stayed baseline 39:46 to what it was before the DDT was 39:50 injected into everybody's body and then 39:54 it really never got better so the 39:57 vaccine was just complete waste of time 39:59 and yet they you know trumpeted like 40:03 well this was just you know saving 40:05 mankind or something when no one can 40:08 look at the statistics and and the you 40:11 know the evidence showing that DDT and 40:13 the other toxins we're starting to uh 40:15 you know have some effect and and think 40:18 that there wasn't some correlation 40:20 between that stuff 40:21 and everyone getting sick you know it's 40:24 like if you look at the guy who brought 40:28 the doctor who talked about the 60 40:31 percent reduction in sperm European and 40:35 he goes well he goes this is probably 40:39 related to the chemicals that are needed 40:42 for industry toxins okay yeah yeah but I 40:47 mean being poisoned and they give it a 40:49 shot like he says it's just so pissy 40:51 like well really we need this craft for 40:54 industry how come we can't have industry 40:56 without poisoning ourselves mean it's 40:58 just ridiculous this this we need the 41:03 people the public to realize that that 41:07 the government is not stupid they can 41:12 see that when a toxin is in the 41:15 environment and it was getting sick that 41:16 there's a relationship the fact that 41:18 they let this stuff go on the fact that 41:21 they a mandate vaccines it just shows 41:25 that there's absolute evil looks like it 41:28 is yeah right cannot me not that's 41:30 stupidity this is evil hmm you know they 41:33 know exactly when count in my in my 41:35 state Tim you cannot be in the public 41:38 school system now unless you go through 41:39 the vaccine program which is ridiculous 41:42 because if you're vaccinated you should 41:44 be okay yeah everyone else do back so 41:47 you just job but but you know in the end 41:49 I mean the number is just incredible 41:52 in the 60s in the 60s well you know I 41:56 think Mississippi has the highest 41:58 participation rate in vaccines made the 42:01 sickest children ah no oh but what but 42:07 getting back to Obamacare what do you 42:08 think Obamacare is going to do with the 42:10 vaccine I mean one see the to me what I 42:12 see is like they the oligarchs are 42:14 simply at the end of the day when the 42:17 dust settles Obamacare is just going to 42:19 create a lot more power to mandate yeah 42:22 for the government that's really what 42:24 we're dealing with here it may look like 42:26 it's stupidity it's not they know what 42:28 they're doing 42:28 we're heading toward where they have 42:30 more capacity to mandate and what 42:33 they're going to mandate 42:34 vaccines and you know other medicines 42:40 that make you stupid that damage your 42:42 DNA that that reduce your sperm count 42:45 death that's really what I think this is 42:47 all about well how they they do this 42:52 because a similar alarm line that they 42:54 caught the imagination or the trust of 42:56 the American people and they did that 42:57 through massive propaganda 42:59 by the Rockefeller Foundation and I took 43:02 over medical care they used their time 43:03 you know the publishing Empire to 43:06 promote the meaning of miracle drugs 43:08 these things the idea of men and white 43:11 coats coming to save us he also you had 43:16 using the regulatory process to Food 43:17 Drug Administration to harass and shut 43:20 down any competitors any alternative 43:22 treatments that's done and also uh you 43:26 know that ninety eight I think 98 43:28 percent of all funding for medical 43:29 journals is some pharmaceutical 43:31 companies yeah you think interview 43:35 getting back the interview what you did 43:36 with April those fantastic the way she 43:38 you really get her to outline you know 43:41 where the money is coming from and how 43:43 they how they actually set up the 43:44 training of doctors and one thing I 43:46 thought was various the idea was out the 43:50 reason they force the doctor is to work 43:52 100 hours a week as interns is basically 43:54 to break them intellectually so I so 43:57 that they basically don't have a you 44:01 know kind of a mind that's able to 44:02 contest and in question data yeah when 44:06 they get through with the program 44:08 they're just mind control robots that 44:11 will simply dispense pills and chemicals 44:14 as they're told to do you that's right 44:16 and it's interesting point the other 44:18 snake oil salesmen and of course the 44:20 Rockefellers father was an actual snake 44:22 oil salesman and their son you know 44:24 charge he senior pick up Leah picked it 44:28 up pick up you know the baton and 44:30 continues with that it was a new Joel or 44:32 something orally sold for help to cure 44:35 cancer and letting caught and cured 44:37 constipation or something just oil 44:39 Dickie boy it's hilarious I know that 44:42 because because then the Rockefeller 44:44 Foundation take over American medicine 44:46 and then if you look 44:48 you know just two generations back you 44:50 have literal snake oil salesman you know 44:53 in charge of the Rockefeller family I 44:55 mean it doesn't it doesn't really kind 44:57 of bode well for the citizenry right to 45:00 have this group in control of our 45:01 medical system and the Rockefellers and 45:03 their allied oligarchs literally took 45:06 over the system yeah I mean it was rest 45:09 at the max I think they started the 45:11 American Association of state and local 45:14 governments or so they got state 45:17 legislation passed and so pretty much 45:19 the American Medical Association's 45:20 cartel was enthroned as an establishment 45:24 medicine so they could stay from the 45:25 competition and it's a separate you know 45:30 it's like anything medicines you know 45:33 you it's you need some sort it's not you 45:36 need a combination of both he you know 45:38 integrated care but they're not trained 45:41 in in nutrition I believe there was one 45:44 case where there was a nutritionist 45:47 who's healing people and they got the 45:51 American medicine you hear guy says this 45:54 is a this guy his name was a Biel he was 45:59 an editor wrote a book about the drug 46:02 cartel back in the thirties or forties 46:05 but there was a case where this guy was 46:09 a you know alternative care is actually 46:11 eeling patient so he's a doctor and he 46:14 wrote Beale he wrote financed by tax 46:16 payers these drug trust persecutions 46:18 leave no stone unturned to destroy the 46:21 victim he is a small operator the 46:23 resulting attorneys fees and court costs 46:25 put him out of business in one case 46:27 doctor Adolphus who NC of Scranton 46:30 Pennsylvania who had stated that 46:31 vitamins he used natural ones were vital 46:34 to good health 46:34 radical huh was taken to court for 46:38 misbranding his product the American 46:40 Medical Association furnished ten 46:41 medicos who reversed all known medical 46:44 theories by testifying that vitamins are 46:46 not necessary for human the human body 46:50 confronted with vitamin abilities to the 46:52 contrary the medicals will have that one 46:54 by declaring that these standards 46:56 publications were outdated vitamins are 46:59 not necessary 47:00 a human body right the nutrients and 47:03 plants and animals that we eat we're 47:06 really weren't part of what evolution 47:08 was using right over the million years I 47:11 mean it's just it's completely insane 47:13 that's all that goes like or ignition 47:16 the immune system being completely 47:17 vulnerable so we need to be injected 47:19 with 30 vaccinations of the course of a 47:21 few years 47:23 babies should be given hepatitis B shot 47:26 yeah I mean exactly I mean just 47:29 brilliant squarely and then just I mean 47:31 all I can say is if you have a child or 47:35 are about to have one please do the 47:38 research into the dangers of vaccines I 47:41 mean there's a lot of good information 47:42 now and you know people just need to be 47:47 aware of it and try to organize to big 47:54 create support groups you know I I think 47:57 that you know this is a great time to 48:01 drop out of the california public school 48:03 system yeah just like what what if 48:07 people want you only reason you send 48:10 your child there is one it's free and 48:12 the other thing is because you can 48:13 socialize try to do your best to 48:15 organize homeschooling groups you know 48:18 yeah what is a great time dropout it's 48:20 like that what it's like someone someone 48:22 declared war now and showed up right 48:24 exactly 48:25 well citizen has to do it I mean you 48:27 could you just know that they're going 48:30 to have their mind-control puppets on 48:32 you know TV hammering away at the values 48:38 of the vaccines and how without 48:41 volunteer there'd be 40 million people 48:43 that was that no health services yeah I 48:47 mean maybe dying just be dying baby fly 48:51 wait right if Oh without Obamacare and 48:54 so um you know so it's just this these 48:58 are difficult times and it's these are 49:00 times that the citizen has to be just 49:03 you know better than the government well 49:05 I think we have to my people have so 49:08 much trust I mean thinking all the 49:10 propaganda over the years marcus webly 49:12 ER 49:14 heroic doctors white coats these things 49:16 so it's they're the experts we don't 49:18 know we don't know enough the question 49:20 we submit to their to their to the 49:23 treatment cuz they're the experts also 49:25 just acknowledging that all these 49:26 agencies and institutions that we look 49:29 for whether it's an educational security 49:32 thing like World Health Organization I'm 49:35 in FDA and they're just all just they're 49:38 just extension of oligarchic malevolence 49:41 because all the data traded by their 49:42 henchmen of course yeah every single one 49:44 of them I mean these if it's getting a 49:47 lot of publicity it's an agency that's 49:49 you know spouting medical wisdom you 49:52 know that that the oleg arks own it and 49:54 control that they control the media 49:55 they've got the puppet reporter asking 49:58 the the insane questions of a doctor 50:02 that's selling you know a snake oil and 50:05 and the public just sits there in rapt 50:07 attention nodding your head and rolls up 50:09 their sleeve for the next vaccination 50:11 you look at the AGC guy Bill Thompson 50:14 yeah what he admitted and that that pins 50:16 vindicates a Wakefield it'll close who 50:19 you just said that there may be a link 50:22 Neal author his license to practice 50:25 because he said there may be a link and 50:26 he took time at this example of a 50:28 conscientious medical doctor 50:30 professionally trained and there are 50:31 doctors that's like Susan Humphreys 50:32 Andrew Wakefield these guys these people 50:34 who they're professionally trained but 50:37 they've broken out of the system so 50:38 they've become the unities gadflies 50:41 rebels but they're good because they 50:43 have the expertise but you do need I'm 50:45 not rejecting the idea of expertise but 50:48 they they then will you know to expose 50:50 the corruption of the system but he took 50:53 the time he had these autistic kids are 50:56 banging their heads against against the 50:58 floor dry ruining the lives of their 51:00 families is it can really ruin the life 51:03 is it something more nothing more 51:05 stressful than that and he found out the 51:08 healthier these kids weren't coughing no 51:10 neurological damage they're in pain 51:13 and he did it culture and their gut and 51:15 found it there but I think it was the 51:17 measles virus and in their gut and I got 51:20 in there and it causes with a 51:21 perforation of the intestines gets them 51:24 to have a fact of diesel infection here 51:26 and tough and there 51:27 and causing ulcer at all serration yes 51:30 of their lining of their skin and they 51:31 had no way to express it because other 51:34 aspects of the vaccination and taken 51:36 away from of their speech capacity what 51:38 are you going to do except bang your 51:39 head on me I mean that you're going to 51:42 see that the banging of the head on the 51:44 floor is going to be a hundred percent 51:46 of the Obamacare patients in about ten 51:48 years yeah yeah and that's that's sort 51:50 of what they want 51:51 yeah everyone banging their head against 51:54 in frustration beg me hit again so 51:57 nothing will express anything but you 51:59 know you talked about how you know like 52:00 there's a need for expertise math I mean 52:05 I hate to say it no I'm just beyond that 52:08 I just think I don't give a damn what 52:11 these people say I don't trust any of 52:13 them oh they lost my confidence a moment 52:17 they said I did I and I believe me if it 52:19 has be shot like what that I had an 52:21 argument with a doctor a couple months 52:24 ago and I was yelling at I got angry and 52:26 I just I just said you know we were 52:28 talking about radiation and value of in 52:31 terms of chemotherapy and I just told 52:34 like to said just get the hell out you 52:36 know don't don't get me started I'm 52:38 gonna I'm gonna radiate you you know 52:41 because he didn't know anything he'd 52:43 simply he was parroting the statistics 52:46 that had been given him he had no 52:48 studies no a/c nothing to support it 52:52 he's supposed to be an expert right but 52:54 the problem is Tim is the experts do 52:58 know what they're doing 52:59 the problem is what they're doing is 53:01 evil yeah you see that's why you don't 53:03 want to be around expertise medical 53:05 expertise at this point it is just too 53:07 sick it is too evil it's too much 53:10 malevolent a lay person can never cut 53:12 through all this you know someone who 53:15 has studied it well and has a good graph 53:18 on the malevolence this would be from 53:20 like April boat yeah you but beyond that 53:23 you know in terms of like well you know 53:25 what are the statistics of the smallpox 53:28 vaccines and our you know what are the 53:31 actual molecular you know things that 53:33 are going I'm sorry I just I don't want 53:37 I don't want to hear it from these 53:39 people I don't want to hear it 53:41 and I don't want them to be near my body 53:44 I'm checking mercury in your muscle 53:46 tissue yeah is our archaea our 53:48 chemotherapy or radiation are there 53:51 surgery ideas for cancer just that with 53:54 them well with chemotherapy derived from 53:56 it was like a mustard gas explosion yeah 53:58 but what doesn't derive it is mustard 54:01 gas we need for all the first variations 54:03 and were simply mustard yet I think what 54:06 they were they the way they the research 54:08 they did was called trench warfare you 54:11 know yeah I'm not kidding this this is 54:14 now we've gotten enough sir they've been 54:16 mustard yes well these people they 54:17 notice that some of their tumors went 54:19 down and they go well this was great we 54:21 can use this it was never a cure for 54:25 anything 54:25 it was mustard gas and the other tumors 54:28 died but the cancer doesn't go away it 54:30 has nothing to do with the causality of 54:32 the cancer his cancer died symptom it's 54:34 a symptom right of course of pasilla 54:36 wrong with immune system and and so this 54:38 was out where it comes from if you look 54:40 at the deaths per hundred thousands of 54:44 cancer for the last hundred years it 54:47 basically it's exactly the same where we 54:49 started it went up when there was lucky 54:54 smoking and then went down when smoking 54:55 fell out of of but beyond that all of 54:58 this stuff all of the chemos and the 55:00 radiation than the surgery it just it's 55:03 still it's actually a lot of cancers are 55:06 just getting worse because they have 55:07 nothing to do with a lack of chemicals 55:11 in your body it's just the opposite they 55:13 have everything to do with the fact that 55:14 there are chemicals in your body yeah 55:16 you're you're Anders over our coccyx and 55:18 if you guys its oxidative stress the 55:21 mitochondria is not functioning properly 55:22 for some reason or another and all about 55:24 you you want to cleanse that so it gets 55:27 top energies just be functioning 55:30 properly but the problems all the 55:32 standard treatments which cost hundreds 55:34 of thousands of dollars a reason why 55:35 it's it's so expensive your honor that's 55:38 why why it continues it's so expensive 55:40 anyway um the the treatments they give 55:45 you cancer they destroy your immune 55:47 system I heard just to talk today 55:49 talking about how five percent of cancer 55:52 patients die from malnutrition because 55:54 I eat anything anymore from the 55:55 treatment so how do you fight off a 55:57 disease when you're starving yourself to 55:59 death you know it's interesting I had a 56:01 very good friend of mine he didn't have 56:03 a family and last year he came down with 56:06 lymphoma and I couldn't talk him out of 56:09 it he dried um chemo and radiation and 56:15 what was really quite tragic is that I 56:19 mean he's passed away the treatment 56:22 didn't work of course but um what was 56:26 really sad is that he basically have 56:29 what's called chemo brain now it's a 56:32 term that that's in existence you can 56:34 google it'll come up but they don't tell 56:37 you about this young college just 56:38 doesn't mention this when you come in 56:40 you know with your problem chemo brain 56:42 basically is a vastly reduced Neurology 56:49 he would come into the kitchen not know 56:51 why he'd come in he would lose the 56:54 ability to finish sentences you know his 56:57 brain was shot and the quality was life 56:59 was shot and this was from the second he 57:02 got done with the chemo and radiation 57:03 till when he passed away you know he had 57:06 no cancer supposedly for about six or 57:09 seven months and then came back and they 57:10 they said well we can give you more 57:13 chemo and radiation and but we don't 57:15 think it'll stop it and and these things 57:18 make you so sick but that he just said 57:21 no I don't want to do it he went in 57:22 hospice but the the fact is if he had 57:29 done nothing he wouldn't have died any 57:31 quicker I don't think but he would have 57:33 had his natural life preserved his mind 57:37 yeah would have been active and instead 57:41 he was half dead from the second he left 57:44 up to the oncology procedure mm-hm 57:47 and we sure we have quite a bill to 57:50 half-a-million-dollar yeah and so there 57:52 you and that's the problem of the 57:54 medical system itself I heard a guy 57:55 talking about how you know it's all 57:57 financialized yeah and all these 58:01 facilities you see you walk into that 58:02 new painful and there's been Vestas open 58:04 those bonds and be paid out on 58:06 and say they need returned customers 58:08 it's the same way that you know 58:10 Microsoft or Apple designs products that 58:14 you need features you must buy from them 58:17 and you have to return updates things 58:19 like that and there's even a planned 58:21 obsolescence involved in all these 58:22 products that we use well no the same 58:26 thing applies to us you know exactly we 58:29 are committed awful person 58:31 you need us sick well they know your 58:34 cancer they just treat it and supply 58:36 that that's but in on this going back to 58:39 Obamacare the idea of like we'd some 58:41 kind of triumph for human you know 58:47 aspirations that there would be 40 58:49 million people now that are more more of 58:51 them that are Allender the control or 58:53 have access to health system hey it's 58:58 the other way around there that means 59:00 there's 40 million people that don't 59:02 have the opportunity to get out of the 59:03 damage system right which now so many of 59:07 these people don't need to be in system 59:09 but that's why it would have been a 59:12 great time for them to really look into 59:14 other ways of getting medical treatment 59:17 if they need it but just because this is 59:19 really damaging this is what we got to 59:21 do we really honestly need as families 59:25 as individuals as communities if there's 59:28 any left is to sit down and say what the 59:31 hell are we going to do really what are 59:34 we going to do we cannot trust the damn 59:36 hospital system you cannot trust the AMA 59:39 you certainly can't trust the drug 59:41 companies what if you were being forced 59:43 to fork over 10 grand over a year 59:47 healthy friends until it towards me 59:49 higher quality food exactly it's like I 59:54 you brought up the Cystic that if we 59:56 would just invert the money spent on 59:59 sodas and vegetables that like you know 60:03 90% of the health products tell problems 60:05 would go away particularly if they were 60:07 healthy vegetables yeah yeah we're gonna 60:09 have garden you know local garden these 60:11 sort of things yeah and I'm not 60:13 addressing that the distant that are our 60:15 food supply has not been tainted but 60:17 it's been robbed at many of its future 60:19 so yes people people are walking around 60:22 malnourished that either they're fatter 60:24 than ever but they're malnourished 60:26 it's a funk you know I've got if you 60:28 come and visit me ever which I hope you 60:31 do as a vacation and this would be a 60:33 great family vacation okay please either 60:37 in Santa Barbara I'll take you to our 60:39 beach club and you can see all these 60:42 pictures from like when it was first 60:45 started in the 20s and 30s there's under 60:47 something they got pictures all over the 60:48 place and you look at these people 60:50 there's not an obese person in there 60:52 right and the pictures right there and 60:55 then right next to it is a like a window 60:58 out to the current crop of humanity 61:00 occupying the club I mean if it looks 61:04 like that I mean it looks like a fat 61:06 farm you know I mean every man has a 61:10 potbelly I mean it is and the kids are 61:13 fat everyone looks weak and and these 61:17 are upper middle class people right 61:19 whether they're in Casa la fenix 61:21 yeah and and the food is just all 61:24 chemical yeah so what do you do 61:29 I mean Obamacare I I would just hope 61:34 that that people not spend a lot of time 61:37 studying it or trying to you know change 61:40 it and just accept the fact that you 61:42 have to leave it and try to organize 61:45 among yourselves ways to get real health 61:51 care which is starts with property 61:53 nutrition and and a proper understanding 61:56 of the toxins in the environment you 61:58 know the other that you know given you 62:00 weren't baby 62:01 you told yet you need wellness visits 62:03 and they need to be poked and prodded 62:05 and stuck with needles and vaccines and 62:08 chemicals and this is what this is the 62:10 problem with the baby is not enough 62:11 chemicals in the body 62:13 not enough mercury not enough squalene 62:15 you got enough insect DNA that's always 62:18 something yet that I I knew I was 62:20 missing when I was growing up you know I 62:22 I got only I had more insect DNA to put 62:27 into my body so that I would have a 62:29 strong 62:30 reaction yeah you have a strong react 62:32 and get insect DNA and your body so what 62:35 it's time I mean all my kids each one 62:37 was was vaccinated less and less and 62:40 less until finally or last our six child 62:43 born at home we had a bid wife and never 62:48 been stuck with a needle once in his 62:49 life and congratulations yeah 3 December 62:52 nice he's healthy happy and and maybe 62:55 you have an influence on your community 62:57 that just spreads out to everyone who 63:00 has a clear mind that this is what has 63:03 to happen we have to do our own research 63:06 we have to try to share research I mean 63:09 you know you and I are doing our humble 63:10 best tonight to give people a heads up 63:14 that you're in a a murder machine not a 63:20 Moloch machine which sit which it is but 63:23 it's also a murder machine and you have 63:26 to try to protect yourself and your 63:27 family and you know it starts out 63:30 basically by trying to get rid of any 63:33 interest in the chemicals that they want 63:36 to put in your body II just got it and 63:39 this is where the line is say I'm sorry 63:41 but nothing not a single vaccine not a 63:45 single drug I'm not going to do any to 63:48 hell with you I will simply try to use 63:50 the natural nutrition the natural 63:53 vitamins the natural sunlight this is 63:56 where health is right and they'll say oh 64:00 well the kid has a specialty problem 64:03 many of them do you know ms at an early 64:06 age diabetes hmm I would first for all 64:10 of those things to him I try to find a 64:12 way in in the natural system to see if 64:16 you can you know create some healing 64:19 look it's an inflammatory reaction to 64:23 toxins or yeah damage and you released 64:26 information you reduce inflammation you 64:29 alleviate the symptom and you get better 64:32 it's again I believe I've mentioned 64:35 earlier not third third most cause of 64:39 death if you can call the death United 64:40 States today's medical hair 64:41 that's what submitted that's what I mean 64:44 they don't talk about the 64:45 pharmaceuticals things you don't 64:47 complain to Godiva not aware of they 64:49 blame them something else you know these 64:51 things so you know it's I mean that's a 64:55 quarter million people a year it's to 64:57 nine million people a decade and that's 64:59 that's a page huh and and that's and 65:02 then when you when you think about all 65:04 of the people who go into hospitals and 65:06 get infections I mean it I would really 65:09 wonder about the statistics for that 65:11 because I just know maybe I have my 65:13 friends that bad luck but I'm telling 65:15 there was one fatality there was one 65:18 person who has antibiotics rest of his 65:20 life there was one woman who got very 65:24 very sick and she was prenatal and that 65:27 based almost lost the kid so you know 65:31 and that's that's pretty small group I 65:33 don't know that many people that would 65:34 have gone into this place so I just have 65:37 I think it's the Setai think it's a much 65:39 worse than even letter I don't know I 65:41 mean but it sure is something that I 65:43 would be very wary oh that's it let my 65:46 wife to decide she wanted a child palm 65:49 block Harbor home Gareth because of the 65:51 Mercer thing she contracted a mild case 65:54 of it lessons from poverty hated not the 65:58 best affection one understand is the way 65:59 even the birthing method that they use 66:01 increases the trauma and the pain 66:03 tenfold 66:05 she had it at home and way they did it 66:08 she said it was discomforting a lot of 66:12 pressure but the pain wasn't there just 66:15 you know and she said the whole 66:16 experience is quicker it just wasn't as 66:19 traumatic and also by the way eleven 66:23 twelve thousand dollars in hospital have 66:25 a baby home it's a under three grand 66:28 yeah and you know something having a 66:34 birth with you know a loved one and 66:37 maybe you know a couple people know what 66:40 they're doing assisting her I would have 66:42 to say that's kind of like the natural 66:43 way that you know that that we are 66:47 designed to have children it is not 66:49 really a medical event 66:50 yeah evolution did have like an 66:53 obstetrician that wanted to 66:56 labor because his golf schedule was and 66:59 you know starting it and he hit the tee 67:01 time was at three o'clock yeah you know 67:03 so I mean it's just ridiculous they just 67:06 don't do this is what I'm saying they 67:07 have nothing to offer 67:08 they just don't at this point the system 67:11 is so collapsed in my opinion it is so 67:13 much just this cesspool of malevolence 67:16 and incompetence and just craziness that 67:19 they really have nothing to offer yeah I 67:22 am sure they'll have an occasional 67:24 miracle cure or reaction one of the 67:27 chemicals of course right so what you 67:30 know I mean if it just anyone can look 67:33 at America today and see that the health 67:36 of the population is worse is useless 67:38 Mullins you said they give you a miracle 67:40 Tory we call it American tour because of 67:41 the miracle you live actually after they 67:43 get it yeah why did I give it two 67:46 hundred people and one person is good 67:48 result and drop that person out saying 67:49 well here yeah work great for me look um 67:52 so they I'm thinking here I wonder we 67:55 yeah I came across this this is a 67:58 written by dr. Robert Higgs an economist 68:02 he's advocating a single PI single-payer 68:05 food insurance and isn't high time the 68:08 USA adopted single-payer food system 68:10 yeah sorry it isn't a high time that US 68:16 adopted a single-payer system of food 68:18 insurance after all nothing is more 68:21 important than food no one can survive 68:23 more than a few days without eating 68:25 leaving the provision of food to whims 68:27 decreases of the free market is simply a 68:29 recipe for malnutrition and starvation 68:31 and obviously the poor and the 68:32 minorities available access to food 68:34 under the horse-and-buggy market 68:36 arrangements on the proposed system the 68:38 government would establish a national 68:40 feeding system to which everyone would 68:42 be required to belong and make premium 68:44 payments everyone engaging in producing 68:47 and this distributing food would be 68:48 drafted into the system 68:49 whenever anyone got hungry he would 68:51 present himself to a licensed provider 68:53 who'd be authorized to provide 68:55 stipulated types of food the cost of 68:57 which would be billed to the NFS at the 68:59 prices the agency had established only 69:02 foods the NFS pledged sound to be 69:04 necessary for the individual eater will 69:07 be provided and a 69:08 to reimbursed the system would permit 69:10 great reductions in administrative cost 69:12 unnecessary duplication example given 75 69:15 different kinds of breakfast cereal 27 69:17 different kinds of yogurt etc would be 69:19 eliminated the poor at long last would 69:21 all get adequate food the rich would get 69:22 the same food thereby ensuring equity 69:25 and equal dignity at the dinner table 69:27 farm organizations would no longer be 69:29 required because all farmers would be 69:31 organizing the vast collective farms 69:33 we're going managers would ensure that 69:35 only the best method seeds fertilizers 69:37 and so forth were used according to the 69:39 strict government requirements based on 69:41 settled science would not this 69:43 arrangement be a huge improvement over 69:45 the anarchy of the present means of food 69:46 supply and distribution we could 69:48 possibly what could possibly go wrong 69:50 Robert Hicks oh that's very funny and it 69:54 obviously makes a good point about the 69:57 insanity of single-payer yeah I'm under 70:00 malevolence right I mean believe me it's 70:05 sort of like how I feel about people 70:08 arguing you know free markets versus 70:11 socialism you know or inciting Adam 70:14 Smith versus Karl Marx I mean that's a 70:17 dialectic yeah yeah I mean well it's 70:20 it's just these are just Freemasons with 70:22 sotry and their there hasn't been a free 70:25 market in hundreds of years nobody even 70:26 know what looks like if one of them came 70:29 down the street I mean we've been 70:30 controlled by central banks for so long 70:34 that we don't even recognize the fact 70:37 that that there is no free market 70:39 anywhere because when one group can 70:43 create credit and charge whatever they 70:44 want to their tribe and another price to 70:47 us 70:47 there's nothing ever ending everything 70:49 else is irrelevant that's yes there's no 70:53 and you don't have to give specific 70:54 orders to programs if you look around 70:57 you you just have to direct credit and 71:00 resources to a particular program or 71:02 agenda and it'll go that way you know 71:05 like you want to put if you want to 71:07 destroy notions of beauty or malevolent 71:10 oligarchy understory classical art you 71:13 just promote Modern Art with all the 71:14 money you control yeah you know and so 71:17 yeah my point is is that it doesn't 71:19 really matter 71:21 you know which side of that dialectic 71:24 you're on because it's a fake contest 71:26 it's like Trump or Hillary you know pick 71:29 your poison 71:29 yeah so so you know a single-payer at 71:35 you know free market no such thing 71:39 our problem is something else it isn't 71:42 it isn't the it the one of the big 71:46 problems is that we believe in this 71:48 fantasy matrix economic hologram that we 71:53 think we understand you know what's 71:54 going on and the fact is this is all 71:56 just central bank planning and you know 72:00 that we're being victims by so we've got 72:03 to fix our culture in our world well I 72:07 mean this is the point I make this is 72:09 inside I've recent years is that we're 72:12 not dealing with stupidity or 72:14 coincidence were dealing with conspiracy 72:16 and malevolence yeah and that's a that's 72:19 the first step again Jim that that mean 72:21 I mean it took me a long time very hard 72:23 for me to understand this but I get it 72:26 now and that is the problem and and so 72:28 it's at the root of all of our problems 72:31 Obamacare is a great example you know we 72:34 can sit there and argue you know like 72:36 well how do we get the insurance 72:37 companies to buy in or not legal i I 72:41 mean all of this stuff is just 72:44 completely insane I mean it it never 72:47 matters and this and that in that 72:49 dimension we're lately are arguing the 72:51 minimum wage it's yeah it's exactly I 72:54 mean literally work we have these 72:56 hologram issues you know our gay 72:59 marriage as should it be an Obamacare or 73:02 not you know I mean well yeah I mean you 73:04 can't take a bomber care and treat it 73:07 separately then from a gender 21 or from 73:10 you know what's the that goals 2000 73:15 what's the other education thing comment 73:17 or a comment or look at these are the 73:20 common good Baltimore the same it's all 73:22 the same thing yeah Obamacare is just 73:24 part of the mind control tell people who 73:27 are getting more health care course 73:29 recharging more money and and everything 73:32 we give you is poison but don't worry 73:34 about that 73:34 going to be feeling great here once you 73:36 eat the chemical you know candy that you 73:41 buy at 7-eleven yes the right to keep 73:44 your doctor so you saying man that white 73:46 kids isn't killing you for the list yeah 73:49 I'm fighting for my right to keep my my 73:52 you know doctor who is giving me 73:55 chemotherapy and vaccinations I'm dying 73:59 to have him yeah so it um you know we've 74:02 got Obamacare is um it's important 74:05 people need to pay attention I mean I 74:08 think obviously it's going to move it's 74:10 a political yeah a situation where 74:12 they're going to try to create more 74:13 power more concentration more mandatory 74:16 medicine that's where I think ready like 74:19 I said the goal of Obamacare is is a you 74:21 know an increase in autistic children 74:23 they want to get that number up to like 74:26 50 percent or something and then they'll 74:28 have an ideal work force and army and 74:31 then they normalize it because they call 74:32 it what do they call it a neurological 74:34 diversity or something or well they have 74:37 um they've got TV shows now that are 74:40 terrorizing you know the movie the 74:42 accountant with a yeah autistic 74:45 gentleman who is a virtual superhero 74:47 because it is autism yeah yeah so it's 74:50 you know like and so it you know and 74:53 it's racist to to be you know in 74:56 opposition to these individuals as 74:59 though the promotion and belief in you 75:03 know health and strength is is wrong 75:05 that's when I take it as a individual 75:09 who's been engineered just to be 75:12 dysfunctional whether psychologically 75:14 emotionally or physically and all of a 75:16 sudden because of the ideology of 75:18 victimization we can't look at the wider 75:23 invite the larger environmental systems 75:26 that created this individual this 75:28 unfortunate dividual we have to respect 75:30 who he is 75:30 which is exactly respond job and that's 75:34 their it 75:34 we can't criticize the system for 75:36 producing these people so whether broken 75:38 families producing you know I feel like 75:40 making them picking the the transvestite 75:43 are the autistic individual feel bad 75:45 yeah it's sensitive kid 75:47 we appreciated that yourself see this is 75:50 how you can see how they've set it up to 75:51 you you know they can push these agendas 75:54 just harder and harder because people 75:59 are intimidated because they put the 76:01 individual as a victim in front of you 76:03 and they say you cannot attack this 76:05 victim when when you complain about the 76:08 chemical system that produced it you 76:11 know you're a toxic culture the biotic 76:15 environment and the swimming strokes we 76:17 were swimming in it and yet it's it also 76:20 be focus on the individual victim that's 76:23 that's the focal point he's the focal 76:25 point but not the toxic culture attack 76:27 conveyor that's being produced by 76:29 industry by government by corporations 76:32 which is all controlled by a malevolent 76:35 secret society exactly soon well there 76:41 it is come Obamacare yep so okay well 76:46 okay I'll let you go then where are we 76:48 yeah we're hour 16 15 and 16 minutes all 76:52 right Tim well thanks so much that was 76:54 the best discussion about Obamacare I've 76:56 ever had 76:57 [Laughter] 76:58 hey what's up next week all right yeah 77:02 we'll talk next week we'll get them then 77:03 have a good week bye-bye 77:04 thank you sir 77:08 [Music] 77:31 the 77:37 [Music] 77:53 [Music] 78:02 [Music] 78:22 [Music] 78:45 [Music] 78:54 thank you 78:57 Oh 79:00 [Music]

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