Portal:Falun Gong
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Falun Gong (simplified Chinese: 法轮功; traditional Chinese: 法輪功; pinyin: Fǎlún Gōng; literally "Practice of the Wheel of Law"), also known as Falun Dafa (simplified Chinese: 法轮大法; traditional Chinese: 法輪大法; pinyin: Fǎlún dàfǎ; lit. "Great Law of the Wheel of Law"), is a system of mind and body cultivation introduced by Li Hongzhi (surname is Li) to the public in 1992. Falun Gong refers to five sets of meditation exercises (four standing, and one sitting meditation) and spiritual teachings. According to Li, when one cultivates his or her xinxing (mind nature or character), he/she can assimilate to the supreme nature of the universe—Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. In recent years, added emphasis has been placed on the concept of Fa-Rectification. Template:/box-footer
The foundation of Falun Dafa are teachings known in traditional Chinese culture as a "Fa" (Dharma), or "Dharma and principles" – that are set forth in the book Zhuan Falun. Falun Gong teaches that the "Buddha Law", in its highest manifestation, can be summarized in three words – Zhen 真, Shan 善 and Ren 忍, which translate approximately as 'Truthfulness (or Truth), Benevolence (or Compassion), and Forbearance (or Endurance)'. The process of cultivation is thought of to be one in which the practitioner assimilates himself or herself to Zhen 真, Shan 善 and Ren 忍. Template:/box-footer
The ideas that guide today’s science are only able to confine its development and research to this material world, as a subject won’t be studied until it is known—it takes that approach. As for phenomena that are intangible and invisible, but that objectively exist, real manifestations of those things appear here in our material world, yet they are shunned and considered unexplainable..
Li Hongzhi
Template:/box-header ...that Li Hongzhi introduced his teachings of Falun Gong to the public in Changchun, China in 1992?
...that Falun Gong emerged at the end of China's "qigong boom", a period which saw the proliferation of similar practices of meditation, slow-moving exercises and regulated breathing?
...that volunteer instructors and Falun Dafa Associations are currently found in over 70 countries outside China, with the most active communities in the United States and Canada? Template:/box-footer
Li Hongzhi (Chinese: 李洪志; pinyin: Lǐ Hóngzhì), an ethnic Han Chinese who speaks Mandarin, he is the founder of Falun Gong. This is also called Falun Dafa, and is a system of mind-body cultivation originating in the People's Republic of China. Mr. Li currently resides in the United States and is a US permanent resident. Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Dafa on May 13, 1992 at the fifth Middle school in Changchun City, China. From 1992 to 1994, Li travelled across China, giving more than 54 lectures and teaching the Falun Gong exercises. Li continues to give lectures at Falun Gong conferences outside of China. As practitioners started spreading the system, Li Hongzhi stipulated that promoting the Falun Gong could never be done for fame and money, nor may practitioners accept any fee, donation or gift in return for their voluntary promotion of the practice. Template:/box-footer
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