Orders, decorations, and medals of Belarus

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Awards and decorations of Belarus are governed by the Law of the Republic of Belarus on State Awards of 18 May 2004.

The highest award is the title of the Hero of Belarus. The law also specifies orders, medals and honorary titles of Belarus.


Name (English/Belarusian/Translit)
Creation Date
Hero of Belarus medal obverse.jpg
Hero of Belarus
Герой Беларусі
Heroj Belarusi
Belarus's highest award. Awarded for extreme acts of bravery or unwavering commitment and service benefiting the Republic of Belarus. Unlike the previous Hero Of The Soviet Union title, this title can only be awarded to a recipient once.


Uladeimir Mikalaevich Karvat
Уладзімір Мікалаевіч Карват
For fatally navigating a test plane which was suffering a technical failure away from populated areas.
Paval Luk'janavich Maryeŭ
Павал Лук'янавіч Марыеў
For contributions to БелАЗ (Belarusian Automobile Works).
Hero Of Socialist Labour
Aljaksandar Iosifavich Dubko
Герой Сацыялістычнай Працы
Аляксандар Іосіфавіч Дубко
For contributions to the agricultural development of the Grodno Oblast.
Mihail Aleksandrovich Karchmit
Михаил Александрович Карчмит
For contributions to the development of agriculture in Niasvizh Region, Minsk Oblast and for commitment to the Commission for Regional Policy Council.
Vialij Ilich Kremko
For contributions to the collective farm "Прогресс" (Progress) and Agricultural Production Cooperative "Октябрь-Гродно" (October-Grodno) in Grondo.
Mihail Stepanovich Vysotskij
For contributions to the development of the Belarusian Automobile.
Petr Petrovich Prokopovich
For contributions to the banking system of the Republic of Belarus.
Vasilij Afanasevich Revjako
For contribution to the Agricultural Production Cooperative "Прогресс-Вертелишки" (Progress-Vertelishki).
Mihail Andreevich Savitskij
For the development of Belarusian art (Painting).
Metropolitan Filaret
(Kirill Varfolomeevich Vahromeev)
For contribution to the spiritual revival of the Belarusian people.


Name (English/Belarusian/Translit)
Creation Date

Order fatherland1 rib.png
"Order of the Fatherland"
1st Class

Ордэн Айчыны
I Ступені

Orden Ajchyny
I Stupeni
Belarus's highest order.

Order fatherland2 rib.png
"Order of the Fatherland"
2nd Class

Ордэн «Айчыны
II Ступені
Orden Ajchyny
II Stupeni

Order fatherland3 rib.png
"Order of the Fatherland"
3rd Class

Ордэн Айчыны
III Ступені

Orden Ajchyny
III Stupeni
Orden Voinskoy Slavy.jpg

Order military glory.png
"Order of Military Glory"
Ордэн Воiнскай Славы
Orden Voinskaj Slavy
Za slujbu Rodine 1.jpg

Order service to the homeland1 rib.png
Order "For Service To The Homeland"
1st Class

Ордэн «За Службу Радзiме»
I Ступені

Orden «Za Sluzhbu Radzime»
I Stupeni
Za slujbu Rodine 2.jpg

Order service to the homeland2 rib.png
Order "For Service To The Homeland"
2nd Class

Ордэн «За Службу Радзiме»"
II Ступені

Orden «Za Sluzhbu Radzime»
II Stupeni
Za slujbu Rodine 3.jpg

Order service to the homeland3 rib.png
Order "For Service To The Homeland"
3rd Class

Ордэн «За Службу Радзiме»"
III Ступені

Orden «Za Sluzhbu Radzime»
III Stupeni
Za lichnoye mujestvo.jpg

Za lichnoye mujestvo rib.png
Order "For Personal Courage"
Ордэн «За Асабiстую Мужнасць»
Orden «Za Asabistyju Muzhnasts»

By-order friendship of nations rib.png
Order Of The Friendship Of the Peoples
Ордэн Дружбы Народаў
Orden Druzhby Narodaǔ

By-order honor rib.png
"Order Of Honour"
Ордэн Пашаны
Orden Pashany
Orden Francisca Scorina.jpg

Order francysk skaryna rib.png
"Order of Francysk Skaryna"
Ордэн Францыска Скарыны
Orden Francyska Skaryny
Orden Materi Belorussia.jpg

By-order maternity rib.png
Order of Mother
Ордэн Мацi
Orden Matsi
Awarded to women who give birth to and raise five children. The awarding is made when a fifth child is one year old and in the presence of other living children of this mother.

Children also taken into account:
Adopted children as defined by legislation;
Dead or missing in the defence of the Fatherland and its state interests and the performance of civic duty to save human life, the rule of law and order, or died as a result of injury or disease, or due to employment injury or occupational disease.


Name (English/Belarusian/Translit)
Creation Date
Su-medal bravery rib.png
Medal "For Bravery"
Медаль «За Адвагу»
Medal «Za Advagu»
By-ds military service rib.png
Medal "For Distinction In Military Service"
Медаль «За Адзнаку Ў Воiнскай Службе»
Medal «Za Adznaku Ǔ Voinskaj Cluzhbe»
By-ds defense public order rib.png
Medal "For Distinction In Protecting Public Order"
Медаль «За Адзнаку Ў Ахове Грамадскага Парадку»
Medal «Za Adznaku Ǔ Ahove Gramadskaga Paradku»
By-distinguished service defense state frontier rib.png
Medal "For Distinction In Protecting The State Border"
Медаль «За Адзнаку Ў Ахове Дзяржаўнай Граніцы»
Medal «Za Adznaku Ǔ Ahove Dejarzhaǔnaj Granitsy»
By-labor merit rib.png
Medal "For Labour Merits"
Медаль «За Працоўныя Заслугi»
Medal «Za Pratsoǔnyja Zaslugi»

Medal of Francis Skorina rib.png
"Medal Of Francysk Skaryna"
Медаль «Францыска Скарыныi»
Medal «Frantsyska Skarynyi»
Medal "For Perfect Service"
1st Class

Медаль «За Бездакорную Службу»
I Ступені

Medal «Za Bezdakornuy Sluzhbu»
I Stupeni
Medal "For Perfect Service"
2nd Class

Медаль «За Бездакорную Службу»
II Ступені

Medal «Za Bezdakornuy Sluzhbu»
II Stupeni
Medal "For Perfect Service"
3rd Class

Медаль «За Бездакорную Службу»
III Ступені

Medal «Za Bezdakornuy Sluzhbu»
III Stupeni

Commemorative Medals

Additionally the President can introduce jubilee medals (юбiлейныя мядалi) on occasions of important anniversaries observed in Belarus.

Name (English/Belarusian/Translit)
Creation Date

50victory rib.png
Jubilee Medal "50 Years Of Victory In The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
Юбилейная Медаль «50 Лет Победы В Великой Отечественной Войне 1941—1945 гг.»
Jubilejnaja Medal «50 Let Pebedy V Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojne 1941-1945 gg.»

Zhukov rib.png
"Medal Of Zhukov"
Медаль «Жукова»
Medal «Zhukova»
This medal was created by the Commonwealth Of Independent States and was issued in all nations in the commonwealth by their own governments.

Medal "In Memory Of The 10th Anniversary Of Withdrawal Of Soviet Forces From Afghanistan."
Медаль «В память 10-Летия Вывода Советских Войск Из Афганистана»
Medal «V 10-Letija Vyvoda Sovetskih Vojsk Iz Afganistana»
150 years belarus firefighting rib.png
Medal "150 Years Of Firefighting Service Of Belarus"
Медаль «150 Лет Пожарной Службе Беларуси»
Medal «150 Let Pozharnoj Sluzhbe Belarusi»

60 years liberation rib.png
Medal "60 Years Of Liberation Of The Belarusian Republic From German-Fascist Invaders."
Медаль «60 Год Вызвалення Рэспублікі Беларусь Ад Нямецка-Фашысцкіх Захопнікаў»
Medal «60 God Vyzvalennja Respubliki Belarus Ad Njametska-Faschystskih Zahopnikaǔ»
By-70 years militia rib.png
Medal "75 Years Of Belarusian Militia"
Медаль «75 Лет Белорусской Милиции»
Medal «75 Let Belorusskoj Militsii»
By-80 years militia rib.png
Medal "80 Years Of Belarusian Militia"
Медаль «80 Лет Белорусской Милиции»
Medal «80 Let Belorusskoj Militsii»
80 years belarus kgb.png
Medal "80 Years Of The Committee Of State Security Of The Republic Of Belarus"
Медаль «80 Лет Комитету Государственной Безопасности Республики Беларусь»
Medal «80 Let Komitetu Gosudarstvennoj»
80 years belarus armed forces rib.png
Medal "80 Years Of The Armed Forces Of The Republic Of Belarus"
Медаль «80 Лет Вооружённых Сил Республики Беларусь»
Medal «80 Let Vooruzhennyh Sil Respubliki Belarus»
80 years belarus frontier guard rib.png
Medal "80 Years Of Border Troops Of The Republic Of Belarus"
Медаль «80 Лет Пограничных Войск Республики Беларусь»
Medal «80 Let Pagranichnyh Vojsk Respubliki Belarus»
Medal "90 Years Of The Armed Forces Of The Republic Of Belarus"
Медаль «90 Лет Вооружённых Сил Республики Беларусь»
Medal «90 Let Vooruzhennyh Sil Respubliki Belarus»
By-80 years attorney office.png
Medal "80 Years Of The Procuratorate Of The Republic Of Belarus"
Медаль «80 Лет Прокуратуре Республики Беларусь»
Medal «80 Let Prokurature Respubliki Belarus»
100 years belarus trade unions rib.png
Medal "100 Years Of The Train Union Movement Of Belarus"
Медаль «100 Лет Профсоюзному Движению Беларуси»
Medal «100 Let Profsojuznomu Dvizheniju Belarusi»

65 years of victory belorussiya rib.png
Jubilee Medal "65 Years Of Liberation Of The Belarusian Republic From German-Fascist Invaders."
Юбилейная Медаль «65 Год Вызвалення Рэспублікі Беларусь Ад Нямецка-Фашысцкіх Захопнікаў»
Jubilejnaja Medal «65 God Vyzvalennja Respubliki Belarus Ad Njametska-Faschystskih Zahopnikaǔ»

Honorary Titles

Honorary titles are introduced for various categories of professions and occupations. The honorary titles are accompanied by the corresponding diploma and badges.

Name (English/Belarusian/Translit)
Creation Date
Artistic Titles
By-green rib.png
Athletic Titles
By-order friendship of nations rib.png
Labour Titles
International soldier rib.png


  1. ^ The Order is always worn in full, the ribbon was drawn to show what it looks like.
  2. ^ The ribbons are shown to denote the ribbon colour. These badges are always worn in full.

See also
