Jules Chaix-Ruy

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Jules-Marie Chaix-Ruy (7 November 1896 – 11 April 1986) was a French philosopher, a representative of spiritualistic ontology based on Augustine.


Jules Chaix-Ruy was born in Avignon. He was director of the Institute of Philosophical Studies at the University of Algiers, then professor of philosophy at the University of Nice (1965–1967). A noted scholar on the philosophy of Augustine, Vico, Renan and Croce, he translated Vico, Croce and Stefanini into French.

Jules Chaix-Ruy died in Nice.


Chaix-Ruy showed that it is impossible to escape from the tension of our existence, nor from the multiplicity and division in the experience of time. Although we manage to bring the past to the present through memory, such persistence of the past would not be possible at all if there was no basis for the unity of duration in God's being. A sequence of timeless present-making snatches from the flow of time leads to the rhythm of our existence, as if spoken by the pulsation of our very being, testifying to our ontological positivity and negativity. In this pulsation, the two secrets of our personal being are combined — its subsistence and its radical insufficiency.


  • Pascal et Port-Royal: Le jansénisme (1930)
  • La formation de la pensée philosophique de G.-B. Vico (1945)
  • Images de Monaco (1948)
  • Les Dimensions de l'être et du temps (1953)
  • Ernest Renan (1956)
  • Donoso Cortès (1956)
  • Saint Augustin: temps et histoire (1956)
  • Psychologie sociale et sociométrie (1960)
  • Nietzsche (1963)
  • Pour connaître la pensée de Nietzsche (1964)
  • Le surhomme, de Nietzsche à Teilhard de Chardin (1965)
  • Pour connaître la pensée de Platon (1966)
  • Luigi Pirandello: humour et poésie (1967)
  • Kafka, la peur de l'absurde (1968)
  • J.-B. Vico et l'illuminisme athée (1968)
  • A. Soljenitsyne ou la Descente aux enfers (1970)

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