Ivan the Terrible (Prokofiev)
Ivan the Terrible (Russian: Иван Грозный), Op. 116, is incidental music by Sergei Prokofiev, composed in 1942-45 for Sergei Eisenstein's film Ivan the Terrible and its sequel, the first two parts of an incomplete trilogy. The project was Prokofiev's second collaboration with Eisenstein, the first being the popular Aleksandr Nevskiy (1938). The majority of the song texts were written by Vladimir Lugovskoy, who collaborated with Prokofiev on the texts for Aleksandr Nevskiy.
The subject of the "First Tale" (Part 1) is the early years, 1547 to 1565, of the reign of Ivan IV of Russia: his coronation, his intent to curb the powers of the boyars, his wedding, his conquest of Kazan, his almost fatal illness, the poisoning and death of his first wife Anastasiya, the formation of the Oprichniki, and his abdication.
The "Second Tale" (Part 2), subtitled The Boyar Conspiracy, covers the years 1565 to 1569, and concerns the defection of Prince Kurbskiy to Poland-Lithuania, Ivan's disputes with Philip II, Metropolitan of Moscow, the intrigues of the boyars, the excesses of the Oprichniki, the attempted coup by the boyars and Ivan's aunt, Yefrosinya Staritskaya, the murder of her son Vladimir Staritsky, and Ivan's triumph over his domestic enemies.
The film scores were not published during Prokofiev's lifetime. They were arranged in 1961 as an oratorio for soloists, chorus, and orchestra by Levon Atovmyan, one of Prokofiev's assistants. However, before this version could be performed, the music received its concert premiere in 1961 in Moscow in the form of an oratorio for speaker, soloists, chorus, and orchestra by Abram Stasevich, who conducted the scores for Eisenstein.
In 1973 the composer Mikhail Chulaki and choreographer Yuri Grigorovich drew on Prokofiev's film scores to create the ballet Ivan the Terrible, which was given its premiere in 1975. Later performing editions of the scores include an oratorio put together by Michael Lankester (1989), and a concert scenario by Christopher Palmer (1991). The restoration of the entire original film score has been published and recorded.
Composition history
Performance history
Publication history
- 1958, 'Songs and Choruses from the Music for the Film Ivan the Terrible', vocal scores, published by Levon Atovmyan in the magazine Sovetskaya Muzyka; the six numbers included: 'The Black Cloud', 'Ocean-Sea', 'Song of Praise', 'The Swan', 'The Cannoneers', and 'Song about the Beaver'[1]
- 1960, 'Songs and Choruses from Cantatas, Oratorios, and Films', published by Levon Atovmyan, vocal scores, Sovetskiy Kompozitor; the numbers from Ivan the Terrible included 'The Oath of the Oprichniki', 'Song of Fyodor Basmanov and the Oprichniki', and the 'Song of the Oprichniki'[2]
- 1997, Ivan the Terrible, film score, full score, Musikverlage Hans Sikorski, Hamburg[3]
Note: The column marked 'S' shows the numbering of the musical numbers by Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, the publisher of the restored film score (zeros have been inserted before single digit numbers for sorting purposes). 'A' stands for Anhang (the appendix), which includes the liturgical numbers used in the film that were either arranged by Prokofiev or were not written into his score of Ivan the Terrible.
The numbers may be grouped into 'scenes' according to location or subject matter as follows:
- Prologue
- Coronation
- Wedding
- The Subjugation of Kazan
- Ivan's Illness
- The Death of Anastasiya
- Oath of the Oprichniki
- The Court of the Polish King
- Lamentation for the Executed Boyars
- Furnace Play
- Yefrosinya's Plot
- The Tsar's Banquet
- Murder in the Cathedral
No. | S | Title | English | Source | Scoring |
1.01 | 01 | Увертюра | Overture | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.02 | 02 | Смерть Глинской | Death of Glinskaya | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.03 | 03 | Марш молодого Ивана | March of the Young Ivan | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.04 | 04a | Океан-море | Ocean-Sea | Prokofiev | Solo/Chor/Orch |
1.05 | 04b | Океан-море | Ocean-Sea | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.06 | 05 | Шуйский и псари | Shuyskiy and the Huntsmen | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.07 | A01 | Кирие элейсон | Kyrie eleison | Liturgy | Chor |
1.08 | A02 | Софрониевская херувимская песнь | Sofroniy's Cherubic Song | Monastic song, transcribed by Kastalsky | Chor |
1.09 | 06 | Многая лета! | Many Years! | Traditional, arranged by Prokofiev | Chor |
1.10 | 07 | Величание | Praise Song | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.11 | 08 | Лебедь | The Swan | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.12 | 09 | Юродивый | The Holy Fool | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.13 | 10 | Бунт | Riot | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.14 | 11 | Выход татар | Entrance of the Tatars | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.15 | 12 | Пушки движутся на Казань | The Cannons are Moved to Kazan | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.16 | 13 | Палатка Ивана | Ivan's Tent | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.17 | 14 | Степь татарская | Tatar Steppe | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.18 | 15 | Пушкари | The Cannoneers | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.19 | 16 | Татары | The Tatars | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.20 | 17 | Трубы Курбского | Kurbskiy's Trumpets | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.21 | 18 | Атака | Attack | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.22 | 19 | Зависть Малюты | Malyuta's Jealousy | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.23 | 20 | Казань взята | Kazan is Taken | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.24 | A04 | Душе моя | My Soul | Obikhod | Chor |
1.25 | A05 | Многомилостиве Господи | Most Merciful Lord | Obikhod | Chor |
1.26 | 21 | Иван умоляет бояр | Ivan Implores the Boyars | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.27 | 22 | Болезнь Анастасии | Anastasiya's Illness | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.28 | 23 | Отравление Анастасии | The Poisoning of Anastasiya | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.29 | A06 | Вечная память | Eternal Remembrance | Obikhod | Chor |
1.30 | A07 | Со святыми упокой | Rest with the Saints | Obikhod | Chor |
1.31 | A08 | Сам един еси | Thou Alone | Obikhod, transcribed by Vinogradov | Chor |
1.32 | 24 | Иван у гроба Анастасии | Ivan at Anastasiya's Coffin | Prokofiev | Orch |
1.33 | 25 | Клятва опричников | Oath of the Oprichniki | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
1.34 | 26 | Вернись! | Come Back! | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
2.01 | 27 | Фанфары | Fanfares | Prokofiev | Orch |
2.02 | 27a | Полонез | Polonaise | Prokofiev | Orch |
2.03 | A09 | Не рыдай мене, мати | Do not Sob for Me, Mother | Ivanov | Chor |
2.04 | A10 | Уне тебе бяше, Иудо | It Were Better for You, Judas | Liturgy | Chor |
2.05 | 28a | Дивен Бог | Wondrous is God | Bortnyansky | Chor |
2.06 | 28b | Пение отроков | Singing of the Boys | Prokofiev | 3 Boys |
2.07 | 29 | Песня про бобра | Song about the Beaver | Prokofiev | Solo/Orch |
2.08 | 30a | Хаотическая пляска опричников | Chaotic Dance of the Oprichniki | Prokofiev | Orch |
2.09 | 30b | Организованная пляска опричников | Orderly Dance of the Oprichniki | Prokofiev | Orch |
2.10 | 31 | Куплеты опричников | Song of the Oprichniki | Prokofiev | Solo/Chor/Orch |
2.11 | 31a | Куплеты опричников | Song of the Oprichniki | Prokofiev | Orch |
2.12 | 32a 32b |
Хор опричников | Chorus of the Oprichniki | Prokofiev | Chor/Orch |
2.13 | 32c | Убийство Владимира | Vladimir's Murder | Prokofiev | Orch |
2.14 | 33 | Выход Ивана | Entrance of Ivan | Prokofiev | Orch |
Performance duration is about 100 minutes.
Several numbers can be divided into two parts, each of which are often quoted in the film separately:
- The first half of the 'Overture' is the orchestral 'A Storm Approaches' (the Ivan theme); the second half is the chorus 'The Black Cloud'.
- The first part of 'The Death of Glinskaya' accompanies, in the second film, the flashback of the poisoning of the 8-year-old-Ivan's mother; the second part is the chorus 'On the Bones of our Enemies'.
- The first half of 'Come Back!' depicts the people's chorus of supplication after Ivan's abdication; the second half is the 'Finale' (a variation of 'The Storm Approaches'), which concludes both films.
Scoring and instrumentation
- Vocal soloists: contralto (or mezzo-soprano), baritone
- Choir: four-part (SATB) mixed chorus
- Strings: violins I & II, violas, cellos, double basses
- Woodwinds: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, english horn, 2 clarinets, E-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
- Brass: 4 horns, 5 trumpets, 3 trombones, 2 tubas
- Percussion: timpani, bass drum, snare drum, triangle, tambourine, cymbals, bells, church bells, glockenspiel, xylophone, wood block, whip
- Other: piano, harp
Versions by other hands
Oratorio by Levon Atovmyan (1961)
- Performance history
Atovmyan's oratorio finally received its public premiere on 28 January 2012 at the Royal Festival Hall, London. Vladimir Jurowski conducted the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus. The soloists were Ewa Podleś and Andrey Breus.
The Russian premiere took place on 2 April 2012 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Vladimir Jurowski conducted the London Philharmonic Orchestra with the Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir and the Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatory. The soloists were Elena Zaremba and Andrey Breus.
The North American premiere took place on 18 October 2012 at Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco. Vladimir Jurowski conducted the San Francisco Symphony and Chorus. The soloists were Elena Zaremba and Andrey Breus.
- Numbers
Atovmyan's oratorio is in 8 sections, some consisting of several numbers (or parts of numbers) from the film score—refer to 'Sequence' below:[4]
No. | Original | English | Sequence |
1 | Иван и бояре | Ivan and the Boyars | • Overture (Ivan Theme) • The Black Cloud • The Riot • Ivan Implores the Boyars • Come back! • On the Bones of Our Enemies • Overture (Ivan Theme) |
2 | Песня про бобра | Song about the Beaver | Song about the Beaver |
3 | Опричнина | The Oprichnina | • Chaotic Dance of the Oprichniki • Chorus of the Oprichniki • Orderly Dance of the Oprichniki • Song of the Oprichniki • Oath of the Oprichniki • Orderly Dance of the Oprichniki |
4 | Лебедь | The Swan | The Swan |
5 | Анастасия | Anastasiya | • Anastasiya's Illness • The Poisoning of Anastasiya • Anastasiya's Illness |
6 | Океан-море | Ocean-Sea | • The Entrance of Ivan • Ocean-Sea |
7 | Взятие Казани | The Taking of Kazan | • Ivan's Tent • The Tatars • Entrance of the Tatars • The Tatars • The Cannoneers • The Cannons are Moved to Kazan • Kurbskiy's Trumpets • Attack • Kazan is Taken • Ivan's Tent |
8 | Величание | Praise Song | • March of the Young Ivan • Praise Song • The Death of Glinskaya • On the Bones of our Enemies • Overture (Ivan theme) |
Performance duration is about 45 minutes.
- Scoring and instrumentation
- Vocal soloists: contralto (or mezzo-soprano), baritone
- Choir: four-part (SATB) mixed chorus
- Strings: violins I & II, violas, cellos, double basses
- Woodwinds: 2 piccolos, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, english horn, 2 clarinets, E-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon
- Brass: 4 horns, 5 trumpets, 3 trombones, 2 tubas
- Percussion: timpani, piccolo timpani, bass drum, snare drum, triangle, tambourine, cymbals, tam-tam, bells, xylophone, wood block, whip
- Other: piano, celesta, 2 harps
Oratorio by Abram Stasevich (1961)
The following commentary, by one T. Korganov, was printed in the preface to Stasevich's vocal score in 1961:
"Without adding material of his own or making changes to the composer's manuscript, A. Stasevich approached the music for the film in a creative manner turning it into an oratorio consisting of 20 numbers. By repeating certain episodes and sections, and by linking them in a variety of ways, Stasevich was able to turn the various parts of this substantial work into self-contained numbers. In order to comply with the dictates of musical logic, he did not always adhere strictly to the order of the musical episodes prescribed by the plot. Thus certain episodes were transformed into tripartite structures, and others expanded to become rather large movements. Certain changes were also made to the orchestration, and certain instrumental lines were reinforced ... Stasevich also added another formal determinant in the shape of a speaker."[5]
- Performance history
The premiere took place on 23 April 1961 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Abram Stasevich conducted the Moscow State Philharmonic Orchestra.[6]
- Publication history
- 1962, Ivan the Terrible, oratorio by Abram Stasevich, vocal score, Sovetskiy Kompozitor, Moscow[7]
- 1972, Ivan the Terrible, oratorio by Stasevich, full score, Sovetskiy Kompozitor, Moscow[8]
- Numbers
Stasevich's oratorio is in 20 movements, some consisting of several numbers (or parts of numbers) from the film score—refer to 'Sequence' below:
No. | Original | English | Sequence |
1 | Увертюра | Overture | • Overture (Ivan theme) • The Black Cloud • The Death of Glinskaya • Shuyskiy and the Huntsmen • The Death of Glinskaya • The Black Cloud • Overture (Ivan theme) |
2 | Марш молодого Ивана | March of the Young Ivan | March of the Young Ivan |
3 | Океан-море | Ocean-Sea | Ocean-Sea |
4 | Царём буду! | I Shall Be Tsar! | Overture (Ivan theme) |
5 | Дивен Бог | Wondrous is God | Wondrous is God |
6 | Многая лета! | Many Years! | Many Years! |
Океан-море | Ocean-Sea | Ocean-Sea | |
Многая лета! | Many Years! | Many Years! | |
7 | Юродивый | The Holy Fool | • The Holy Fool • The Riot • The Holy Fool |
8 | Лебедь | The Swan | The Swan |
Величальная | Praise Song | Praise Song | |
Лебедь | The Swan | The Swan | |
9 | На костях врагов | On the Bones of Our Enemies | On the Bones of Our Enemies |
10 | Татары | The Tatars | • Entrance of the Tatars (2 times) • The Tatars • Entrance of the Tatars |
11 | Пушкари | The Cannoneers | • The Cannoneers • Ivan's Tent • The Cannoneers |
12 | На Казань! | To Kazan! | • The Cannons are Moved to Kazan • Entrance of Ivan • The Tatar Steppe • Entrance of Ivan • Ivan's Tent • The Tatar Steppe • Ivan theme • Kurbskiy's Trumpets • Attack • Malyuta's Jealousy • Attack • The Tatars • The Cannoneers • Kazan is Taken |
13 | Иван умоляет бояр | Ivan Implores the Boyars | Ivan Implores the Boyars |
Степь Татарская | The Tatar Steppe | The Tatar Steppe | |
14 | Ефросинья и Анастасия | Yefrosinya and Anastasiya | • The Poisoning of Anastasiya • Anastasiya's Illness • The Poisoning of Anastasiya |
15 | Песня про бобра (колыбельная Ефросиньи) |
Song about the Beaver (Yefrosinya's Lullaby) |
Song about the Beaver |
16 | Иван у гроба Анастасии | Ivan at the Coffin of Anastasiya | Singing of the Boys |
17 | Хор Опричников | Chorus of the Oprichniki | Chorus of the Oprichniki |
Клятва Опричников | Oath of the Oprichniki | Oath of the Oprichniki | |
18 | Песня Фёдора Басманова с опричниками |
Song of Fyodor Basmanov with the Oprichniki |
Song of the Oprichniki |
19 | Пляска Опричников | Dance of the Oprichniki | • Chaotic Dance of the Oprichniki • Orderly Dance of the Oprichniki |
20 | Финал | Finale | • Ivan at the Coffin of Anastasiya • Come Back! • Finale (Ivan Theme) • On the Bones of Our Enemies • Ivan Theme |
Performance duration is about 75 minutes.
Ballet by Mikhail Chulaki (1975)
The ballet Ivan the Terrible was arranged by Mikhail Chulaki for a 1975 production by choreographer Yuriy Grigorovich at the Bolshoy Theatre. The two act work consists of selections from Prokofiev's film score for Ivan the Terrible supplemented with excerpts from his Symphony No. 3 (1928), Russian Overture (1936), and film score for Aleksandr Nevsky (1938).
- Performance history
The world premiere performance took place on 20 February 1975 at the Bolshoy Theatre. Algis Zhuraitis conducted. The cast included Yuriy Vladimirov (Ivan), Nataliya Bessmertnova (Anastasiya), and Boris Akimov (Kurbskiy).
Oratorio by Michael Lankester (1988)
- Performance history
The premiere took place on 4 May 1988. Michael Lankester conducted the Hartford Symphony Orchestra.[9]
- Numbers
This version of Ivan the Terrible consists of 29 numbers.[10]
Performance duration is about 95 minutes.
Concert Scenario by Christopher Palmer (1991)
Christopher Palmer discusses his Ivan the Terrible concert scenario in the notes to a Chandos CD recording made a few days after the work's premiere:
"...in 1962 Abram Stasevich (1906-1971), who had conducted Ivan for the film soundtrack, published his Ivan the Terrible 'oratorio' for speaker, soloists, chorus and orchestra which incorporated all the major musical sequences in the film plus a few that had been left out (notably 'Russian Sea'). It is in this form that the Ivan music has been known outside the film ever since, and in this form that critics have tended to find it long and diffuse. The main problem is the speaker, introduced by Stasevich primarily because he had been unwise enough to try and incorporate a large number of short fragmentary episodes, and had to find a way of stitching them together. Unfortunately once the speaker was in, he seemed to take over the entire work—much to its detriment in terms of narrative intelligibility and tightness of structure. My new 'performing version' eliminates the speaker and shorter sections (most of which are pastiche Russian-liturgical music of minimal Prokofievian interest). It also restores a number of episodes to their original format, most importantly the assassination of the Pretender in Part II—the climax of the film and one of the most electrifying moments in film music. While retaining Stasevich's make-up of most of the larger movements, I have reverted largely to the film's original sequence of musical events."[11]
- Performance history
The concert scenario received its premiere on 28 February 1991 at the Royal Festival Hall in London. Neeme Järvi conducted the Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus.[12]
- Numbers
The 'new' work is in 13 movements,[13] some consisting of several numbers (or parts of numbers) from the film score—refer to 'Sequence' below:
No. | Title | Sequence |
1 | Overture | • Overture (Ivan theme) • The Black Cloud • The Death of Glinskaya • Shuyskiy and the Huntsmen • The Death of Glinskaya • The Black Cloud • Overture(Ivan theme) |
2 | Russian Sea | Ocean-Sea |
3 | Wedding | • The Swan • Praise Song • The Swan |
4 | Fire | • The Holy Fool • The Riot • The Holy Fool |
5 | Tartars and Cannoneers | • Entrance of the Tatars (2 times) • The Tatars • Entrance of the Tatars • The Cannoneers • Ivan's Tent • The Cannoneers |
6 | The Storming of Kazan | • The Cannons are Moved to Kazan • Entrance of Ivan • The Tatar Steppe • Entrance of Ivan • Ivan's Tent • The Tatar Steppe • Ivan theme • Kurbskiy's Trumpets • Attack • Malyuta's Jealousy • Attack • The Tatars • The Cannoneers • Kazan is Taken |
7 | Ivan's Sickness | Ivan Implores the Boyars |
8 | At the Polish Court | • Fanfares • Polonaise |
9 | Anastasia | • The Poisoning of Anastasiya • Anastasiya's Illness • The Poisoning of Anastasiya |
10 | Song of the Beaver (Ephrosynia's Lullaby) |
Song about the Beaver |
11 | The Banquet | • Chaotic Dance of the Oprichniki • Orderly Dance of the Oprichniki • Song of the Oprichniki • Chaotic Dance of the Oprichniki • Orderly Dance of the Oprichniki |
12 | Murder in the Cathedral | • Chorus of the Oprichniki • Vladimir's Murder |
13 | Finale (Coda) | Finale (Ivan theme) |
Performance duration is about 60 minutes.
Year | Conductor | Orchestra and choir | Soloists | Version |
1965? | Abram Stasevich | Moscow State Philharmonic Orchestra, Moscow State Choir |
Valentina Levko (mezzo-soprano), Anatoly Mokrenko (baritone), Aleksandr Estrin (speaker) |
Stasevich |
1972 | Maksim Shostakovich | London Philharmonic Orchestra, Yurlov Choral Kapella |
Stasevich | |
1978 | Riccardo Muti | Philharmonia Orchestra, Ambrosian Chorus |
Irina Arkhipova (mezzo-soprano), Anatoly Mokrenko (baritone), Boris Morgunov (speaker) |
Stasevich |
1979 | Leonard Slatkin | Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra and Chorus | Claudine Carlson (mezzo-soprano), Samuel Timberlake (bass), Without speaker |
Stasevich |
1991 | Neeme Järvi | The Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus | Linda Finnie (contralto), Nikita Storojev (bass-baritone) |
Palmer |
1993 | Mstislav Rostropovich | London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, The New London Children's Choir |
Tamara Sinyavskaya (mezzo-soprano), Sergei Leiferkus (baritone), Christopher Plummer (narrator) |
Lankester |
1993 | Vladimir Fedoseyev | Ostankino Television-Radio Symphony Orchestra, Yurlov Choral Kapella |
Nina Romanova (mezzo-soprano), Grigory Gritsuk (bass), Boris Morgunov (speaker) |
Stasevich |
1995 | Dmitriy Kitayenko | Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt, Danish National Radio Choir, Kinderchor Frankfurt |
Tamara Sinyavskaya (mezzo-soprano), Wolfgang Brendel (baritone), Sergey Yursky (speaker) |
Stasevich |
1996 | Alipi Naydenov | Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Danube Sounds Choir |
Vessela Zorova (mezzo-soprano), Dimiter Stanchev (bass), Boris Morgunov (speaker) |
Stasevich |
1997 | Valeriy Gergiev | Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Chorus of the Kirov Orchestra |
Lyubov Sokolova (mezzo-soprano), Nikolay Putilin (baritone), Without speaker |
Stasevich |
2000 | Vladimir Fedoseyev | Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, Yurlov Choral Kapella, Children's Choir of Studio Vesna |
Irina Chistyakova (contralto), Dmitry Stepanovich (bass) |
Film score |
2003 | Valeriy Polyansky | State Symphonic Kapella of Russia, Russian State Symphonic Kapella |
Lyudmila Kuznetsova (mezzo-soprano), Sergey Toptygin (baritone) |
Film score |
2004 | Leonard Slatkin | BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus | Irina Chistyakova (mezzo-soprano), James Rutherford (bass-baritone), Simon Russell Beale (speaker) |
Stasevich |
2013 | Tugan Sokhiev | Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Staats- und Domchor Berlin |
Olga Borodina (mezzo-soprano), Ildar Abdrazakov (bass) |
Stasevich |
Year | Conductor | Orchestra | Roles | Version |
1976 | Algis Zhuraitis | Bolshoy Theatre Orchestra | Yuri Vladimirov (Ivan), Natalia Bessmertnova (Anastasia), Boris Akimov (Kurbsky), Bolshoi Ballet |
Chulaki |
1990 | Algis Zhuraitis | Bolshoy Theatre Orchestra | Irek Mukhamedov (Ivan), Natalya Bessmertnova (Anastasia), Gediminas Taranda (Kurbsky), Bolshoi Ballet |
Chulaki |
2003 | Vello Pähn | Orchestre de l’Opéra de Paris | Nicolas Le Riche (Ivan), Eleonora Abbagnato (Anastasia), Karl Paquette (Kurbsky), Ballet de l'Opéra National de Paris |
Chulaki |
<templatestyles src="Reflist/styles.css" />
Cite error: Invalid <references>
tag; parameter "group" is allowed only.
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, or <references group="..." />
- Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow, and Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg, The complete music for the film 'Ivan the Terrible', notes to CD NI 5662/3, Nimbus Records Ltd. 2000
- Kravetz, Nelly, An Unknown Ivan the Terrible Oratorio, Three Oranges Journal No. 19, 2010
- Palmer, Christopher, Ivan the Terrible: Concert Scenario, notes to CD CHAN 8977, Chandos Records Ltd. 1991
External links
- ↑ GSCMMC-Sikorski (2000: p. 10)
- ↑ Kravetz (2010: p. 5
- ↑ GSCMMC-Sikorski (2000: p. 1)
- ↑ Kravetz, N. (2010: p. 7)
- ↑ GSCMMC-Sikorski (2000: p.1)
- ↑ Kravetz (2010: p. 13)
- ↑ GSCMMC-Sikorski (2000: p. 10)
- ↑ GSCMMC-Sikorski (2000: p. 10)
- ↑ Kravetz (2010: p. 14)
- ↑ Kravetz (2010: p. 14)
- ↑ Palmer (1991)
- ↑ Palmer (1991)
- ↑ Palmer (1991)