Category:Astronomical objects discovered in 2000
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Astronomical objects discovered in 2000.
Pages in category "Astronomical objects discovered in 2000"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 619 total.
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- 118945 Rikhill
- 14252 Audreymeyer
- 14702 Benclark
- 15126 Brittanyanderson
- 15144 Araas
- 15594 Castillo
- 15635 Andrewhager
- 16226 Beaton
- 16230 Benson
- 16251 Barbifrank
- 17211 Brianfisher
- 17286 Bisei
- 18113 Bibring
- 18125 Brianwilson
- 18159 Andrewcook
- 18930 Athreya
- 18947 Cindyfulton
- 18974 Brungardt
- 19003 Erinfrey
- 19025 Arthurpetron
- 19029 Briede
- 19766 Katiedavis
- 19776 Balears
- 19783 Antoniromanya
- 19787 Betsyglass
- 19821 Caroltolin
- 19855 Borisalexeev
- 19860 Anahtar
- 19861 Auster
- 45300 Thewrewk
- 27270 Guidotti
- 23131 Debenedictis
- 16198 Búzios
- 17225 Alanschorn
- (148209) 2000 CR105
- 762 Pulcova
- (137924) 2000 BD19
- 60558 Echeclus
- 15139 Connormcarty
- 38628 Huya
- (60621) 2000 FE8
- 23162 Alexcrook
- (17246) 2000 GL74
- 45737 Benita
- 16246 Cantor
- 15619 Albertwu
- (130391) 2000 JG81
- 18102 Angrilli
- 18101 Coustenis
- 18110 HASI
- 18117 Jonhodge
- (118702) 2000 OM67
- 54509 YORP
- 36446 Cinodapistoia
- 18935 Alfandmedina
- 54598 Bienor
- 19007 Nirajnathan
- 19822 Vonzielonka
- Tarvos (moon)
- 2000 SG344
- 37022 Robertovittori
- Themisto (moon)
- Iocaste (moon)
- 20000 Varuna
- 63129 Courtemanche
- (82075) 2000 YW134
- 22057 Brianking
- 22065 Colgrove
- 22137 Annettelee
- 22143 Cathyfowler
- 22157 Bryanhoran
- 22158 Chee
- 22168 Weissflog
- 23286 Parlakgul
- 23164 Badger
- 26640 Bahýľ
- 25864 Banič
- 43293 Banting
- 23248 Batchelor
- 18148 Bellier
- 15620 Beltrami
- 23277 Benhughes
- 15565 Benjaminsteele
- 23199 Bezdek
- 17285 Bezout
- 23166 Bilal
- 16197 Bluepeter
- 54411 Bobestelle
- 49987 Bonata
- 16234 Bosse
- 23158 Bouligny
- 99928 Brainard
- 23295 Brandoreavis
- 18119 Braude
- 16244 Brož
- 16155 Buddy
- 23232 Buschur
- 15553 Carachang
- 72037 Castelldefels
- 16249 Cauchy
- 23192 Caysvesterby
- 23284 Celik
- Chaldene
- 32222 Charlesvest
- 23279 Chenhungjen
- 16232 Chijagerbs
- 19004 Chirayath
- 63145 Choemuseon
- 22171 Choi
- 71461 Chowmeeyee
- 38962 Chuwinghung
- 18149 Colombatti
- 34419 Corning
- 50240 Cortina
- 18192 Craigwallace
- 18157 Craigwright
- 18973 Crouch
- 25778 Csere
- 30441 Curly
- 16154 Dabramo
- 23197 Danielcook
- 22063 Dansealey
- 22151 Davebracy
- 34543 Davidbriggs
- 76272 De Jong
- 17265 Debennett
- 34351 Decatur
- 45261 Decoen
- 16250 Delbó
- 23221 Delgado
- 15631 Dellorusso
- 18162 Denlea
- 23257 Denny
- 18127 Denversmith
- 14275 Dianemurray
- 18184 Dianepark
- 17269 Dicksmith
- 26498 Dinotina
- 15630 Disanti
- 19769 Dolyniuk
- 19806 Domatthews
- 18075 Donasharma
- 16222 Donnanderson
- 23128 Dorminy
- 16239 Dower
- 16271 Duanenichols
- 16241 Dvorsky
- 27341 Fabiomuzzi
- 67235 Fairbank
- 18964 Fairhurst
- 15617 Fallowfield
- 15569 Feinberg
- 18099 Flamini
- 18122 Forestamartin
- 41986 Fort Bend
- 16248 Fox
- 61402 Franciseveritt
- 22148 Francislee
- 25601 Francopacini
- 16252 Franfrost
- 18095 Frankblock
- 34138 Frasso Sabino
- 41943 Fredrick
- 30306 Frigyesriesz
- 23111 Fritzperls
- 13869 Fruge
- 15604 Fruits