Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

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Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
ABU Logo.svg
ABU Logo
ABU headquarters.jpg
ABU headquarters in Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur
Type Union of broadcasting organisations
Headquarters Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
286 members
Official language
Cho Dae-hyun

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), formed in 1964, is a non-profit, professional association of broadcasting organisations. It currently has 200 members in 57 countries and regions, reaching a potential audience of about 3 billion people. The ABU's role is to help the development of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and to promote the collective interests of its members. The ABU covers an area stretching from Turkey in the west to Samoa in the east, and from Russia in the north to New Zealand in the south. Its secretariat is located in Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, its secretary-general, currently Dr Javad Mottaghi.

One of the ABU's activities is Asiavision, a daily exchange of news feeds by satellite among television stations in 20 countries in Asia. The ABU also negotiates coverage rights to major sports events for its members collectively, and carries out a wide range of activities in the programme and technical areas. The ABU provides a forum for promoting the collective interests of television and radio broadcasters, and encourages regional and international co-operation between broadcasters.

Full members must be national free-to-air broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific region, but there is an associate membership category that is open to provincial broadcasters, subscription broadcasters and national broadcasters in other parts of the world, and an affiliate category that is open to organisations connected to broadcasting.


ABU President Cho Dae-hyun

The ABU's activities include:

  • a daily satellite TV news exchange (Asiavision)
  • co-production and exchange of programmes
  • negotiating rights for major sports events and organising coverage
  • technical, programming and management consultancy services
  • advising members on copyright and legal matters
  • rights-free content acquisition for developing countries
  • representing members in international forums
  • international frequency planning and coordination
  • organising seminars, workshops and training courses
  • annual competition for radio and television programmes (ABU Prizes)
  • a robot competition for engineering students (Robocon)
  • publication of ABU News and Technical Review
  • started 2012: ABU TV and Radio Song Festivals[1][2]
Journalists from ABU member organisations

The ABU works closely with the regional broadcasting unions in other parts of the world on matters of common concern, and with many other international organisations, to exchange information on the latest developments in broadcasting, undertake activities to improve the skills and technologies of its members, and encourage harmonisation of operating and technical broadcasting standards and systems in the region. The ABU is funded primarily by annual subscriptions from members. The Union has an elected President and three Vice-Presidents, who serve three-year terms. The current President is Yoshinori Imai of NHK-Japan.

The ABU Secretariat is located in Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It has over 30 staff, of whom 12 are broadcast professionals recruited from among the ABU members within the region. The head of the Secretariat is the Secretary-General, who is appointed by the General Assembly. The current Secretary-General is Dr. Javad Mottaghi. The Asia-Pacific region is defined in the ABU statutes as countries within areas of Asia and the Pacific that lie substantially between the longitudes of 30 degrees east and 170 degrees west. On the map, this region stretches from Turkey in the west, to Samoa in the east, and from Russia in the north, to New Zealand in the south. All of the ABU's full members operate in this region.

Most of the ABU's associate members are European and North American broadcasters, many of whom have operations in Asia, and pay-TV and cable operators in the Asia-Pacific. Its affiliate members include satellite providers, telcos, production companies, equipment vendors and regulators. The ABU is the third largest of the world's eight broadcasting unions, but covers the largest geographic area of the world.


A number of different membership types are available to national broadcasters and national broadcasting organisations. These include full, additional full, associate, affiliate and institutional memberships.[3]

Full members

Countries with Full ABU Membership.
  • Below is a list of full members of the ABU. These are members who are independent nations within the ABU broadcasting region, and consist of two members per country. Broadcasters have the option to change between full and additional full membership.[3]
Country Broadcasting organisation National script Abbr.
 Afghanistan Radio Television Afghanistan رادیو تلویزیون ملی افغانستان RTA
Moby Capital Partners Ltd Moby
 Australia Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC
Special Broadcasting Service Special Broadcasting Service SBS
 Azerbaijan İctimai Television İctimai Televiziya və Radio Yayımları Şirkəti İTV
 Bangladesh Bangladesh Television বাংলাদেশ টেলিভিশন BTV
Bangladesh Betar বাংলাদেশ বেতার BB
 Bhutan Bhutan Broadcasting Service འབྲུག་རྒྱང་བསྒྲགས་ལས་འཛིན BBS
 Brunei Darussalam Radio Television Brunei Radio Televisyen Brunei RTB
 Cambodia National Television of Kampuchea ទូរទស្សន៍ជាតិកម្ពុជា TVK
 China China Central Television 中国中央电视台 CCTV
 Egypt Egyptian Radio and Television Union إتحاد الإذاعة و التليفزيون المصري ERTU
 Fiji Fiji Television Fiji Television FTV
 India All India Radio आकाशवाणी AIR
Doordarshan दूरदर्शन DDI
 Indonesia Radio of the Republic of Indonesia Radio Republik Indonesia RRI
Television of the Republic of Indonesia Televisi Republik Indonesia TVRI
 Iran Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting صدا و سيمای جمهوری اسلامی ايران IRIB
 Japan Japan Broadcasting Corporation 日本放送協会 NHK
Tokyo Broadcasting System 東京放送 TBS
 Jordan Jordan Radio and Television Corporation مؤسسة الإذاعة والتلفزيون الأردني JRTV
 Kazakhstan Khabar Agency
  • Хабар Агенттігі (Kazakh)
  • Агентство Хабар (Russian)
 Kiribati Broadcasting and Publications Authority Broadcasting and Publications Authority BPA
 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Public Broadcasting Кыргыз Республикасынын Коомдук телерадиоберүү корпорациясы (Kyrgyz)
Общественная телерадиовещательная корпорация Кыргызской Республики (Russian)
 Laos Lao National Radio ວິທະຍຸກະຈາຍສຽງແຫ່ງຊາດລາວ LNR
Lao National Television ສະຖານີໂທລະພາບແຫ່ງຊາດລາວ LNTV
 Malaysia Radio & Television of Malaysia Radio Televisyen Malaysia RTM
 Maldives Maldives National Broadcasting Corporation މޯލްޑިވްސް ބްރޯޑްކާސްޓިންގް ކޯޕަރޭޝަން MNBC
 Mongolia TV5 TV5 Телевиз TV5
Mongolian National Broadcaster Монголын Үндэсний Олон Нийтийн Телевиз MNB
 Myanmar Myanmar Radio and Television မြန်မာ့အသံနှင့်ရုပ်မြင်သံကြား MRTV
   Nepal Nepal Television नेपाल टेलिभिजन NTV
Radio Nepal रेडियो नेपाल RNE
 New Zealand Television New Zealand Television New Zealand
Te Reo Tātaki o Aotearoa (Māori)
 Pakistan Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation ریڈیو پاکستان PBC
Pakistan Television پاكِستان ٹیلی وژن نیٹ ورک PTV
 Papua New Guinea National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New Guinea National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New Guinea NBC/PNG
Media Niugini Limited Media Niugini Limited MNL
 Philippines People's Television Network People's Television Network
Telebisyon ng Bayan (Filipino)
 Qatar Qatar Media Corporation المؤسسة القطرية للإعلام QMC
 Samoa Samoa Broadcasting Corporation Samoa Broadcasting Corporation SBC
 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Radio & Television التلفزيون السعودي SAB/SAR
 Singapore Media Corporation of Singapore Media Corporation of Singapore
新传媒私人有限公司 (Chinese)
Perbadanan Media Singapura (Malay)
மீடியாகார்ப் (Tamil)
 Solomon Islands One News Limited One News Limited 1NL
 South Korea Korean Broadcasting System 한국방송공사 KBS
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation 문화방송주식회사 MBC
 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගුවන් විදුලි සංස්ථාච (Sinhala)
இலங்கை ஒலிபரப்புக் கூட்டுத்தாபனம் (Tamil)
Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation ශ්‍රී ලංකා රූපවාහිනී සංස්ථාව (Sinhala)
இலங்கை ரூபவாகினி கூட்டுத்தாபனம் (Tamil)
 Thailand National Broadcasting Services of Thailand สถานีวิทยุกระจายเสียงแห่งประเทศไทย
TV Pool of Thailand โทรทัศน์รวมการเฉพาะกิจแห่งประเทศไทย TPT
 Timor Leste Radio-Television of East Timor Radio-Televisão Timor Leste (Portuguese)
Radio-Televizaun Timor Lorosae (Tetum)
 Tonga Tonga Broadcasting Commission Tonga Broadcasting Commission
Komisoni Fakamafolalea Tonga (Tongan)
 Turkey Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu TRT
 Turkmenistan State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Programs and Cinematography Türkmenistanyň Telewideniýe, radiogepleşikler we kinematografiýa baradaky döwlet komiteti TTV
 Uzbekistan National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan O'zbekiston milliy teleradiokompaniyasi NTRC
 Vanuatu Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation
Société de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Vanuatu (French)
 Vietnam Vietnam Television Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam VTV
Voice of Vietnam Đài Tiếng nói Việt Nam VOV

Additional full members

Countries with Additional Full ABU Membership.
  • Below is a list of additional full members of the ABU. These are members who already have 2 full member organisations, and for countries in non-independent area.[3]
Country Broadcasting organisation National script Abbr.
 Afghanistan Ariana Radio and Television Network آريانا تلويزيون ATN
Educational Radio and Television ERTV
Noorin Radio Television Network تلویزیون نورین NRTN
Saba Media Organisation تلویزیون سبا Saba TV
 Bangladesh Radio Broadcasting FM (Bangladesh) Company Limited Radio Broadcasting FM (Bangladesh) Co. Ltd. Radio Today
 Bhutan Centennial Radio CR101
Kuzoo FM KFM
 Fiji Fiji Broadcasting Corporation FBC
 Hong Kong Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited 香港商業電台 HKCBC
Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited 新城廣播有限公司 METRO
Radio Television Hong Kong 香港電台 RTHK
Television Broadcasts Limited 電視廣播有限公司 TVB
 Indonesia Rajawali Citra Television Indonesia Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia RCTI
 Jordan Sawt Al Madina Radio SMR
 Kazakhstan Kazmedia Ortalygy Қазмедиа Орталығы Басқарушы Компаниясы KMO
 Kyrgyzstan New Broadcasting System NBS
 Macau Macau Television Broadcasting 澳門廣播電視股份有限公司
Teledifusão de Macau (Portuguese)
 Malaysia Malaysian Television System Sistem Televisyen Malaysia TV3
Rimakmur Berhad Suria FM
 Mongolia TV9 Television TV9 Телевиз TV9
Ulaanbaatar Broadcasting System Улаанбаатар Телевиз UBS
MN25 Television 25-р Суваг Телевиз MN25
Mongolian National Educational Channel Боловсрол Суваг EduTV
New Television NTV Телевиз NTV
Mongolian Radio and Television Broadcasting Network Монголын Үндэсний Олон Нийтийн Телевиз MRTBN
 Norfolk Island Norfolk Island Broadcasting Service Norfolk Island Broadcasting Service VL2NI
 North Korea Korean Central Television 조선중앙텔레비죤방송 KCTV
 Pakistan Hum Network Limited HUM TV
Shalimar Recording & Broadcasting Company ATV/SRBC
 Philippines TV5 Network, Inc. TV5
Radio Philippines Network/Nine Media Corporation RPN/Nine Media
Philippine Broadcasting Service PBS
Solar Entertainment Corporation Solar
 Solomon Islands Telekom Television
 South Korea Educational Broadcasting System 한국교육방송공사 EBS
Seoul Broadcasting System 서울방송시스템 SBS
 Sri Lanka P Networks P Networks (Private) Limited. EAP
Independent Television Network Limited Independent Television Network Limited ITN
MBC Networks MBC Networks (Pvt) Limited MBC Radio
MTV Channel MTV Channel (Pvt) Limited MTV
 Thailand Thai Public Broadcasting Service องค์การกระจายเสียงและแพร่ภาพสาธารณะแห่งประเทศไทย TPBS
 Vietnam VTC Digital Television Truyền hình kỹ thuật số VTC VTC

Associate members

Countries with Associate ABU Membership.
  • Below is a list of associate members of the ABU. These are international broadcasters beyond the ABU region, and national broadcasting associations.[3]
Country Broadcasting organisation National script Abbr.
 Australia Commercial Radio Australia Limited Commercial Radio Australia Limited CRA
CVC Network Limited CVC Network Limited CVC
 France France Télévisions Organismes Français de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision OFRT
 Germany German National Broadcasting (Deutsche Welle) Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen
Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Second German Television Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen ZDF
 Hong Kong Cable TV Hong Kong 香港有線電視 HKCTV
Phoenix Television 鳳凰衛視控股有限公司 Phoenix TV
Dim Sum Television 點心衛視 Dim Sum TV
PCCW Media Limited 電訊盈科有限公司 Now TV
 Japan National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan 日本民間放送連盟 JBA
 Indonesia PT Media Televisi Indonesia METRO TV
PT Indonusa Telemedia Telkomvision
PT Karyamegah Adijaya Aora TV
 Malaysia ASTRO All Asia Networks plc AAAN
U Television Holdings Sdn Bhd U Television
 Mauritius Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation MBC
 Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Broadcasting Service FSMBS
 Mongolia Eagle Broadcasting Company Ийгл Телевиз EBC
BTV Television "BTV" Television
Supervision Broadcasting Network Television SBN Телевиз SBN
 Netherlands Radio Netherlands Worldwide Radio Nederland Wereldomroep RNW
 New Zealand Radio New Zealand
  • Radio New Zealand (English)
  • Te Reo Irirangi o Aotearoa (Māori)
 Norway Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Norsk rikskringkasting NRK
 Pakistan Geo Independent Media Corporation Ltd Geo Television Geo
 Philippines Association of Broadcasters of the Philippines Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas KBP
 Qatar Al Jazeera English قناة الجزيرة حاصلة AJE
 Russia All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания VGTRK
Alternative Irkutsk Studio of TV AIST
 Singapore MediaCorp TV MediaCorp Pte Ltd MediaCorp TV
  Switzerland Swiss Broadcasting Corporation
  • Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft (German)
  • Société suisse de radiodiffusion et télévision (French)
  • Società svizzera di radiotelevisione (Italian)
  • Societad svizra da radio e televisiun (Romansh)
 United Kingdom British Broadcasting Corporation British Broadcasting Corporation BBC
 USA American Broadcasting Company American Broadcasting Companies ABC
CBS Corporation CBS Corporation VIACOM/CBS
National Association of Broadcasters National Association of Broadcasters NAB
Turner Broadcasting System Turner Broadcasting System TBS
Voice of America Voice of America VOA
Trans World Radio Trans World Radio TWR

Institutional members

Countries with ABU Institutional Membership.
Country Broadcasting organisation National script Abbr.
 Belgium International News Safety Institute International News Safety Institute INSI
 Germany PRIX JEUNESSE International
 Hong Kong Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia CASBAA
  Switzerland Digital Radio Mondiale Digital Radio Mondiale DRM
 Thailand Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Asia Pacific Telecommunity APT
 United Kingdom Association for International Broadcasting The Association for International Broadcasting AIB
International News Safety Institute International News Safety Institute INSI
WorldDMB WorldDMB WorldDMB
 USA International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences IATAS
United Nations Department of Public Information United Nations Department of Public Information UN-DPI

Affiliated members

Countries with Affiliated ABU Membership.
Country Broadcasting organisation National script Abbr.
 Australia Radio Frequency Systems Radio Frequency Systems RFS
Broadcast Australia Broadcast Australia
Globecast Australia Globecast Australia
Asia Media Monitors Sdn. Bhd. Asia Media Monitors Sdn. Bhd. AMM
 Canada International Business Communications Consultants International Business Communications Consultants IBC Consultants
 France Eutelsat Eutelsat S.A
 Germany LS telcom AG Lstelcom
 Hong Kong AsiaSat Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited AsiaSat
Bloomberg L.P. Bloomberg
ITV Choice ITV International Hong Kong
 India Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited BECIL
Network 1 Pvt Ltd N1
Induslnd Media and Communications Limited Induslnd Media and Communications Limited IMCL
Technomedia Solutions Technomedia Solutions Ptv Ltd Technomedia
 Indonesia Media Nusantara Citra PT First Media Tbk First Media
Indosat PT Indonesia Satellite Corporation Tbk Indosat
PT Adhi Karya PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk AKV
 Italy Deltatre SPA
 Japan SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation スカパーJSAT株式会社 SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation
NHK Enterprise
NHK Integrated Technology NHK ITEC
NHK International
NHK Global Media Services NHK G-Media
SoftBank Telecom ソフトバンクテレコム株式会社 Softbank Telecom
 Jordan Arab Radio and Television Network Arab Radio and Television ART
 Kazakhstan OKNO-TV Kazakhstan OKNO-TV Kazakhstan
 Mauritius Multi Carrier Multi Carrier (Mauritius) Limited MCML
 Myanmar Forever Group Forever Group
 Malaysia Celcom Celcom Axiata Berhad' CELCOM
MEASAT Satellite Systems MEASAT Satellite Systems MEASAT
Outsourced Broadcast Networks on
 Pakistan Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Pakistan Electronic Media Regulator Authority PEMRA
 Philippines Mabuhay Satellite Corporation Mabuhay Investment Corporation MIC
ABC Development Corporation - ADC
 Singapore Ascent Media Corporation Ascent Media Corporation Ascent Media
KIT Digital Benchmark Broadcast Systems (S) Pte. Ltd. BSS
Globecast Asia Globecast Asia Pte Ltd GCA
Intelsat Singapore Pte Ltd Intelsat
Media Development Authority 媒体发展管理局 MDA
Motion Picture Association Motion Picture Association International MPA
NewTec Asia Pacific Pte Ltd NewTec
PCCW Global (Singapore) Pte Ltd 電訊盈科有限公司 PCCW
Telesto Broadcast Solutions
Editec International
Sony Entertainment Television Sony Electronics Asia Pacific SET
Plisch Broadcast Asia Pacific
 South Africa Sentech Sentech Sentech
 South Korea Korean Broadcasting Institute KBI
 Sri Lanka Worldwide Global Media Limited YA*TV
 Sweden Dolby Sweden
  Switzerland Digital Video Broadcasting DVB
 Tonga Tonga Broadcasting Commission Komisoni Fakamafolalea Tonga TBC
 United Kingdom VT Communications United Kingdom VT Group Plc VT Communications
International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers IABM
Broadcast UK Limited Radioscape
 USA Pacific Television Center PacTV
Radio Free Asia RFA
Pacific Satellite Connection PACSAT

Other activities

Emergency Warning Broadcasting System (EWBS) for the Asia-Pacific region

EWBS development work has focused on identifying a suitable country code methodology. This system of codes has now been standardised by ITU-R. The General Assembly in Beijing endorsed the work carried out by the TC and issued an ABU Declaration calling all members to encourage their respective governments to implement an EWBS system.[citation needed]

ABU Engineering Excellence Awards

Veronica Pedrosa of Al Jazeera addressing an ABU conference

ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award and ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award are presented annually to broadcast personalities who have made significant contributions respectively to their organisations and to the industry as a whole. They are selected from nominations made by ABU members and followed by an evaluation process by a panel of judges. The Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award is being sponsored by Broadcast and Professional Pacific Asia Company (BPPA). The award includes a study tour of Sony research facilities.[citation needed]


The ABU publishes the ABU News magazine while the Technical Department publishes the Technical Review. Both publications are published quarterly. They are sent free to members and non-affiliates and published in print version, downloadable in PDF format through the ABU's Publications area of the ABU's website and on ABU's app on Android. The ABU also publishes books related to broadcasting which is available in print.

Inter-union activities

The World Broadcasting Unions (WBU) brings together eight unions including the ABU. The WBU has a number of specialised forums, including the International Satellite Operations Group (WBU-ISOG) and the Technical Committee (WBU-TC). The ABU is an active member of both.

See also

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External links

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