Wladislaus Switalski

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Bronislaus Wladislaus Switalski (Polish: Władysław Bronisław Świtalsk; 27 June 1875 – 9 February 1945) was a German Roman Catholic priest, philosopher, academic, canon and martyr.


Wladislaus Switalski was born at Gmina Osieczna in Kreis Lissa. He grew up from 1890 in Braunsberg, where his father was a mathematics teacher at the Gymnasium and a lecturer in Polish at the Lyceum Hosianum. He graduated from high school in 1893 and then studied Catholic theology at the Hosianum. In 1897, he transferred to the University of Munich to study philosophy and received his doctorate there in 1900. On September 10, 1899, he was ordained a priest in Frauenburg.

After a period as chaplain in Allenstein, he studied in Breslau from 1902–1903 and taught at the Lyceum Hosianum from 1903 as professor (from 1907 as full professor). In 1914–1917 and 1926–1927 he was rector of the college. By order of Cardinal Karl Joseph Schulte, he founded the Albertus Magnus Academy in Bonn in 1922 as a non-university institution with the mission "to establish the content of especially the classical works of scholastic philosophy, first and foremost the Thomistic school, from the sources and to process them critically and systematically with the armamentarium of modern scientific methodology". Until 1927, he edited the publications of the Academy. In 1923, the University of Bonn awarded him an honorary doctorate. In 1932, he was appointed canon in Frauenburg.

As a member of the Centre Party, he suffered a house search by the National Socialists in the summer of 1933. The fact that his fellow professors Karl Eschweiler and Hans Barion openly professed National Socialism in Braunsberg saddened him. During their temporary suspension by Rome in 1934–1935, he was entrusted by Bishop Maximilian Kaller with the position of substitute teaching. In addition, he was department head for religious education in the diocese.

After the invasion of the Red Army, he was shot by a Red Army soldier in Frauenburg on February 9, 1945. His grave is located in the city's cathedral cemetery.

The Catholic Church in Germany has included Wladislaus Switalski in the German Martyrology of the 20th Century. On the front wall of the former Lyceum Hosianum in Braniewo there is a memorial plaque in Polish for him.


  • Des Chalcidius Kommentar zu Plato’s Timaeus (1899)
  • "Die erkenntnistheoretische Bedeutung des Citats. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Autoritätsbeweises". In: Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen am Kgl. Lyceum Hosianum zu Braunsberg (1905), pp. 3–22.
  • Das deutsche Volkstum und die Vaterlandsliebe nach Fichtes Reden an die deutsche Nation (1906)
  • Das Leben der Seele (1907)
  • "Der Wahrheitsbegriff des Pragmatismus nach William James. Eine erkenntniskritische Studie". In: Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen am Kgl. Lyceum Hosianum zu Braunsberg (1910), pp. 3–58.
  • "Zur Analyse des Subjektsbegriffs. Eine logisch-psychologische Studie". In: Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen am Kgl. Lyceum Hosianum zu Braunsberg (1914), pp. 1–57.
  • Vom Denken und Erkennen. Eine Einführung in das Studium der Philosophie (1914)
  • "Zur Psychologie der Greuel-Aussagen". In: Deutsche Kultur, Katholizismus und Weltkrieg. Eine Abwehr des Buches La guerre allemande et le catholicisme (1915), pp. 149–72.
  • "Der Wahrheitssinn. Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie des Erkennens". In: Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen am Kgl. Lyceum Hosianum zu Braunsberg (1917), pp. 1–63.
  • "Die Bedeutung des Studiums der Scholastik für die Gegenwart und die Aufgaben der Albertus-Magnus-Akademie zu Köln". In: Theologie und Glaube 15 (1923).
  • Kant und der Katholizismus (1923)
  • Probleme der Erkenntnis. Gesammelte Vorträge und Abhandlungen (1923)
  • "Deuten und Erkennen. Ein Beitrag zur Wissenschaftslehre". In: Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Staatlichen Akademie zu Braunsberg im Sommersemester (1928).
  • "Geist und Gesinnung. 3 akademische Reden". In: Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Staatlichen Akademie zu Braunsberg im Sommersemester (1933).


  • Dorothea Triller, "Domherr Prof. Dr. Bronislaus Wladislaus Switalski". In: Zeugen für Christus. Das deutsche Martyrologium des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. Helmut Moll im Auftrag der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz. 1. Paderborn: Schöningh (2019), pp. 811–13.