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Location of Bardejov District in the Nitra region

Snakov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia. This page is a work in progress. Most of the content comes from the Snakov municipal government homepage and is in the process of being edited for accuracy and grammar.

The Community of Snakov

The highway goes through the town and leads to the local school. Using this road, you can go over the bridge to the other side of the village, which has a well-paved road. Snakov has a municipal water supply, community center, which houses the Snakov municipal office and the municipal library, Fire Station, municipal radio, primary and nursery school, and church.

The village has had electricity since 1959.

In the middle of the village stands a brick church, built in 1840. The church's municipal cemetery, which was a few years ago expanded to 60 acres. At the beginning of the village there stands a chapel in honor of the Virgin Mary, which was built by E. Kubek, then the priest, with the help of his faithful in 1894. In addition, in the village there is a court for volleyball, basketball, tennis, and a football field. On the edge of the village is a farmstead agricultural cooperative based in Malcov.

As of 2015, there are 140 family homes and 661 residents in Snakov, including 343 women and 318 men. Part of the village is the Roma community with 190 Roma citizens. As in other nearby villages, there is serious underemployment. People are leaving to work abroad, mainly in the Czech Republic. Colloquial language of the majority of citizens is Ruthenian.

The characteristic of the village include the names of the fields and acres in the village Snakov used since ancient times to the present day.


The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 12.139 km². It has a population of about 655 people.

In the valley where the source Topľa in its upper reaches, where the main valley ends and forks in the lower valley, near the Polish border, lies the village of Snakov. This village is located in the westernmost part of the Low Beskid, under their principal back, at an altitude of 450 meters. It Located 18 kilometers west of the town Bardejov beside the main road that leads to the Stara Lubovna.

Snakov is located in the district of Bardejov in the Presov region. The village is adjacent to a county in the east, the north and northeast leading state border with Poland and the south and southwest of the village Malcov. Through the picturesque village relatively small stream flows Vesna, which rises near the border with Poland. Vesna is at the crossroads (the "Mlynisko") flows into the river Topľa. Geographical area is about 1,460 hectares. It stretched the length of two kilometers.

The soil is relatively poor, is mostly sandy and pebble.

The village of Snakov has three mineral springs, in carbon, iron and sulfur - dioxide. At the end of the 18th century they existed in mineral springs spas that benefited the population stool. Today these springs is used by people from the community and surrounding areas for drinking purposes, especially in summer months.

Snakov is hilly. From the north and northwest, there is a band of hills that are wooded with deciduous and mixed forests. There are also mountain meadows, which in the past were used for grazing cattle. In the woods grow mostly beeches, birches and at higher elevations and spruce, fir, pine and red spruce. The forest land area resident birds and wildlife such as deer, rabbit, fox, wild boar and wolf.


The climate of Snakov is mild. In summer, temperatures sometimes reach over 30 °C. In winter, temperatures can drop as low as -25 °C. In the summer, thunderstorms are common and snow is likely in the winter.


In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1543. According to the latest research F. Uličného origins of the village date back Snakov before the 13th century. According to folk tales people lived during the times of the Tartar invasion as immigrants those settlements which lie in places live communication more exposed to the invasion of enemy gangs. In the first half of the 15th century we can be found on Snake's already the first written mention, and that some of Peter Snake's in the mid-15th century added to his brethren. It is a convincing proof of the existence of the village already in the first half of the 15th century. The oldest written report about the village right up to 1543. F. Uličný also notes that in the late 16th century was already Snakov sized village. It is believed that the village was named by first or last name influencers. By F. Uličného village was founded by settlers a purchasing law. Proof of this is that even in the first half of the 16th century there existed the mayoralty. At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries Snakov belonged to the laird of turtle in Spis, later Bonemisovcom of Poľanoviec. Around the year 1524 there had assets and mansions nobleman Peter Baran. At the end of the 16th century the village belonged mainly yeomen Tökeovcom. In 1600 the village had more than 30 houses inhabited by serfs. Serf population was Slovak and Rusyn origin. It dealt with agriculture and timber trade. The forest had to be chotár rich past as well as the first of the signs of the village symbolizes forestry. The next owner of the village was the ruler Desseffy. Around 1870 people were bought by the ruler of the majority of the assets ("nižná majetnist") and the other part of the property ("Vyšná majetnist") The local Jew purchased Lorbert. In 1887 the village Lorbert has sold his property and established pubs. The local village Snakov Chronicle states that in 1870 the village had a distillery ("palinčarňa"). Between citizens was widespread alcoholism, spirits were women. Against alcoholism began very strongly and in different ways to fight the pastor E. Kubek. The population increased gradually. A census in 1785 from the time of the reign of Joseph II. lived in the village of 306 inhabitants. In 1880 there lived 504 inhabitants already Rusyns who lived in 97 wooden houses. This suggests that the village was always Snakov Ruthenian. It is interesting that even then the village could read and write 137 people. In the past, villagers in Snake's religious, Greek Catholic faith. Until 1840 the village was built Greek Catholic wooden church. In 1840, people started building brick church on the old site, which stands to this day. The church was about 4340 guilders. Until 1817, the village branch of the parish in a county. In 1817, the citizens built the first wooden parsonage. In 1885 pastor E. Kubek help of citizens had built a new brick rectory and also built the chapel in 1894 in honor of the Virgin Mary. The first priest was Michal Molčan in the years 1817-1864. In the local chronicle also states that in 1834 the village was a big fire. Burned 33 houses with farm buildings. In addition to this fire in the village they were two more, in 1877 and 1885. Together burned 22 homes. The life of people was small piece of land very difficult. Residents of the land brought in the harvest. The documents from 1787 found J. Petrovich imprint seals, on which is a clear symbol Snake's: after pažiti-running deer. Kruhopis, which would further emergence of dated seals is quite unreadable. In the 18th century there is a new seal of the village with a new symbol. The oval field at pažiti is a woman. His right hand is bent hips, lifted up on the left hand holds scales. Kruhopis seals is as follows: * SIGILLUM: Possession SZNAKO: (Seal is the property of Snake's). His fingerprints were found on documents from 1851 - 1869. The same emblem is engraved in the next circular seal of the municipality from 1868, but already there with the Hungarian kruhopisu: Municipality SZNAKO HIV (Atalos). PECSÉTJE. His fingerprint was found in a document from 1879. Why village in the late 18th century changed its original character, it could not be identified. It is not disputed that the new emblem symbolizes the village market, because people in Snake's sometimes traded with wood. Erb Snake's has a red shield in which the green sward is in silver (white) dress clad woman with golden scales.

In 1904-1912 he served in the new parish priest Stefan first Molčan. Until then, the village belonged to the parish office in a county. In 1904 was the Snake's great drought because it rained for almost a year. This year, he went to America from Snake's writer and priest Emil Kubek. Until 1909, the village was called Snake, this year was the name of the village Magyarization on Szank. This year (1909) was also memorable for the people that were very strong hail. In 1913 he came to the village priest Kornelije new Rokickij. He worked there until 1921. In 1914 the first World War broke out, which included 48 men from the village. Many have returned from the war, were killed or died in captivity. At the time of the first World War, Snake's citizens have suffered greatly because in addition to direct losses of war in time of war in 1914 near the village ranged Hungarian army that took people to cattle, grain, food and everything they need. In 1915 in the village they resided and Russian soldiers. At that time people suffered and very hungry. The village remained after the war 75 houses as 10 houses burned this year. In 1918 ended the first World War and the October 28, 1918 the Czechoslovak Republic was. Hungarians wanted the nation Magyarize. The school is taught in Hungary and the church priests persuade the Hungarian people's liturgy and other Christian rites. After the war, the village was not educated. A lot of guys after the war were taught just for craftsmen. This year was a famine in the village and spread cholera. This year is memorable by the fact that they changed the name of the village. Since then, the village called Snake. Just as interesting chronicle states that people first iron plow plowed. Until then, only they used wooden plows. In 1921 he came to the village of Stefan Beskid, the priest who led the people to education and to religious life in 1927. The level of education after the first world war has increased considerably. In 1921, teacher Juričko rehearsed with children very first theatrical performance in the village "Rozhdestvensky son" (Christmas Dream). In 1924 he was under "Laščikom" built wooden barracks of the financial guard the guards who were in charge of the state border with Poland. This year were established two training rings, and the "Ring A. Duchnoviča" and ,, adolescents zemlediečeskij ". It also affected the fact that some people have begun to take the magazine: "Ruskoj word", "Prjaševskaja Rus", "Saris", "Russian vistnik", "A- Z", "Novosti", "us put", "CZECH the word "and other magazines and newspapers. In 1925 the village was founded and organized the first volunteer fire department, which had 25 members. From 1927 he worked in parishes in Snake's Jozef Molčan. This year was also significant for the community, by first beating in the village motor thresher, which was of a county. In 1930 it was already in the village of 91 houses in which lived 532 inhabitants. Of this number, 480 people of Rusyn nationality, 20 Czechoslovak, 12 people were Jews and the rest were foreigners. By religion - 498 people were Greek Catholics, Protestants 7, 9 and 12 Israelis were people without religion. Village consecrated on April 6 Paul Gojdič. Just as interesting is the chronicle states that in the village there were two tobacconists, one was Andrej Kovalčík a second small L. Kleinova. In 1931 was broken and held up the church. This year has been distinguished by the superintendent of financial officers, Ján cords purchased the first radio. People did not know what it is, because the radio never seen before. Three years later (1934) were in the village built two bridges. Until then, the only stream through wooden benches. The money was from Bardejov Committee. This year is also significant that was established a memorial book of the village - Chronicle. As he first began writing teacher Shevtsov Nikolai, who came from Kovár. 19th May 1935 elections were held in NS. This year, the school of Slovak language transgressed the Russian language. People were against it, so MSAN in Bratislava to meet the desires of a nation, allow the amendment to the Slovak language. In 1936 was introduced the first time Malcova phone, but only to the barracks. This year, people have been more cheerful, held over a year and seven parties. August 28, 1936 elections were a new teacher. He was elected Nikolai Ševcov of Kovár. In 1937, the school held Ruthenian theater performance "land", under the direction of teacher N. Ševcova. This year was marked by a lot of people from the village went to America and to the Czech Republic for work. A year later, September 25, 1938 was mobilizing troops across Czechoslovakia, but did not last long, since December 15, 1938, this mobilization disrupted. From our village participated in the mobilization of 40 soldiers. December 18 elections were held in the Slovak Diet. In our village, the elections were held in a room of the Greek Catholic school. In that year was 96 Snakov home. Only 16 houses were brick, others are wooden. The whole area of the village had 1,143 cat. Jut. Many people went to America and to Argentina for work. People have started to build for the first time dunghills. August 6 Snakov was very marked by the flood. It was raining very heavily and took water bridges, earth and pieces "Rakáš" from the field. "Rakaš" - it was 21 sheaves of grain stored in the pyramid. This year, acted in the village of 367 cows, 70 sheep, 18 horses and 193 pigs. In August 1939, war broke out between Germany and Poland, so from our village were called to arms to men 40 years to protect the state border with Poland. From this year (1939), the Chronicle wrote in Slovak. Until then, he wrote the Latin alphabet in Ruthenian. New chronicler was Andrew Kmec. 21 April 1939 burned the barracks of the financial guard. This year, the issue of new houses. In the 50s of the 20th century was an administrative manner prohibited by the Greek Catholic faith and to the fore forced upon orthodox faith. People Snake's defend against this, but of no avail. They were glad to have some priest, and that they can devote to religious life. I was also forced upon liquidation of violence and collectivization of agriculture along the lines of the USSR. They began to establish a single peasant cooperatives and state farms. Also, the Act on mandatory benefits (ie. Contingent) state. People had to pay State Insurance benefits in the form of various foods and products, such as .: wheat, meat, eggs, milk and other. In 1953, partisan and state authorities forced people to the Ruthenian teaching language schools became Ukrainian. People refused to, so written request to the Ministry of Education of Czechoslovakia to be taught in Slovak. Their application was accepted, and since 1960 has taught at the school in the Slovak language. Since 1959, the entire village was electrified. Finally, people had electricity and not have to sit in the evening by candlelight or kerosene lamps. A year later he began to travel regularly to the village bus. Before, when people wanted to go to the town Bardejov, they had to go on foot or on carts. The bus was a great advantage for people. The second advantage of the villagers was that in 1963 was built in the village grocery store. Until then they went to buy food and other things to neighboring villages. In 1965 the village was 615 people. Nearly all the reported Slovak nationality, only 11 persons were Ukrainian nationality. Slovak nationality citizens reported because in 1953 a wave of violent anti ukrajinizácii. People were against the Ukrainian language and therefore Ruthenian nation rather stated Slovak nationality, for the Ruthenian state could not. Landless were in town just Roma who lived in the village 51. In 1966 the village was established several organizations: the Communist Party, Union of Antifascist Fighters, Svazarm, Czech Red Cross, local fire protection unity. For the first time in school rooms they showed films, lectures were held there for citizens, various public meetings and performances. The population of the village was Orthodox religion, only one family belonged to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Orthodox religion because in 1953 was the Orthodox faith forced upon administrative way. To make Orthodoxy people forced partisan and state authorities. Religious rites performed the parish priest Čižmár. Nearest hospital was in Gerlachov circuit and Kružlov, which is even today. From this year continued the Slovak entry in the chronicles John Olejár teacher who came from Matysová. There have been 104 occupied houses, of which four were Roma houses that stood on the spot where once settled millers. Surface area of cadastre at that time measured 1,155 hectares. There were 287 pieces of cattle, 493 pigs, 758 ducks, 49 goats and seven horses. Secretary of MNV John was Plaskoň. From 1 September 1967 the school was, for many students, trojtriedna. It is taught in three shifts. This year has been established for adults People's Academy of Health to yourself people know when to treat minor injuries. People's lives on a small piece of land was very difficult. The average monthly salary at the farmer was 270 Kčs.15. June 1967 began the construction of cultural - administrative building, which cost about 220,000 crowns. At the end of the year began to build local waterworks. In 1968 were canceled benefits for the state (ie. Contingent), which have been mandatory since the beginning of the 50's. When people fail to supply state benefits, so they took it by force. From 1 September the school was established five-day working week with free teaching Sat. In April 1968 the village was restored Greek Catholic faith. This year the state began to pay child allowances. For one child received 90 crowns to 330 crowns two children. At this time, for the first time they began to build houses with square floor. People themselves began to produce bricks out of clay. At the end of the calendar year lived in the village of 642 people. In 1969 was repaired school building. This year was completed cultural - administrative building. February 22 was based cultural society "Slovak Matica", numbering 25 this year was done in the church interior painting. Inhabitants of the village receive pensions, family allowances and grants and other support.

In 1974 it was built a fire station.

This year was also created in the kitchen culture - administrative building, which served the citizens to organize various events (especially for weddings). February 10 a fire broke out at the parish outbuildings. In April this year began hygienic reasons to build a new school building. 2 September 1975 was based Collective farming (JRD), which immediately after the statement was annexed by JRD Javorina in Malcov.

May 1, 1975 was made the new numbering of houses and other buildings. The village had at that time numbered 127 objects. First September 1976 was the new elementary school opened a new school year.

In 1978, a set of "Snakovčan". Signed up 40 candidates in the age composition of 8–50 years. It was a youth, married couples, but also families. File led school teachers in Snake's spouses Slivka. The file was very successful, he participated in several shows and festivals.

Do folk ensemble, more and more people have reported. "Snakovčan" had up to 70 members. In 1979, in a renovated old building of the school was established kindergarten day care for 25 children.

In 1983 a set of "Snakovčan" prepared 90 minute records for Czechoslovak Radio Prešov Ruthenian under the name "Selo plays, spivaje also mulling Duma. After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the majority of state enterprises privatized. In 1992, first it appeared in our village unemployment. Unemployment was up to 67 people. First January 1993 created two separate states: the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Proclamation of the Republic adopted the citizens of the village as a fact without much emotion. In April 1996 the village was founded Urbárska company "Land Snakov community." The role of society was to protect the forest, to regulate mining, loose planted clearings, do thinning and so on. This year, for the poor economic performance of cooperatives disappeared community "Unity - consumer cooperative." The "Rusa" thread to our community Klokočovské image of the Virgin Mary. September 8 was held odpustová feast at the chapel. Mass of the 100th anniversary of the construction of a chapel celebrated by Bishop Greek Catholic diocese in Prešov, Ján Hirka. In 1998 he demolished the old parish building and started construction of a new parish building.

In 1971, construction has been completed local waterworks. For the first time in the history of the village it was organized masquerade ball. On 26 and 27 November elections were held in all national committees and representative bodies. This year, our village had 651 residents.

History of Education in Snakov

In 1873-75 citizens built wooden school that not all burnt. For big help local priest Emil KUBEK citizens built a new brick school that still stands today and is best positioned kindergarten. The construction of schools E. Kubek received money from the collection of Snakov's natives who lived in America. The school chronicle recorder, a local teacher, Stefan Juričko states that the first teacher was John Prokopovič farmer, born in Renčišove, district Sabinov. The Snakov's he worked as cantor, sacristan and teacher in the years 1818 to 1860. It taught in Gazdovský house. School attendance was voluntary.

In 1860, the second teacher became Andrej Oslacká, born crooked. The Snake's worked 15 years A year later he was Snake's Andrej Košč teacher who came from Cigelka.

In 1880, 540 citizens from the census already could read and write 137 inhabitants, which was the great merit of the local teacher. After the death of Andrew Koscom (15. 2. 1900) served as a teacher in Snake's Stefan Corporal in 1917. In the period of strong Magyarization from 1 October 1917 to 15 October 1919 he performed in school Albert Čisárik. It was a period when Bishop Stefan Novak ordered that the third and fourth year of use of Hungarian textbooks. The Hungarian was given the catechism and the Bible. The first chronicler was a teacher Štefan Juričko, born in Komloši who came to the school on Nov. 21, 1919 directly from captivity in Italy. In the school year 1919-20 was the first school equipped with teaching aids. "Teaching materials for teachers and students vobec not, so the skirt had taught. It happened if he was not Drov up to a week. "(Chronicle Gr. Cat. People. Schools in Snake's, pg. 10) Taught only in winter, because the citizens of the Hungarian government in the spring do not send children to school. When the teacher asked the children attend school, the whole village was against the teacher and shouted: "Von with them, Išči takyj muderec there was no one out of Sela." (Chronicle Gr. Cat. People. Schools, p. 10) The school was without books.

Since 1920-21 the children had already ABC books (Duchnovič bukvar). The language of instruction was Ruthenian.

In the school year 1925-26 went to school 56 students. In January this year, the municipality received a municipal library with 30 volumes of books. March 28 held a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the death of the Ruthenian national revivalist of the 19th century A. Duchnoviča. In this school year we attended the first year and 13-year-olds. For the first time I finished writing teacher 's signature - chronicler Š. Juročko and the imprint of a round stamp with the Slovakia-Ruthenian sign and emblem of Czechoslovakia. GR. KAT. Folk. SCHOOL IN Snake's, GR. KAT. NAR. SCHOOL IN SNAKE dated July 21, 1926, indicating that Snake's been Ruthenian school. 13th in February 1927 the village was founded "Čitalňa A. Duchnoviča" where each evening the Ruthenian read books and newspapers from the local library. People were eager to read books by such well-known revivalist Ruthenian.

In the school year 1929-30 the school was exchanged teacher and chronicler. The village has chosen a teacher Teodora Mille, who came from Kyjov. The school year 1931-32 has begun to October 8 This day was chosen for the seat of auxiliary school teacher Kantor Jan Murckois of UJAK. In the school year 1935-36 teacher and chronicler J. Firtko provides parents request to change the language of the Slovak on Ruthenian. Until then, the school has been teaching language Slovak language, which was adopted after the collapse of Austria-Hungary. Minister of Education and Culture Dr. John Krčmár request was granted and since April 1936 has become the language of instruction Ruthenian. This year, the school held a celebration on the occasion of the election of the new President - E. Benes. The program of celebrations had the same beginning and the anthem - "Podkarpatskyje Rusin" and "I Rusin was." Writing in the chronicle was written in Latin characters in Ruthenian. The school is attended by 113 children, divided into two classes from 1st to 8th grade. In the school year 1942-43 there was an exchange teacher. On the teaching position he was appointed Michal Kopčák. For auxiliary teacher in the second grade MSAN established John Rohan. Enrollment is easy to read, written in English. This year the church school renamed General. Recorded the entire disclosure of which establishing an instrument. For the first time it was noted that the school was meeting the parents' association, to which was also attended by the parish priest Jozef Molčan. A year later went to school 107 students, of which 96 nationalities Ruthenian, two pupils of Slovak nationality and 9 students Gypsy nationality, all Greek Catholic religion. From this we can conclude that more inhabitants were of Rusyn nationality. The entry ends with two tables. One is the benefit of students, the second list of students by religion and ethnicity. In the school year 1944-45 was teaching at the school did not start until 7 February 1945. In this period took place the choice Inspector Joseph Hudak (Rusin). A local teacher rehearsed a play - "Svadboj načinajetsja and svadboj končajetsja". 26 March 1945 was established in Malcov A district council school for the village Gerlachov, Snake, Malcov, Hrabské, Lukov, Lenartov. 12 June 1945 Slovak Council for Education and Cultural ordered that it be set at a school teaching Ukrainian language. Ukrainian been forced to Ruthenian schools. People started to rebel against it, did not want their children to study Ukrainian. Citizens of the Ukrainian could not write, so he wrote in Russian. Writing in the academic year 1947-48 is written in Russian, despite the fact that the language of instruction was Ukrainian. Nobody then could not write in Ukrainian. May 18, 1948 the village was founded youth organization ("Soyuz molodeži Carpathians"), to which enrolled 21 youngsters. This year has been repaired school building. Since the 1953-54 school year, people first have written in Ukrainian, because at this time a wave of violent Ukrainianization. People in the Ukrainian language rebelled and fought against it. It was in this period citizens written request to the Ministry of Education of Czechoslovakia to the language of instruction at the school became Slovak language. Kindergarten claims were granted and since 1960 has become the language of instruction Slovak language. The Ukrainian language is taught from September 2 from 2 in three successive years of teaching hours per week. In the school year 1959-60 was exchanged teaching team. School director Jozef became a teacher Elizabeth Swedes and Swedish. This year the school was interrupted schooling since the beginning of the school year to November 16 strike for parents to teach Ukrainian language. Citizens want to teach three hours a week Ukrainian, why they not send their children to school up to three weeks. In the school year 1960-61 were handed out books to students and all teaching aids free of charge. School at the time, attended by 60 students. In the academic year 1966-67 for a large number of students to be modified two-shift to three-shift teaching. Start teaching was about 7:30 pm and teaching third inning ended about 18:40. In the school year 1967-68 was introduced 11-day teaching cycle. 5th year was split off to ZDŠ Malcov. Annual chronicle records from the 1970-71 school year continued in the second chronicle.

In April the school year 1973-74 has begun construction of a new school building. It was put into use in the school year 1976-77.

Emil Kubek - priest, poet, writer, linguist

He worked in the Snake's r. 1885 - 1904 as a priest. In addition to his priestly vocation he also participated in an extensive cultural and educational work .Učil people manage in the field or at home. Under his tenure, the school built in the village, a new rectory and access roads to the village. He was known for his literary activity. He wrote the novel "Marko Šoltýs" whose story drew from life snakovských people. He wrote poems, stories and tales. It was important Ruthenian activist. The largest share on the work of the Emila KUBEK remained forgotten about me. Dancák Francis, who served as the Snake's parish administrator. In 1999 the monograph Emil Kubek - priest, poet, writer, linguist, Rodoľub of which are selected following information. Photo title. Page book Emil Kubek was born November 23, 1857 in the village Štefurov (okr. Svidník), where his father Anton Kubek Greek Catholic priests. After studies in 1881 he married Mary Schirilovou, daughter of the Greek Catholic priest Edward Schirila in Kružlov (1857-1896, dist. Bardejov). From the marriage were born four children: Mary, Anton, Anna and Elizabeth. After ordination, which was adopted on 22 March 1881, he served as a chaplain in Homrogu (1881 to 1882) and Jakubany (1883). In 1884 he worked as a priest in 1885 and KREMNY in Ľubovci. On 12 November 1885 it Prešov Greek Catholic bishop appointed pastor to Snake's (dist. Bardejov). Here in Snake's, where as he writes - "the end chľíba and počatok faith" begins its work not only as a self-sacrificing dušpastier but also as a writer. His priestly vocation took very seriously. In addition to his duties dušpastierskych and integral education of parishioners, he also extensive building activity and repair the temple. Partially restored temple completed in 1890, interior - including the altar and iconostasis - was completed after his departure from the parish in 1907. Under his leadership, has built a new parish building a new school building, their construction has encountered particular difficulties. Believers were poor and, therefore, call on the assistance to mandated authority. As a priest it is very hurt that his believers despite their poverty and misery indulged in alcoholism. In 1894 with the help of his faithful and offerings from America began with the construction of the chapel before the village in honor of the Virgin Mary, which upon completion is held annually forgive the Feast Dormition of the Mother of God. In connection with the construction of this chapel we we preserve all documents - plans, budget and correspondence, neat and bound in two volumes under the title "Sznakoi kápolna first" and "second Sznakoi chapel" contained in the archives Gr. cat. parish office in a county, where the parish Snakov administered. Emil Kubek in the introduction to each bundle personally enrolled valuable data. Its consistency demonstrated by the fact that registrations which spiritual participated not only in the ceremonial dedication of the chapel, but also the names of the priests to forgive in the years 1896 - 1903, that is, until his departure from the parish. When construction of the chapel above it should be emphasized in the first volume Sznakoi first chapel, in addition to the letter of 18 December 1894 are leaves of the faithful and the list of offerings. The leaves are very interesting how his faithful, located in America looking to build a chapel. In the second volume Sznakoi second chapel, which already refers to the completion of the chapel, it indicates precisely which become individual works and objects. Ceremonial dedication of the new chapel conducted Vdp. John Gojdič, Dean Bardejov Church circle of Kružlová on 9 August 1896. Word of God preached VDP. Nicholas Mankovič of a county. Were present 4500 - 5000 believers. These figures are according to the minutes of Emil kubek. This shows not only the importance of this event, but also the popularity of Emil KUBEK, which was then enjoyed. It is appropriate to mention here that the chapel was repaired in 1977. Believers put on the front side to install a commemorative plaque with his portrait and with this inscription: O. Emil Kubek - priest, writer, revivalist. To commemorate the 120th anniversary of his birth. General in Snake's chronicle mentions that when he came to the village Emil Kubek, first took care of the new road to Snake's, in the length of 3 km. Furthermore, it was mentioned as a good manager, when the first in an area sowed in fields of clover feed plant which at Snake's popularly named "bolhaj". The Chronicle further mentions that gave the village to import one wagon of fruit trees that were planted a large garden parish, as well as the gardens of other citizens. At the time of his tenure was the Snake's surroundings and great misery. Fields issue of poor harvests. Potatoes that farmer kicked the day, the evening was enough to bring home the shoulders. Emil Kubek seeing this misery is in every way tried to help his people. In this respect, it reminds us of the work of Samuel and George Fándlyho Tešedík. From the narration of old people in the Snake's priest Francis Dancák learned that Emil Kubek taught people how to be properly cultivated land to better family. For a better harvest potatoes gave procure a new variety, which has been preserved to this day under the name of "red". People planted potatoes "a hoe." He began teaching people to plant potatoes "a plow." On oborávanie potatoes you had made a special plow. This good manager who taught people better and more economical Gazda, nicely described in his three-part novel, Marko Soltys, in the same person Mark Soltys (Furman). Emil Kubek helped their faithful in every respect. He wrote their applications and testaments, some of which were preserved to this day. He taught people keep bees. Along with local teachers Corporal rehearsed a play Bardejov John Andraščík "Senk palenčeny". With said teachers were very good friends.

As already mentioned, very fought against alcoholism. In this regard, it is perhaps most impressive Dobryj this poem, which describes a family man who is not seeking work but all the time PRESEDO only in the pub.

In the summer of 1904 he goes to America. Believers him vyprevadili procession from the village to the chapel. There with him farewell with tears. Today difficult to say with certainty what was the reason that after 19 years of activity in Snake's decided to leave his native region. However, it is likely that he went to give yourself and your family better material security and more fully realize his literary ambitions. Until his departure to publish only in journals, after leaving the US in Uzhgorod issued Slavonic-Hungarian-Russian-German dictionary (1906). In America she issued by the National Povísti and Stich a three-part novel, Marko Soltys (in 1922-1923). Photo from the book pages 65 and 67

In America, he worked in the Greek Catholic parishes in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. According to the testimonies of relatives, along with his son Antonio, also a priest, who was also a good painter, was dedicated in painting and iconostasis. His son line drawings illustrate his novel, Marko Šoltys. Emil Kubek worked in parishes as a priest in 1936 he went into retirement because of illness - stomach cancer. He was a passionate smoker. In the parish he was popular and respected. He died July 17, 1940 in Mahanoy City, where he is buried. In its place, he was the son of Anton Kubek.

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