List of instruments used in forensics

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Instruments used in Forensics, including autopsy dissections are as follows: [1]

Instrument list

Instrument Uses
Autopsy table for placing and fixing the corpse
co2 for preygmservation/preservation of the corpse
Dissection scissors used to hold or move structures
Arterial & jugular tubes to draw or drain out all the blood

before replacing it with embalming fluids like formaldehyde for preservation of structures as practiced in Anatomy

Head rest to elevate the head
Ropes to tie the corpse in places so that it does not change

posture during dissection

Rubber gloves protective
Goggles protective
Jackets, aprons, etc. protective
Autopsy saws and blades to cut the skin
or tough structures like bones
Towel clamps to hold towels in place
Skull breaker or often a (hammer and

chisel) || to break open the vault of the skull

Bone saw for cutting bones
Sternal saw for cutting into the chest of the body by cutting

the sternum

Dissecting knife sharp cutting instruments
Toothed forceps for tearing or holding structures
Mallet used as a hammer
Autopsy hammer used just as a hammer
Skull key a T-shaped chisel used as a lever while removing skull


Brain knife to cleanly cut the brain
Rib shears to cut through the ribs while opening the


Scalpel || for sharp cutting
Dissecting scissors for sharp cutting
Speculum for vaginal and rectal examinations
Non-absorbable sutures

usually nylon to close the body cavities and sutures it

Postmortem needles large thick needles for suturing the skin after

an autopsy to return the body to a natural looking state before handing it over

Medical syringes for fluid aspiration
Foley catheter for evacuation or irrigation of the bladder to

collect a urine sample

Nasogastric tube for nasogastric aspiration of stomach

contents; usually it is not used

Water bath for flotation tests to detect presence of

gas, specially for infants (lungs, intestine) as a sign of postpartum life

Specimen jars/envelopes/packets preservation of material evidence
Swabs collecting smears
Metacarpal saw vide:

External link; a bone saw

Double-ended probe used for probing
Tongue tie[disambiguation needed] to tie away the tongue so

that it doesn't fall back into to pharynx

Formaldehyde primary preservative for Anatomy; vide link
saturated Common salt solution / Rectified spirit primary

preservative for Autopsy; vide link

Osteometric board to measure the length of (usually dried) bones
X-ray boxes to view X-ray images
Fingerprint set to collect fingerprints; vide link

Serological, chemical and genetic testings are done by the respective people of these branches.

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