363 (number)

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362 363 364
Cardinal three hundred sixty-three
Ordinal 363rd
(three hundred and sixty-third)
Factorization 3 × 112
Divisors 1, 3, 11, 33, 121, 363
Roman numeral CCCLXIII
Binary 1011010112
Ternary 1111103
Quaternary 112234
Quinary 24235
Senary 14036
Octal 5538
Duodecimal 26312
Hexadecimal 16B16
Vigesimal I320
Base 36 A336

363, three hundred [and] sixty three, is the integer after 362 and before 364.

In mathematics

  • 363 is the sum of nine consecutive primes (23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59).
  • It is an odd, composite, positive, real integer, composed of a prime (3) and a prime squared (112).
  • The 363rd day in a year is 29 December (28 December in leap years).
  • 363 is a palindromic number in bases 3, 10, 11 and 32.
  • Any subset of its digits is divisible by three.
  • 363 is a repdigit (BB) in base 32.
  • 363 is a 122-gonal number.
  • 363 is a deficient number.
  • 363 is the sum of five consecutive powers of 3 (3 + 9 + 27 + 81 + 243) deficient number.
  • The Mertens function returns 0
  • 363 cubits is the solution given to Rhind Mathematical Papyrus question 50 – find the side length of an octagon with the same area as a circle 9 khet in diameter [1].
  • 363 can be expressed as the sum of three squares in four different ways: 112 + 112 + 112, 52 + 72 + 172, 12 + 12 + 192, and 132 + 132 + 52.
  • 363 is the number of Austin Coon

In other fields

