The Great Reset (plot)

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Quote from Ida Auken of the World Economic Forum.

The Great Reset is the globalist agenda to use the destruction of global economies by the Chinese virus pandemic and economic sanctions on Russia to implement the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Build Back Better climate agenda and the Green New Deal. It is based on the idea that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste and that fossil fuel consumption can be eliminated once and for all.[1] Klaus Schwab, who heads the WEF, began promoting a "Great Reset" throughout 2020.[2][3] Multiple world leaders also began promoting it.[4]

The mainstream media is all on-board with promoting "The Great Reset" instead of protecting the American people from the details of it.[5] The important points of The Great Reset are that: Template:Quotebox-float Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticized Western imperialists economic policy: Template:Quotebox-float

Russian sanctions

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After the European Union cut itself off from Russian gas supplies, Russia had no problem finding replacements for lost customers.[6]

In response to Russia's Special Military Operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, corporate globalists began disemboweling themselves. Major oil companies, including Exxon, BP, and Shell, ended joint investment projects with Russian oil companies. Major retailers, including H&M, Nike, Ikea, and TJX, shut down Russian sales and closed stores. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express shut down global services in Russia… Boeing cut off support for Russian airlines and closed its offices in Moscow, while Delta ended its Russian code-sharing arrangement. FedEx and UPS shut services to Russia. Apple, Alphabet, Meta, and Microsoft all have taken significant action.[7] The Russian population, which is rich in food and energy supplies, likely will not suffer the energy and food shocks the West and the United States cut out for itself with sanctions, although Russians will be deprived of Netflix.

Moonofalabama predicted on day of the special military operation, "The U.S. is pushing its European 'allies' to commit economic suicide by sanctioning everything Russia. The U.S. should be more careful. It is one of the biggest buyers of Russian oil and its aircraft industry depends on titanium from Russia. Russia surely knows who is trying to hurt it the most and it surely knows how, and has the means to, hurt back."[8] Western sanctions against Russia were successful in speeding up an alternative global trading system for 70% of the world economies who continue trading with Russia.[9]

The United States Treasury seized Russian assets in the United States and refused to allow the Russian government to pay U.S. bond holders of Russian debt with dollars. The United States slapped over 9,600 sanctions against Russian officials, the state, companies, oligarchs and other entities, more restrictions against it than Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela and Myanmar combined. President Putin responded, “The calculation was to quickly undermine the financial and economic situation in our country, to provoke panic in the markets, the collapse of the banking system, and a large-scale shortage of goods in stores...We can say with confidence that this policy against Russia has failed - that the strategy of the economic blitzkrieg has failed...Moreover, the sanctions were not without consequences for the initiators themselves...I am referring to the growth of inflation and unemployment, the deterioration of economic performance in the United States and the countries of Europe, the decline in the standard of living of the Western peoples and the devaluation of their savings”.[10]

On op-ed in The Hill observed: Template:Quotebox-float Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev laid out a forecast for the post-Russia sanctions world which was already underway by June 2022:[11]

1- A number of global supply chains will collapse and a major logistical crisis could arise, including the collapse of foreign airlines that will be banned from flying over Russian airspace.

2- The energy crisis will deepen in countries that have imposed sanctions on Russian energy supplies, fossil fuel prices will continue to rise, and the development of the digital economy in the world will slow down.

3- There will be an international food crisis, leading to famine in some countries.

4 – A monetary and financial crisis is possible in some countries or groups of countries, combined with undermining of the stability of some national currencies, runaway inflation and the destruction of the legal system protecting private property.

5 – New regional military conflicts will arise where the situation has not been resolved peacefully for many years or where the important interests of major international players are ignored.

6 – Terrorists, who believe that the Western authorities’ attention is now distracted by the confrontation with Russia, will become more active.

7 – New epidemics will break out, caused by a lack of international cooperation on health and epidemiological issues or caused by the proven use of biological weapons.

8 – International institutions, which have not proved their effectiveness in resolving the situation in Ukraine, such as the Council of Europe, will lose their importance.

9 – New international alliances will be formed, based on Anglo-Saxon criteria that are pragmatic rather than ideological.

10 – As a result, a new security architecture is being created which recognises:

(a) the weakness of Western concepts of international relations such as “rules-based order” and other meaningless Western rubbish;

(b) the collapse of the idea of an America-centric world;

(c) the existence of internationally respected interests of those countries in sharp conflict with the Western world.

On June 20, 2022, it was reported that Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the number one supplier of crude oil to the world's largest economy, China.


American and European sanctions on Russian fertilizer exports killed global food production for the 2022 growing season.[12] Russian and Belarusian fertilizers account for 40% of potash-based fertilizers necessary for global food production. The sanctions took effect for the 2022 spring planting season in the northern hemispheres. The President of Senegal and Chairperson of the African Union. Macky Sall said, "Anti-Russia sanctions have made this situation worse and now we do not have access to grain from Russia, primarily to wheat. And, most importantly, we do not have access to fertilizer. The situation was bad and now it has become worse, creating a threat to food security in Africa.... We must work together to resolve these problems so that sanctions are lifted on food products, in particular, grain, and fertilizer.[13]

African Union members cannot buy fertilizers and grain because of the stranglehold America has on the international payment system through the SWIFT network of payments between international banks. An alternative payment system to by-pass the SWIFT network is being considered, lowering the demand for and value of dollars globally.

In a panic, the Joe Biden administration encouraged agricultural and shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer when faced with famine and mass starvation after imposing sanctions on Russia, Bloomberg News reported.[14]

Food shortages

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Multiple food processing plants were destroyed by fire in late 2021 and early 2022.[15]

On March 24, 2022 Biden claimed that economic sanctions on Russia were never meant to deter a Russian incursion into Ukraine while he prepared Americans and Western NATO bloc countries for the approaching food shortages.[16] The NATO alliance decided it is more important to follow the climate change agenda than it was to feed people.[17] The U.K and Germany proposed trying to avoid further conflict by generating more food.[18] The U.S. and Canada blocked the effort saying that maintaining the shift toward new renewable energy development is more important.

In Ukraine, as of the spring of 2022, there was almost no large-scale planting outside of areas under Russian control.

Delivering food to the world's poorest countries became much more difficult and costly.

On May 11, 2022 reports surfaced of NATO looting Ukrainian gran reserves.[19]

On June 23, 2022, Natural News released a full list of nearly 100 fires targeting food processing facilities in the United States since 2020. The list is presented in chronological order noting a sharp uptick in fires occurring in 2022.[20]

On July 6, 2022, Dutch police fired on Dutch farmers protesting environmental regulations attempting to shut down family farms.[21]

Energy shortages

Despite sanctions, Russia still met its OPEC production quota.

While the European Union’s decision to buy more liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States may seem to solve short-term supply energy problems on the continent, it also consolidates the EU’s fossil fuel energy infrastructure. At the same time, it weakens that of renewable energy, creates a leadership vacuum on addressing global climate change, and may well undermine how the EU implements its European Green Deal. The Kyiv region and everything east of the Dniepr River was more-or-less out of diesel as of April 2022. As was the agricultural center and west of the country where Russian forces did not advance. Russia bombed diesel storage facilities which runs not only military vehicles but tractors as well. Any new supplies would have to come from where it normally does, that is, Russia or Belarus.[22]

AFP reported on April 21, 2022 that Biden regime treasury secretary Janet Yellen told reporters a ban on Russian oil, gas, and coal could ultimately cause more harm than good.[23] This, after the Biden regime implemented such a ban, and threatened India and other countries with sanctions for not implementing such bans.[24] A European energy ban would raise global oil prices "and, counterintuitively, it could actually have very little negative impact on Russia, because although Russia might export less, its price it gets for its exports would go up."

On June 20, 2022 Germany announced it would fire up carbon producing coal burning electrical plants once again to compensate for the U.S.-mandated loss of Russian LGN and in order to charge the growing demand for electric vehicles which were supposed to reduce carbon emissions.[25]


On February 7, 2022 Michael Hudson, a research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, wrote: Template:Quotebox-float

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Druzhra pipeline

After being kicked out of the SWIFT payment network and the petrodollar system in which global crude oil contracts are valued in dollars, Putin announced all gas contracts with “unfriendly” countries must pay for Russian gas in rubles. Since all the large Russian banks are sanctioned, buyers in "unfriendly" countries must find smaller Russian banks to work with, meaning they won’t get the best rates, and there will be other transaction costs and inconveniences. Bloomberg News, The Wall Street Journal and many thinktanks said for decades that Russia's biggest problem was eighty to a hundred billion dollars a year leaking out of the country as the rich took their profits to London, Cyprus, or Switzerland. Sanctions ended those capital outflows, and recapitalized Russia’s banking system. All the new demand for Russian currency is expected to lift the ruble above where it was when sanctions hit, literally making Russia profit from sanctions.

By mid May 2022 seventeen countries in Europe, including Germany and Italy, agreed to open accounts with Gazprombank, as Russia advised them to do and to pay for oil and gas in rubles.

Not long after the U.S. convinced its European satellites to boycott Russian liquified natural gas (LNG) and buy it from the U.S. at a much higher price, a fire put a Texas plant, which processed LNG for export, offline.

Joe Biden, who on the day he seized power limited America's productive oil capacity, reversing America's role as the largest exporter of oil to a net importer again, announced America was at war and wrote to American oil companies on June 15, 2022 demanding they increase production: "At a time of war, refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable”.


In June 2022 it was reported that the United States had only 8 weeks of diesel fuel supply remaining.[26]


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Nazi propaganda from World War II depicting Russians as 'The Subhuman'.[27] Azov Battalion Commander Andriy Biletsky said "Ukraine's mission is to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against Semite-led Untermenschen."[28]

Under the sanctions, Western countries refuse to pay in dollars or euros for coal or uranium used to power electric plants in the West.

Neon gas

Russia controls 80% of the world's supply of neon gas, a vital component in the production of microchips.

Global impact


India, the world's second largest wheat producer, banned exports on May 13, 2022 in anticipation of the global economic food crisis created by NATO and the West with Russian sanctions and NATO and the West's tampering in Ukrainian's internal affairs.[29]

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka had been promoted by the WeForum since 2018 as one of their model countries for how ESG was going to work and be spectacular.[30] For a period, the article had been deleted off of the website of the WeForum.[31] It has since been restored.

Food riots erupted in Sri Lanka in April 2022. The government fell on April 4, 2022.[32] In May 2022 rioters burnt down the homes of 38 politicians to protest inflation and food shortages.[33]

On July 9, 2022 hungry protesters stormed the presidential palace.[34]


In March 2022 the Pakistani government fell into crisis as the Washington, D.C. establishment pressured it to take sides against Russia. Populist prime minister Imran Khan responded to 22 Western ambassadors asking him to condemn Russia: "What do you think of us? Are we your slaves...that whatever you say, we will do?"[35] On April 8, 2022 Khan was ousted by globalists.[36] Protests erupted in support of Khan and against the new puppet regime immediately.

After the change of leader, Pakistan sent air attacks against Afghanistan. Under Khan, they refused to give space to US forces for a new attack base against Afghanistan, whether the Taliban is in control or not.


On April 5, 2022 the leftist regime in Peru imposed a state of emergency after riots erupted over inflation and food shortages.[37]


Brazil nixed Biden's Russophobic efforts to boot Russia out of international forums.


Inflation rose 18% year-over-year in April 2022, electricity increased 119%, pipeline gas 237%, and rents 34%.

CCP global pandemic

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Impact on civil rights

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COVID-19 Coronavirus has impacted civil rights with respect to several issues, including the constitutional rights to assembly and travel.

The CDC attempted to prohibit gatherings of 50 or more people, which implicates the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble (including religious services, the impediment of which also constitutes a violation of freedom of religion).

Curfews, beginning as early as 8 p.m. in New Jersey, implicate that same right and also the right to travel.

Mandatory quarantines implicate multiple First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

Supply chains

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Stress related to the spread of the virus has led to panic-buying across the United States, as major grocery retailers had their shelves largely emptied of basic necessities, such as this Kroger in Columbus, Ohio, March 2020 (cr. Dan Keck).

President Donald Trump said that the coronavirus outbreak highlighted the importance of bringing back to the United States previously offshore supply chains for medicine and gear that are needed to fight the spread of the outbreak. Steps have already taken to mitigate the risk to public health because of the country's reliance on other countries for key medication and equipment. The outbreak showed the importance of bringing manufacturing back to America so that we can produce at home the medicines and equipment and everything needed to protect the public's health.

Rosemary Gibson, senior advisor at the Hastings Center, a bioethics research institute, said that the reliance on foreign countries for life-saving medicines made the United States vulnerable. Gibson provided details of the depletion of America's pharmaceutical industrial base. The US can no longer make penicillin; the last U.S. penicillin fermentation plant closed in 2004. Industry data reveal Chinese companies formed a cartel and colluded to sell the product on the global market a below market price and drove all US, European, and Indian producers out of business. Once they gained the dominant global market share, prices increased.

America's pharmaceutical supply chain is a devastating indictment of pre-Trump national security and public health policy. A nation heavily reliant on vital medicines and their ingredients from an increasingly hostile and secretive China is a devastating indictment of pre-Trump national security and public health policy.


A critical shortage of masks occurred within the first month. American hospitals were overly dependent on Chinese made medical supplies. Hospitals in the US were already having to ration their inventory amid one of the worst flu seasons in decades. Masks were only available in departments such as intensive care units, divisions involved with infection, prevention and emergency departments in some hospitals.

White House Manufacturing and Trade Advisor Peter Navarro advocated for a return to U.S. production of medical products as a matter of national security. In his first three years President Trump positioned the U.S. to withstand supply chain disruption better than most countries. Starting from a position that the U.S. was too dependent on Chinese products, Trump pressured companies to return to the U.S. or find alternate suppliers outside China. During the two-year tariff battle many companies did exactly that. As a result, those companies are less dependent on Chinese component goods. A proactive position is now helping many U.S. companies avoid the China economic meltdown.

Procter & Gamble warned that the company's 17,600 products use 9,000 materials that come from 387 factories / suppliers across China, and that all of them may be disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.[38]

Further reading

See also

See also


  1. Global Elites Announce ‘Great Reset’ Plan—And It’s Even More Radical Than the Green New Deal
  2. Now is the time for a 'great reset'
  3. World Leaders’ ‘Great Reset’ Plan for Global Economy Is the Green New Deal on Steroids
  4. Multiple references:
  5. The Great Reset, "TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work."
  30. Sri Lanka PM: This is how I will make my country rich by 2025
  31. With Country Facing Crisis, World Economic Forum Deletes Post on Making Sri Lanka 'Rich by 2025'