Search results
Create the page "Intitle:"marginatum"" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- * {{intitle|Marginata}} * {{intitle|Marginatum}}540 bytes (63 words) - 03:10, 11 January 2016
- |{{intitle|acaulis|acaulis}} - {{intitle|acaule|acaule}} |{{intitle|Africana|africana}} - {{intitle|Africanae|africanae}} -{{intitle|Africanum|africanum}}90 KB (10,464 words) - 22:33, 9 May 2016
- * ''[[Artanthe marginata]]'', a synonym for ''Piper marginatum'', the cake bush, Anesi wiwiri, marigold pepper, Ti Bombé in Creole or Hin * {{intitle|Marginata}}591 bytes (87 words) - 02:10, 11 January 2016