List of cities, towns, and villages in Louisiana

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The following is a complete list of incorporated cities, towns, CDPs and villages in Louisiana, arranged in alphabetical order.

Map of USA & Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Capital of Louisiana


dagger Parish Seat
Name Type Population (2010 US Census)
AbbevilleCounty seat city 12,257
Abita Springs town 2,365
Addis town 3,593
Albany village 1,088
AlexandriaCounty seat city 47,723
Ama CDP 1,316
Amelia CDP 2,459
Amite CityCounty seat town 4,141
Anacoco village 869
Angie village 251
Arabi CDP 3,635
Arcadia town 2,919
Arnaudville town 1,057
Ashland village 269
Athens village 249
Atlanta village 163
Avondale CDP 4,954
Baker city 13,895
Baldwin town 2,436
Ball town 4,000
Banks Springs CDP 1,192
Barataria CDP 1,109
Basile town 1,821
Baskin village 254
Bastrop city 11,365
Baton RougeCounty seat city 229,493
Bawcomville CDP 3,588
Bayou Blue CDP 12,352
Bayou Cane CDP 19,355
Bayou Country Club CDP 1,396
Bayou Gauche CDP 2,071
Bayou Goula CDP 612
Bayou L'Ourse CDP 1,978
Bayou Vista CDP 4,652
Belcher village 263
Belle Chasse CDP 12,679
Belle Rose CDP 1,902
Belmont CDP 361
Benton town 1,948
Bernice town 1,689
Berwick town 4,946
Bienville village 218
Blanchard town 2,899
Bogalusa city 12,232
Bonita village 284
Boothville CDP 854
Bordelonville CDP 525
Bossier City city 61,315
Bourg CDP 2,579
Boutte CDP 3,075
Boyce town 1,004
Branch CDP 388
Breaux Bridge city 8,139
Bridge City CDP 7,706
Broussard city 8,197
Brownfields CDP 5,401
Brownsville CDP 4,317
Brusly town 2,589
Bryceland village 108
Bunkie city 4,171
Buras CDP 945
Cade CDP 1,723
Calhoun CDP 679
Calvin village 238
Cameron CDP 406
Campti town 1,056
Cankton village 484
Carencro city 7,526
Carlyss CDP 4,670
Castor village 258
Catahoula CDP 1,094
Cecilia CDP 1,980
Center Point CDP 492
Central city 26,864
Chackbay CDP 5,177
Chalmette CDP 16,751
Charenton CDP 1,903
Chataignier village 364
Chatham town 557
Chauvin CDP 2,912
Cheneyville town 625
Choctaw CDP 879
Choudrant village 845
Church Point town 4,560
Claiborne CDP 11,507
Clarence village 499
Clarks village 1,017
Clayton town 711
Clinton town 1,653
ColfaxCounty seat town 1,558
Collinston village 287
Columbia town 390
Convent CDP 711
Converse village 440
Cotton Valley town 1,009
Cottonport town 2,006
Coushatta town 1,964
Covington city 8,765
Creola village 213
Crescent CDP 959
Crowley city 13,265
Cullen town 1,163
Cut Off CDP 5,976
Delcambre town 1,866
Delhi town 2,919
Delta village 284
Denham Springs city 10,215
DeQuincy city 3,235
DeRidder city 10,578
Des Allemands CDP 2,505
Destrehan CDP 11,535
Deville CDP 1,764
Dixie Inn village 273
Dodson village 337
Donaldsonville city 7,436
Downsville village 141
Doyline village 818
Dry Prong village 436
Dubach town 961
Dubberly village 273
Dulac CDP 1,463
Duson town 1,716
East Hodge village 289
Eastwood CDP 4,093
Eden Isle CDP 7,041
Edgard CDP 2,441
Edgefield village 218
Egan CDP 631
Elizabeth town 532
Elmwood CDP 4,635
Elton town 1,128
Empire CDP 993
Epps village 854
Erath town 2,114
Eros town 155
Erwinville CDP 2,192
Estelle CDP 16,377
Estherwood village 889
Eunice city 10,398
Evergreen town 310
Farmerville town 3,860
Fenton village 379
Ferriday town 3,511
Fifth Ward CDP 800
Fisher village 230
Florien village 633
Folsom village 716
Fordoche town 928
Forest village 355
Forest Hill village 818
Fort Jesup CDP 509
Fort Polk North CDP 2,864
Fort Polk South CDP 9,038
Franklin city 7,660
Franklinton town 3,857
French Settlement village 1,116
Frierson CDP 143
Galliano CDP 7,676
Gardere CDP 10,580
Garyville CDP 2,811
Georgetown village 327
Gibsland town 979
Gilbert village 521
Gilliam village 164
Gillis CDP 657
Glencoe CDP 211
Glenmora town 1,342
Gloster CDP 94
Golden Meadow town 2,101
Goldonna village 430
Gonzales city 9,781
Grambling city 4,949
Gramercy town 3,613
Grand Cane village 242
Grand Coteau town 947
Grand Isle town 1,296
Grand Point CDP 2,473
Gray CDP 5,584
Grayson village 532
Greensburg town 718
Greenwood town 3,219
Gretna city 17,736
Grosse Tete village 647
Gueydan town 1,398
Hackberry CDP 1,261
Hahnville CDP 3,344
Hall Summit village 300
Hammond city 20,019
Harahan city 9,277
Harrisonburg village 348
Harvey CDP 20,348
Haughton town 3,454
Hayes CDP 780
Haynesville town 2,327
Heflin village 244
Henderson town 1,674
Hessmer village 802
Hester CDP 498
Hodge village 470
Homer town 3,237
Hornbeck town 480
Hosston village 318
Houma city 33,727
Ida village 221
Independence town 1,665
Inniswold CDP 6,180
Iota town 1,500
Iowa town 2,996
Jackson town 3,842
Jamestown village 139
Jean Lafitte town 1,903
Jeanerette city 5,530
Jefferson CDP 11,193
Jena town 3,398
Jennings city 10,383
Jonesboro town 4,704
Jonesville town 2,265
Jordan Hill CDP 211
Joyce CDP 384
Junction City village 582
Kaplan city 4,600
Keachi town 295
Kenner city 66,702
Kentwood town 2,198
Kilbourne village 416
Killian town 1,206
Killona CDP 793
Kinder town 2,477
Kraemer CDP 934
Krotz Springs town 1,198
Labadieville CDP 1,854
Lacassine CDP 480
Lacombe CDP 8,679
Lafayette city 120,623
Lafitte CDP 972
Lafourche Crossing CDP 2,002
Lake Arthur town 2,738
Lake Charles city 71,993
Lake Providence town 3,991
Lakeshore CDP 1,930
Lakeview CDP 948
Laplace CDP 29,872
Larose CDP 7,400
Lawtell CDP 1,198
Lecompte town 1,227
Leesville city 6,612
Lemannville CDP 860
Leonville town 1,084
Lillie village 118
Lisbon village 185
Livingston town 1,769
Livonia town 1,442
Lockport town 2,578
Lockport Heights CDP 1,286
Logansport town 1,555
Longstreet village 157
Longville CDP 635
Loreauville village 887
Lucky village 272
Luling CDP 12,119
Lutcher town 3,559
Lydia CDP 952
Madisonville town 748
Mamou town 3,242
Mandeville city 11,560
Mangham town 672
Mansfield city 5,001
Mansura town 1,419
Many town 2,853
Maringouin town 1,098
Marion town 765
Marksville city 5,702
Marrero CDP 33,141
Martin village 594
Mathews CDP 2,209
Maurice village 964
McNary village 211
Melville town 1,041
Mer Rouge village 628
Meraux CDP 5,816
Mermentau village 661
Merrydale CDP 9,772
Merryville town 1,103
Metairie CDP 138,481
Midway CDP 1,291
Milton CDP 3,030
Minden city 13,082
Minorca CDP 2,317
Monroe city 48,815
Montegut CDP 1,540
Monterey CDP 439
Montgomery town 730
Monticello CDP 5,172
Montpelier village 266
Montz CDP 1,918
Moonshine CDP 194
Mooringsport town 793
Moreauville village 929
Morgan City city 12,404
Morganza village 610
Morse village 812
Moss Bluff CDP 11,557
Mound village 19
Mount Lebanon town 83
Napoleonville village 660
Natalbany CDP 2,984
Natchez village 597
Natchitoches city 18,323
New Iberia city 30,617
New Llano town 2,504
New Orleans city 343,829
New Roads city 4,831
New Sarpy CDP 1,464
Newellton town 1,187
Noble village 252
Norco CDP 3,074
North Hodge village 388
North Vacherie CDP 2,346
Norwood village 322
Oak Grove town 1,727
Oak Hills Place CDP 8,195
Oak Ridge village 144
Oakdale city 7,780
Oberlin town 1,770
Oil City town 1,008
Old Jefferson CDP 6,980
Olla town 1,385
Opelousas city 16,634
Oretta CDP 418
Ossun CDP 2,144
Paincourtville CDP 911
Palmetto village 164
Paradis CDP 1,298
Parks village 653
Patterson city 6,112
Paulina CDP 1,178
Pearl River town 2,506
Pierre Part CDP 3,169
Pine Prairie village 1,610
Pineville city 14,555
Pioneer village 156
Pitkin CDP 576
Plain Dealing town 1,015
Plaquemine city 7,119
Plaucheville village 248
Pleasant Hill village 723
Pleasure Bend CDP 250
Point Place CDP 400
Pointe a la Hache CDP 187
Pollock town 469
Ponchatoula city 6,559
Port Allen city 5,180
Port Barre town 2,055
Port Sulphur CDP 1,760
Port Vincent village 741
Powhatan village 135
Poydras CDP 2,351
Prairieville CDP 26,895
Presquille CDP 1,807
Prien CDP 7,810
Prospect CDP 476
Provencal village 611
Quitman village 181
Raceland CDP 10,193
Rayne city 7,953
Rayville town 3,695
Red Chute CDP 6,261
Reddell CDP 733
Reeves village 232
Reserve CDP 9,766
Richmond village 577
Richwood town 3,392
Ridgecrest town 694
Ringgold town 1,495
River Ridge CDP 13,494
Roanoke CDP 546
Robeline village 174
Rock Hill CDP 274
Rodessa village 270
Romeville CDP 130
Rosedale village 793
Roseland town 1,123
Rosepine town 1,692
RustonCounty seat city 21,859
Saline village 277
Sarepta town 891
Schriever CDP 6,853
Scott city 8,614
Shenandoah CDP 18,399
Shongaloo village 182
Shreveport city 199,311
Sibley town 1,218
Sicily Island village 526
Sikes village 119
Simmesport town 2,161
Simpson village 638
Simsboro village 841
Singer CDP 287
Siracusaville CDP 422
Slaughter town 997
Slidell city 27,068
Sorrel CDP 766
Sorrento town 1,401
South Mansfield village 346
South Vacherie CDP 3,642
Spearsville village 137
Spokane CDP 442
Springfield town 487
Springhill city 5,269
St. Francisville town 1,765
St. Gabriel city 6,677
St. James CDP 828
St. Joseph town 1,176
St. Martinville city 6,114
St. Maurice CDP 323
St. Rose CDP 8,122
Stanley village 107
Starks CDP 664
Start CDP 905
Sterlington town 1,594
Stonewall town 1,814
Sugartown CDP 54
Sulphur city 20,410
Sun village 470
Sunset town 2,897
Supreme CDP 1,052
Swartz CDP 4,536
Taft CDP 63
Tallulah city 7,335
Tangipahoa village 748
Terrytown CDP 23,319
Thibodaux city 14,566
Tickfaw village 694
Timberlane CDP 10,243
Triumph CDP 216
Tullos town 385
Turkey Creek village 441
Union CDP 892
Urania town 1,313
Varnado village 1,461
Venice CDP 202
Ventress CDP 890
Vidalia city 4,299
Vienna town 386
Vienna Bend CDP 1,251
Village St. George CDP 7,104
Ville Platte city 7,430
Vinton town 3,212
Violet CDP 4,973
Vivian town 3,671
Waggaman CDP 10,015
Walker city 6,138
Wallace CDP 671
Wallace Ridge CDP 710
Washington town 964
Waterproof town 688
Watson CDP 1,047
Welcome CDP 800
Welsh town 3,226
West Monroe city 13,065
Westlake city 4,568
Westminster CDP 3,008
Westwego city 8,534
White Castle town 1,883
Wilson village 595
Winnfield city 4,840
Winnsboro city 4,910
Wisner town 964
Woodmere CDP 12,080
Woodworth town 1,096
Youngsville city 8,105
Zachary city 14,960
Zwolle town 1,759

Census-designated places

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As of the 2010 census, there were 169 census-designated places in Louisiana.

Unincorporated communities

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See link above.

See also