Transgender youth

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See Rapid Onset Gender Disorder

Children and young people are being targetted by the LGBT movement to become transgender. They are in great danger of being led into taking cross-sex hormones and having so-called "sex re-assignment" surgery, all of which is very dangerous. LGBT ideology offers children the myth that you can be "born in the wrong body" which is completely without any scientific foundation, and is sheer nonsense.

Nobody can change sex. The only outcome of "sex-reassignment treatment" is to turn a healthy individual into an unhealthy, sterile eunuch, incapable of any sexual activity and eventually incapable of having children. Boys are subjected to castration, and removal of the penis, while girls are subjected to mastectomy, phalloplasty and often removal of the uterus as well.

Some people die as a result of these treatments. Others suffer terribly. LGBT activists disseminate a myth that if gender dysphoria is not affirmed the sufferer will commit suicide. However research established that people are more likely to attempt suicide after transitioning treatment than before.[1]

Children are far more likely to adopt a "transgender" identity if brought up by homosexual or transgender parents. Some homosexual parents say their children are "transitioning" at five years old and this is clearly the result of parental suggestion and environment. In the UK a couple named Rogers, consisting of two women one of whom "transitioned" to identify as male, have announced that their 5-year-old son is "transitioning" to a girl and will in due course be given hormones and castrated. [2] Sex-change hormones given to children have permanent consequences, and critics question the ability of a young child to make such a dramatic and life-altering decision.

In 2016, the American College of Pediatrics released a statement warning that puberty blockers put children at a higher risk for "cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, diabetes, and cancer," in addition to making them unable "to conceive any genetically related children even via artificial reproductive technology." In fact the ACP classified this treatment as "child abuse". [3] [4]

Full Statement from American College of Pediatrics 2016

1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of health – not genetic markers of a disorder.

2. No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one.

3. A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such.

4. Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous. Reversible or not, puberty-blocking hormones induce a state of disease – the absence of puberty – and inhibit growth and fertility in a previously biologically healthy child.

5. According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.

6. Children who use puberty blockers to impersonate the opposite sex will require cross-sex hormones in late adolescence. Cross-sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are associated with dangerous health risks including but not limited to high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke and cancer.

7. Rates of suicide are twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBQT – affirming countries.

8. Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.

The policy statement was authored by President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Michelle A. Cretella, Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Quentin Van Meter and Johns Hopkins Medical School Psychology Professor Dr. Paul McHugh.

McHugh, who once served as Johns Hopkins’ head psychiatrist, penned an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal in 2014, proclaiming that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” and calling sex change a “medical impossibility.” [5] [6]

Harm Done By Cross-Sex Hormones

A major component of physical transition is taking artificial hormones, wrongly called "therapy. Cosmetic surgery is also resorted to. This is extremely dangerous, has many side-effects, and sometimes kills the person or shortens their life dramatically. Research shows that men taking female hormones have an increased risk of multiple sclerosis, cancer and cardiovascular disease, a lowered IQ, and issues of skeletal deterioration.

"For biological males to take female hormones, such as estrogen, or biological females to take a male hormone, such as testosterone, is not without considerable health risk... Males taking female hormones are at high risk for blood clots, which may be fatal if lodged in the lungs. They are also at increased risk for breast cancer, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, gallstones, and high levels of the lactation hormone prolactin. Females taking male hormones are at high risk for erythrocytosis (having a higher than normal number of red blood cells). They are also at increased risk for severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension and breast or uterine cancer. Furthermore, the use of puberty-blocking drugs in adolescents has been associated with incomplete mineralization of bone, meaning these children may be at future risk for osteoporosis. There is very little information on the use of these blockers on brain development, but the studies we do have show potential for cognitive impairment." [7]

Jazz Jennings

A boy in Florida whose parents allowed him to have sex-re-assignment and pass as a "girl". He was made into a mascot and poster-boy for the transgender agenda, and used for shameless publicity and commercial promotion of the drugs and surgery, all of which are extremely profitable for the unscrupulous pseudo-medical practitioners who provide them. He even got his own TV show, and became a "teen idol" telling people there was something glamorous about being castrated, and repeating slogans about "embracing one’s true self". Jazz is now a eunuch. He can never experience sexual pleasure or have children.

Even when the castration (called "bottom surgery") was carried out, there were complications. Doctors were supposed to construct an orifice but there wasn’t enough flesh and skin to work with owing to Jazz’s early consumption of puberty blockers, which stunted genitalia formation. He still had the penis of a small boy. So they had to cut him open and take tissue from his intestines. The resulting orifice is numb, without feeling or sexual function, and has to be dilated every day with an implement to stop it from growing together, which is what the natural healing process does to any wound.


Jazz Jennings suffering excruciating pain after voluntary castration. His surgery is not reversible.

After this horrific operation Jazz suffered relapse and extreme pain because "complications" arose. He needs further surgery. He was shown on TV suffering excruciating agony.[8]

Jazz Jennings Twitter .jpg

Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria previously called gender disorder, the condition of being unhappy with your sex or deluded that you are really the opposite sex, is a mental illness. It has been shown to be caused by suggestion, contagion, exposure to propaganda and environmental factors. Children with homosexual or transgender parents are more likely to develop gender dysphoria and a high percentage of people diagnosed with it are later found to be autistic.

There is also emerging research revealing a link between gender dysphoria and child sex abuse. See Teena Brandon.

While gender dysphoria is rare, the number of people being diagnosed with the condition is increasing, owing to LGBT propaganda in the mainstream media and schools. See ROGD

Gender dysphoria should never be treated with sex re-assignment. Doctors who tell children to have sex-reassignment are charlatans and are behaving unprofessionally. There are many cases of people who recover from this mental illness and regret having pseudo-medical "treatment".

Patrick Mitchell

Australian boy who decided aged 12 to "transition" into a girl but two years later changed his mind.

Patrick trans boy IMAGE.jpg

At 12 years old, Patrick Mitchell was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by doctors who were more interested in LGBT ideology than patient welfare. They told his mother that to affirm his delusion was "supportive" and offered him hormonal treatment claiming he could turn into a girl (which is false). His mother followed this "professional" advice and Patrick began to take female hormones. These have to be injected and they caused his body to grow breasts. He let his hair grow long. But two years later, Patrick had a change of heart. At the beginning of 2017, teachers at school began to refer to him as a girl which triggered Mitchell to question if he had made the right decision.

“I began to realise I was actually comfortable in my body. Every day I just felt better,” he says. He confided in his mother and explained that he wanted to transition back into a boy.

“He looked me in the eye and said ‘I'm just not sure that I am a girl’”, his mother explained. Luckily, he had not yet been castrated, which is of course irreversible. The side-effects of puberty-blockers are not fully researched but may not be fully reversible either. He stopped taking female hormones and had to undergo an operation to remove excess breast tissue. [9]

Such cases highlight the wrongfulness of laws or education that enforce "affirmation" of gender disorder, even placing penalties on parents who resist.

"Paul" USA de-transitioner

Paul [not his real name] is an autistic man who was persuaded to start "transition" when he was 23 and have surgery five years later. As a teenager Paul worried about having “girlish” interests. He learned about transgenderism from an article in his student newspaper, and thought it was the solution. At first he never intended sex change, but merely to change his gender-identity.

A community health clinic in San Francisco, a very LGBT-saturated area, prescribed him with female hormones on his first visit, giving very little information on the risks and potential side effects. He was told “not to worry” whenever he expressed concern about drugs or long-term side effects.

After five years, during which time he did have side-effects, Paul asked the doctor for an alternative. The doctor suggested orchiectomy, complete removal of the testicles, which he was told would mean he no longer had to take hormones.

“On the day of surgery, I was surprised at how it was suddenly unfolding into something larger than I expected. I tried to stop them, but I was then anesthetized. After surgery, I went into shock at how thoroughly I’d been altered in both appearance and function,” Paul says. “I was a sex addict, and sex was now disrupted. I also now found myself in a constant, low level of groin pain. A year later, the bleeding began. I was told to wait it out, see a specialist, and not to get a lawyer.”

After a painful recovery, Paul was told that, despite having been told otherwise before surgery, he couldn’t actually stop hormone treatment. He confronted his doctor, whom Paul says admitted to lying, claiming “rules were broken for his benefit, to increase access to care.”

Paul quit the hormones anyway and his detransition took place over the next three years, but not easily: “I became sick and suicidal. The groin pain increased sharply, and my mirror reflection changed. I attempted suicide, and I then began reaching out for help. I saw several therapists. I quit wearing women’s clothes, and I began changing my name and ID docs.”

When asked what Paul’s biggest worries are during his detransition, he says: “I feel and look awful. What pains and horrors await me in middle age? Will I live to old age? I seem to be either a de-sexed monstrosity, or I’m a damaged, mutilated male. I’ve been alone a long time. I’ve been forced into celibacy. I yearn for mere conversation and cuddling.”

Paul learned that he falls on the autism spectrum. His advice now to children looking to transition is “Don’t.”[10]

Taylor, American de-transitioner

Taylor, a student, began transitioning from male to "female" at the age of 23. “All it took was self-declaration. The first thing I did was change my name,” Taylor said. “I wore makeup and committed to growing my hair out and wore more feminine clothing. All of the changes were superficial and followed pretty basic stereotypes of how women appear to the male gaze.”

After a year of living with a feminine name and pronouns, Taylor began hormone therapy. His choice to transition seemed obvious to him: “I wanted to be a woman. Badly. My mental health was very poor at the time and I was very much socially isolated. I felt I could either try living as a woman or else I wanted to kill myself.”

Not finding satisfaction in his new identity, Taylor began the detransition process after a year, quitting hormones and reverting back to a masculine expression of self. He described to me his disappointment in the system.

“I wish I had been challenged by a doctor,” he says. “I went to an endocrinologist, who gave me a prescription on the first visit, before my blood work results even came back. ‘It’ll be fine, congratulations!’ was his attitude. The doctor should’ve challenged me.”

Taylor’s advice to those questioning themselves is ominous: “Our physical bodies, with genitalia and chromosomes, exist in reality, and part of having a body is hating your body. You are taught to hate your body no matter who you are, male or female, and you are falling for it.” [11]

Propaganda Aimed at young People

There is now a plethora of books, YouTube videos, podcasts and websites encouraging children and teenagers to become transgender. They are urged to demand cross-sex hormones and surgery, never warned about the dangers and harm. The whole topic is presented in terms of advertising and promotion, avoiding the ugly facts.

This sort of propaganda is even being included in school curriculums.

One of many dangerous books on the market is the so-called "Trans Teen Survival Guide" by two transgenders called "Fox" Fisher and Owl Fisher. It encourages children unhappy about their gender role to seek the advice only of those adults who will "affirm" them, and not listen to any others. [12]

Official Warning from Scottish Council on Human Bioethics

In February 2019 the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics issued an official warning about giving gender re-assignment treatment to children or young people. It pointed out that the often-repeated claim of transgender activists about children or adults committing suicide if treatment is denied or postponed is false. The opposite is true. Those who have had gender re-assignment are statistically more likely to commit suicide. They are often deeply depressed and experience many negative side-effects from the drugs and surgery.

"Scottish ethics experts have warned that people who go through irreversible gender reassignment surgery could be at greater risk of suicide in later life.

As ministers consider steps to make it easier for children and adults to change gender, the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics (SCHB) said it is concerned about a study of 300 people from Sweden who completed biological sex reassignment surgery over 50 years.

The 2014 research concluded that the procedure can lead to psychiatric problems and poor socialising, and that there were higher risks of mortality, suicidal behaviour and psychiatric morbidity.

In a submission to the Scottish government, the SCHB — an independent group of doctors, lawyers, scientists and others associated with medical ethics — noted the research found a link between reassignment surgery and increased suicide risk later.

The group said the study did not prove the operation was to blame, but noted “a significant minority” of transsexuals express regret after irreversible surgery, and that some revert to living in their original sex.

Three patients in Belgium who had biological sex reassignment asked later for their lives to end through euthanasia as a result of “unbearable mental or physical suffering”, the SCHB warns ministers.

A 44-year-old transsexual identified as a girl at birth was given voluntary euthanasia in Belgium after failed sex-change operations resulted in permanent depression.

Much of the research by the SCHB has centred on gender dysphoria, where a person experiences distress because of a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity.

Dr Calum MacKellar, the SCHB’s director of research, urged the Scottish government to avoid changing the Gender Recognition Act without more research.

“Irreversible gender reassignment surgery should take place only after the person seeking to undergo it has had an extensive and appropriate psychological assessment followed by counselling. It is only when the person is fully informed of all the advantages and risks that he or she can fully give informed consent,” said MacKellar.

“Those affected by gender dysphoria should not become victims of political agendas.”"[13]

Warning from UK Medical Professionals

In a letter to the British Medical Journal on 11 February 2019, Professor Susan Bewley, Professor Emeritus Obstetrics & Women's Health at King's College University of London Department of Women's & Childrens Health, criticized "confusing, inaccurate ideological concepts such as “assigned gender” (2,3)". When patients have gender disorder, "it is neither mandatory to affirm their beliefs nor automatic that transition is the goal, particularly when dealing with children, adolescents and young adults. These risk closing the ‘open future’, as well as life-long physical problems including lack of sexual function, infertility and medical dependency. With 85% desistance amongst referred transgender children (8) and increasing awareness of detransitioning (9, 10), unquestioning ‘affirmation’ as a pathway that leads gender dysphoric patients to irreversible interventions cannot be considered sole or best practice." The letter was co-signed by doctors Margaret McCartney, Lucy Griffin, and Richard Byng. [14]

Deliberate Policy of Suicide Threat Recommended

Wallace Wong a doctor who runs a lucrative practice in gender transitioning in Vancouver, Canada, advised parents who wanted their children referred to him to claim the child had attempted suicide, and admitted that using threats of suicide to get what they want is a ploy that many transgender people use purposely. "Wong also had some startling advice for a parent seeking to get a child referred to his program. Although the questioner had not indicated any particular urgency, Wong explained that parents should exaggerate the severity of their child’s condition to their local health offices. Wong said a suicide threat was an effective means of accomplishing this goal. “So what you need is, you know what? Pull a stunt. Suicide, every time, [then] they will give you what you need,” Wong said, adding that gender-dysphoric kids “learn that. They learn it very fast.” [15]


  8. Taylor Fogarty
  10. Taylor Fogarty
  11. Taylor Fogarty