Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
"Ihr Kinderlein, kommet" ("Oh, come, little children") is a German Christmas carol.
The lyrics were written by Catholic priest and writer Christoph von Schmid in 1798. His poem "Die Kinder bei der Krippe" (The children at the manger) had originally eight verses and was first published in 1811. Schmid then included it in his 1818 collection Blüten dem blühenden Alter gewidmet (Flowers dedicated to the flowering age). Together with other poems from this collection, it was then set to music by Franz Xaver Luft in 1837.
The music to the poem as it is known today was written by the composer Johann Abraham Peter Schulz in 1790 as a secular song named "Wie reizend, wie wonnig" (How charming, how pleasant). Around 1832, this melody was first published with Schmid's poem in a collection Sechzig deutsche Lieder für dreißig Pfennig (Sixty German songs for thirty pennies) by de (1807–1886). This collection was later printed in large numbers by the just founded (1835) C. Bertelsmann Verlag.
Melody and lyrics
<score vorbis="1">\relative a' { \key d \major \time 2/4 \partial 8 \autoBeamOff a8 a4 fis8 a a4 fis8 a g4 e8 g fis4 r8 \bar "" \break a8 a4 fis8 a a4 fis8 a g4 e8 g fis4 r8 \bar "" \break fis e4 e8 e g4 g8 g fis4 fis8 fis b4 r8 \bar "" \break b a4 a8 a8 d4 a8 fis g4 e8 cis d4. \bar "|." } \addlyrics {Ihr Kin -- der -- lein, kom -- met, o kom -- met doch all! Zur Krip -- pe her kom -- met in Beth -- le -- hems Stall und seht, was in die -- ser hoch -- hei -- li -- gen Nacht der Va -- ter im Him -- mel für Freu -- de uns macht! }</score>
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet, o kommet doch all! |
Oh, come, little children, oh, come, one and all, |
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External links
- Lyrics and melody (MIDI) at the Cyber Hymnal